School Name: Shiloh Point Elementary
Due 1/12/18 to Support Director
/Step 1: Review 16-17 School Imp. Plan Reflection
Step 2: Executive Summary
Step 3: School Improvement Plan
___ CCPRI Goal
___ Academic/Instructional Goal
___ Climate Goal
/ Step 4: Continuous, Job-Embedded Prof. Learning Plan
Step 5 (End of the Year): 17-18 School Imp. Plan Reflection
Step 6: Data Team Reflection
2018 Executive Summary
Continuous Improvement Goals / Learner Profile
(Check all that apply) / Support from FCS Depts.*
(List all that apply)
Increase the mean SGP for SPES. / x
x / Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively / Student Support Services
Teaching and Learning
Academic / Instructional Goal
SPES’s academic/instructional goal will focus on improving writing instruction specifically in the area of narrative writing. / X
X / Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively / Teaching and Learning
Climate Goal
Part 1: SPES will focus on improving school climate by supporting the social/emotional health of students specifically in the areas of Self-Awareness and Self-Management (CASEL).
Part 2: Shiloh Point will remain focused on building a culture of learning by deepening meaningful relationships amongst staff and by being accountable to their own and student growth. / x
x / Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively / Human Resources
Teaching and Learning
* FCS Departments: Educational Leadership, Facilities, Finance, Food & Nutrition Services, Human Resources, Operations, Public Information & Communications, Special Education, Student Support Services, Superintendent, Teaching & Learning, Technology & Information Services, and Transportation
2018 School Improvement Plan
Increase the mean SGP for SPES.
Increase the mean SGP for SPES from 52.3 to 53.86
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
Conduct Fall, Winter, and Spring Universal Screening for all K-2 students and identified 3-5 students; review screening data and create RTI groups based on student skill deficits / If students are target screened to determine specific skill deficits, then appropriate intervention programs will be implemented to meet student needs. / August 2017
January 2018
May 2018 / Universal Screening Team
Classroom Teachers
EIP Teachers
Instructional Coach
Administer monthly and bimonthly progress monitoring; review data and analyze student response to interventions; make decisions about Tier movement / If students are progressed monitored regularly, then response to interventions will be measured and adjustments will be made based on data. / September 2017-May 2018 / EIP teacher (progress monitor)
Classroom Teachers
Instructional Coach
Implement school wide RTI time (4 days a week; 40 mins) / If a school wide RTI time is implemented, then we will maximize our support staff ensuring our intervention groups will have 8-10 students. / September 2017-May 2018 / Change for Better Team
Intervention Specialists
Create a team of intervention specialists trained in research-based Tier 2 and Tier 3 Programs / If intervention specialists are properly trained in research-based programs, then we will ensure programs are implemented with fidelity and students are receiving the intervention needed to make growth. / August 2017 / Intervention Specialists (Support Staff, Instructional Assistants, Special Education teachers)
Instructional Coaches
Implement research-based Tier 2 and Tier 3 programs with fidelity / If students are receiving a research-based program with fidelity, then students will be supported and skills deficits will be met. / September 2017-May 2018 / Administration
School Psychologist
Instructional Coaches
EIP teachers
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
We will be utilizing FastBridge Progress Monitoring and Universal Screening to monitor student growth
Academic / Instructional Goal:
SPES’s academic/instructional goal will focus on improving writing instruction specifically in the area of narrative writing.
By the end of the 2017-18 school year, students will improve performance on the narrative writing subtest of ELA Georgia Milestones Assessment administered in April 2018. Specific grade level goals include:
●3rd grade will increase the average percent correct on the narrative writing subtest from 48.6% to 50.06% as measured by the 2018 ELA Georgia Milestones Assessment
●4th grade will increase the average percent correct on the narrative writing subtest from 51.3% to 52.84% as measured by the 2018 ELA Georgia Milestones Assessment
●5th grade will increase the average percent correct on the narrative writing subtest from 41.9% to 43.16% as measured by the 2018 ELA Georgia Milestones Assessment
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
○Monthly professional learning sessions will focus on writing instructional and formative assessment strategies - Using the resource: Writing Strategy Book (Jennifer Serravallo) / ○If teachers participate in professional learning, then they will improve their instructional practices and students will achieve higher growth across academic areas. / ○Monthly beginning Sept. 6, 2017 - May 16, 2018 / ○A copy of The Writing Strategy Book by Jennifer Serravallo provided to each teacher
○Professional learning will be provided by SPES academic coaches
○All K-5 students will be given a pre- and post writing assessment with a common topic
○Grade levels will use common formative writing assessments to analyze student writing through the data team process
○As part of the data team process, Instructional Leaders will lead Writing PLCs at the grade level (during common planning) at least once a month using PLC Consultancy Protocol. (All ILs will receive training on the protocol) / ○If every team participates in an ongoing process of identifying the current level of student achievement, then teams can establish goals to improve the current level and work together to achieve those goals.
○If teachers use a variety of formative assessment strategies to check for understanding and identify misconceptions interfering with learning, then teachers will be able to plan appropriate instruction to meet student needs
○If teachers work collaboratively through the data team process to monitor student progress, then they will have specific student data to better inform instructional planning and differentiate.
○If teachers participate in PLCs and work through a process of intensive reflection upon instructional practices and desired student benchmarks then they will be effectively monitoring student outcomes to ensure student success. If teachers use the consultancy protocol, they will have a systematic process to work together to analyze and improve their classroom practice. / ○Pre-assessment administered in August 2017
○Post-assessment administered in May 2018
○Data team mtgs. will be held monthly to analyze common writing formatives (consultancy protocol used during data teams)
○Monthly from August 2016-May 2017 / ○Common pre-assessment topic created by Instructional Leadership team and shared at grade level meetings
○Classroom teachers responsible for administering the pre- and post- assessment
○Grade levels will create formative assessments for writing to use during data teams
○PLC school leaders will train staff on Consultancy Protocol
○IL will lead data team mtgs. utilizing the consultancy protocol
○Student writing conferences will be implemented
○Students will use learning targets, rubric/checklist, and mastery criteria to self-assess, set goals, and monitor writing progress / ○If teachers provide feedback, then students will better understand where they are in relation to the learning target and take next steps to improve their work. Feedback supports cognition; it helps students realize which knowledge and skills are strong and which are weak.
○If students monitor their current level of mastery and understanding, then he/she will be able to self-regulate (set personal goals) their path toward the learning target. / ○Monthly from August 2016-May 2017
○August 2016-May 2017 / ○Classroom teachers are responsible for implementing writing conferences as needed throughout the writing process
○Classroom teachers/grade level teams are responsible for creating checklists and using learning targets and mastery criteria to guide students in self-assessing and setting goals to monitor progress
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
We will monitor SMART Goal progress throughout the year through data teams.
Climate Goal:
Part 1: SPES will continue to focus on improving school climate by supporting the social/emotional health of students specifically in the areas of Self-Awareness and Self-Management (CASEL). Research indicates that Social/Emotional Health of students increases student achievement.
Part 2: Shiloh Point will remain focused on building a culture of learning by deepening meaningful relationships amongst staff and by being accountable to their own and student growth.
Part 1: On the Student Health Survey 2.0, Question #8 (Students in my class behave so teachers can teach) will increase from 2.83 to 3.0.
Part 2: On the Personnel Health Survey 2.0, Question #3 (I feel like I am important part of our school) will decrease from 1.41 to 1.25.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
Part 1: On the Student Health Survey 2.0, Question #8 (Students in my class behave so teachers can teach) will increase from 2.83 to 3.0.
Establish “mindset of the month” with 7 Mindsets curriculum to give students and staff a direct focus / If teachers have access to character ed curriculum and implement within the classroom with structure as well as “Just in Time” learning based on needs of students, then students will make progress in the 2 specific areas that we are working towards. / August 2017-May 2018 / Counselors
Cultural Leadership Team
Implementation of Classroom Meetings / If teachers spend class time developing meaningful relationships with students and discuss “Just in Time” situations with students about cross-disciplinary skill development and social skills, then students will make progress in the 2 specific areas that we are working towards. / August 2017-May 2018 / Counselors
Cultural Leadership Team
Full implementation of student-led conferences / If students own their learning, then they are able to explain their learning goals and objectives to parents during fall conferences. / Fall Conferences / Instructional Leadership Team
(Led by Donna Price)
Implement Research-Based Behavioral Interventions for students in Tier 2 and/or Tier 3 / If students are provided with a research-based intervention (i.e. Stop and Think), then students will make progress in their self-management as well as their decision making skills. / September 2017-May 2018 / Student Support Team (interventions)
Donna Price (Tier 2 Coordinator)
Laurie Rogowksi (administrator)
Implement school-wide interest-based Connections groups to support the development of adult/student and student/student relationships around a common interest. / If students and staff make meaningful connections around common interests, then students will become more engaged in their school experience. / September 2017-March 2018 / Cindy Smith (MC)
Part 2: On the Personnel Health Survey 2.0, Question #3 (I feel like I am important part of our school) will decrease from 1.41 to 1.25.
Fully develop and implement Cares, Concerns, and Connections team to lead opportunities for staff and community connections. / If staff members engage in the local school community, then they will connect and form relationships at deeper levels to support higher levels of collaboration and further a sense of purpose and belonging. / August 2017-May 2018 / Led by CCC team
All staff members participate in a PLC with a similar professional growth goal that concentrates on their own growth as well as how that growth directly impacts student growth (academic and social/emotional) / If staff members join PLC’s with targeted individual goals, then staff and student growth will occur in targeted areas. / August 2017-May 2018 / Instructional Coaches/Admin
Implement school wide interest-based connections groups to support the development of adult/student and student/student relationships around a common interest. / If students and staff make meaningful connections around common interests, then students will become more engaged in their school experience. / September 2017-March 2018 / Cindy Smith (MC)
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Part 1: Progress monitoring for students with Behavior Interventions in Tier 2/Tier 3 will be monitored throughout year. SPES Cultural Leadership Team will be researching ways to utilize pre-post/assessment for CASEL competencies on a smaller scale to determine how to assess progress in targeted competencies.
Part 2: Because the survey is an annual survey, we will not be able to progress monitor throughout the year. Our implementation of our PLC meeting times to allow teachers time to reflect and implement the consultancy protocol and then support staff by making connections for them at each meeting by talking through direct successes of students that we have accomplished as a result of their work.
Continuous, Job-Embedded Professional Learning Plan
Professional Learning Goal(s):
Through the establishment of professional learning communities and continued professional learning opportunities, teachers and support staff will become rooted in research-based, instructional practices that support student growth and achievement.
Timeline: Dates and Times
(Add/modify as needed; however, there is no need to total contact hours.) / Professional Learning Actions, Strategies and Interventions / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):
July 27-August 2nd
Pre-Planning / Community-building Activities – Rooted
CASEL/7 Mindsets Training
TKES Orientation and Pre-Conference / If teachers become rooted in instructional practices that are research-based, best practices, then students will achieve higher growth. / Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
Utilize Creative and Critical Thinking
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively
August 7-31
TKES Goal Setting / Setting Professional Goals
Teachers meet individually with academic coach to set personal PL goal; Teachers meet with admin to review/discuss PL goal and action steps / If teachers select a personal, professional learning goal, then they will be working to improve on a personal area of instructional practice and students will achieve higher growth. / Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
Utilize Creative and Critical Thinking
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively
August 9, 16, 23
Professional Learning Wednesdays / Rooted in Best Instructional Practices - Topics: FastBridge, MTSS/RTI, School City / If teachers participate in professional learning, then they will improve their instructional practices and students will achieve higher growth across academic areas. / Pursue Continuous Learning
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively
August 28
Faculty Meeting Prof. Dev. / Professional Learning Communities: Launch PLCs and model Consultancy Protocol; PLCs determined by professional learning goal - teachers with similar goals have been grouped together / If the school ensures that all teachers belong to a PLC and learn to use the consultancy protocol, then the PLC team will focus on student learning. If teachers use the consultancy protocol, they will have a systematic process to work together to analyze and improve their classroom practice. / Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
Utilize Creative and Critical Thinking
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively
August 30
Early Release/Prof. Dev. (District) / Data teams / If teachers participate in the data team process, then they learn to judge their effectiveness on the basis of results and will readily work together to improve student achievement. If every team participates in an ongoing process of identifying the current level of student achievement, then teams can establish goals to improve the current level and work together to achieve those goals. / Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
Utilize Creative and Critical Thinking
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively
September 6, 13, 20
Professional Learning Wednesdays / Rooted in Best Instructional Practices - Topics: Narrative Writing Instructional Strategies - Using Writing Strategy Book (Serravallo) as a resource; model balanced writing components, Number Talk refresher / If teachers participate in professional learning, then they will improve their instructional practices and students will achieve higher growth in the area of writing and math. / Pursue Continuous Learning
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively
September 18
Faculty Meeting Prof. Dev. / Professional Learning Communities: Review Consultancy Protocol; PLCs use protocol to support team members / If teachers work in teams utilizing the consultancy protocol, they will effectively engage in an ongoing cycle of questions that promote deep team learning. This process, in turn, leads to higher levels of student achievement. / Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
Utilize Creative and Critical Thinking
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively
October 4, 11, 25
Professional Learning Wednesdays / Rooted in Best Instructional Practices - Topics: SIOP w/ M. Slaton, Constructivist Approach w/ B. Lack, Student Ownership Instructional Design / If teachers become rooted in and utilize a variety of research-based instructional strategies, then teachers will be able to meet specific needs of students. / Pursue Continuous Learning
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively
October 20
District Prof. Dev.(District) / District Collaboration / If teachers participate in professional learning, then they will improve their instructional practices and students will achieve higher growth across academic areas. / Pursue Continuous Learning
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively
October 23
Faculty Meeting Prof. Dev. / Professional Learning Communities: PLCs use Consultancy Protocol to support team members / If teachers continue to participate in PLCs, and focus their efforts on crucial questions related to learning and generate products that reflect that focus, such as lists of essential outcomes, then they will be able to analyze student achievement and make decisions about strategies that will improve student results. / Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities