School Library System of

Jefferson-Lewis BOCES

20104 NYS Route 3

Watertown, NY 13601

Jefferson-Lewis BOCES SLS Administrative Breakfast

Friday March 13, 2015

Hilton Garden Inn, Watertown

Need to do ahead- poster session sign-up (Google), poster, handouts

Menu, map, registration, award nominations

Nothing hanging on walls, 18 tables set up (est), no vendors

8:30-9:15 Buffet Breakfast and Sign-in

9:15-9:30 Welcome and Introductions- Mr. Todd, Meghan, Krisha- we all do things differently but every district does something well, this is an opportunity for districts to share ideas

9:30-10:15 Poster Session

10:15-10:45 Administrator of the Year Presentations and Closing Remarks

10:45-11:00 Administrators leave and librarians stay for afternoon sessions

11:00-11:15 Feedback

11:15-12:00 Derek LaLonde- Google Apps and Extensions

12:00-1:00 Lunch

1:00-1:45 Work time on Google Site with Derek LaLonde

1:45-2:00 Break

2:00-2:45 Lesson Sharing- bring one great idea to share or

Website work time: Bring a laptop and be prepared to have some work time on your library website. Wouldn’t it be nice to run ideas by each other plus have the time to update your website accordingly?

2:45-3:00 Survey