School Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)Autumn 2016

Beech Hyde Primary and Nursery is an Inclusive School and may offer the following range of provision to support children with SEND. Some interventions may be carried out over a defined period of time whereas others may be a continuous support to enable a child to access all aspects of the school curriculum and school life.

Planning and Assessment:
One to one and small group interventions are planned as part of our assessment cycle and pupils progress meetings every term and are detailed on class provision maps, which are updated half termly or as deemed appropriate by the class teacher and Inclusion manager. Children are selected by the class teacher and Inclusion manager.
Assess, plan, do review plans or SEN support plans are set up for pupils who require additional and different support than the interventions alone may provide and reviewed at least termly.
An SEN Teaching Assistant is allocated on a Needs basis to assist small groups and individual children with particular needs such as speech and language provision
Communication with parents
Beech Hyde operate an Open door policy, access to Inclusion Manageris by appointment.
Twice yearly SEN/D meetings are arranged with Inclusion manager to coincide with learning review evenings for parents toreview and set new targets.
Specialist advice will be sought when appropriate andmade available to parents
Communication with professionals
Specialist assessments requested when appropriate
Advice from specialist advisors shared across whole teaching team
Training from specialists for teaching team when available and appropriate
Liaison with other teaching professionals in Nurseries and Secondary Schools to support a positive transition.
Medical interventions
Individual protocols for children with significant medical needs and allergies.
Specialist training for staff to deliver medical interventions.
Maintenance of medical equipment in conjunction with parents.
Liaison with NHS medical staff to monitor and update care plans
Team approach to carry out emergency interventions.
Supporting access to the curriculum
Use of a differentiated/individualised curriculum where needed.
Use of 1 to 1 teaching assistants to support pupils with more complex difficulties.
Differentiation is implicit in English and Maths weekly planning for SEN/D pupils in all classroom teaching.
Reasonable adjustments are made to accommodate different approaches to learning while maintaining high expectations that all pupils should achieve their potential.
Speech and Language interventions
Named teaching assistant (Susie Wood) to liaise with specialists to regular deliver interventions.
Regular liaison between inclusion managerand NHS therapists.
Specialist intervention from therapists for pupils with significant need.
Maths interventions
Small group sessions with class TA and SEN TA as appropriate
Assembly interventions as appropriate.
1 to 1 tuition by qualified teachers.
English interventions
1-to-1 reading support with SEN teaching assistant, class TA and parent volunteers.
small group APDR target sessions to work on individual English targets
Range of materials to support comprehension skills
Specialist SEN Reading schemes to support struggling readers
Use of Dyslexia Screening Test, Suffolk Assessment of Reading Comprehension and other assessment tools by Inclusion Manager to assess level of difficulty.
Writing Booster groups for Key Stage 1 and 2
Handwriting interventions e.g. Write From the Start and aids such as pencil grips and writing slopes
1 to 1 tuition by qualified teachers.
Support and strategies to help modify behaviour
Individual Behaviour Plan/ risk assessment management plan (RAMP)if appropriate.
Personal strategies such as ; visual prompt card, visual timetables, to help focus on positive actions when under stress,
Social stories to help develop patternsof positive behaviour
Home/School diary, Good News book
Support and advice from Links team/ autism advisory team
Adaptation of classroom environment to support a child’s learning where needed
Drawing therapy and Play therapy with specialist, trained SEN TA
Support and strategies to help develop social skills
Use of peer support as positive role models
Taught positive verbal responses
Created opportunities to interact with others in meaningful way e.g. librarian or class monitor
Adaptations to the learning environment
Internal - Adaptations to building are made where it is possible such as additional rails, specific furniture, Occupational Therapy aids, disabled toilets and changing facilities if needed.
External – Ramps and rails fitted as appropriate

For pupils with complex and/or severe SEND, the need for additional provision may result in the school applying for additional funding to support a child, known as Exceptional Needs Funding. All other funding for extra support comes from the schools predictable needs budget.