School of Education Program & Course Recommendation Process

1. All courses must be presented in the standard TCNJ course outline format.

2. In addition to the TCNJ course outline requirements put forward by Academic Affairs, all syllabi must also contain the following School of Education requirements:

a. Conceptual framework

i. If there is a CAEP assessment for this course, it must be noted on the syllabus.

b. Standards for Professional Associations (if applicable)

c. Middle States Standards statement

d. Reference to Common Core Standards (if applicable)

e. Articulated links between course goals, objectives and assessments

*3. Initial recommendation to take place at the departmental level, including a department vote on the approval, with vote outcome reflected in department minutes. The minutes from this meeting should be included with any submission to the Curriculum Committee.

*4. School of Education Curriculum Committee reviews proposals submitted after Departmental approval. Submissions to the Curriculum Committee should include a cover page specifying the date and outcome of department vote on proposal. Recommended proposalsare then forwarded to the Dean for review.

*5. Dean may approve proposals which have both Departmental and Curriculum Committee approval.

6. Courses will be forwarded by the Dean to the next appropriate step based on college governance.

7. The Dean's office will inform Records and Registration of the new course.

8. All submissions must address the following issues and will be approved on the basis


a. apparent academic need, appropriateness and rigor;

b. available resources, including anticipated field components and supervision;

c. overall impact of the proposed course or program on projected enrollment available (i.e. will the new elective course likely result in under-enrollment of other electives causing them to be dropped?).

*Any course denied approval at any point in the process will be returned to the submitter with feedback based on the above criteria.