School Health Profile 2015/16

School Health Profile


Secondary School Example

Date: May 2016

Summary of key statistics for “Secondary School”

73% of pupils that attend “Secondary School” live within the wards of Hollington (20%), West St Leonards (16%), Wishing Tree (11%), Gensing (9%) , Maze Hill (9%) , Central St Leonards (8%). Please note that less than 1 in 10 children attending “Secondary School” live in Gensing, Maze Hill and Central St Leonards wards.

Summary findings from Whole School Review process for “Secondary School”

Pupils that are Non-White British

-White British

Pupil Premium

Attainment Key Stage 2

The consequences of obesity cause health problems thatinclude heart disease, type II diabetes and cancer. It impacts on the ability to lead healthy active lives, employment and poses rising costs to the nation. In children it can affect normal development and lead to stigmatisation having long term consequences for physical and emotional well-being and resilience (DH 2011).

Healthy Weight - Continued

Diet (Secondary)

Physical Activity and Travel to School

Travel to School (continued)

Accidents and Injuries

Emotional Health and Well-Being

Emotional Health and Well-Being (continued)

High Self-esteem reported / Have been bullied in the last 12 months
East Sussex / 42% / 17%
Hastings / 36% / 19%
Quite/Very unhappy with life at the moment / Quite/very happy with life at the moment
East Sussex / 16% / 69%
Hastings / 16% / 68%
% GIRLS said they don't get enough sleep to stay alert & concentrate on school work / % BOYS said they don't get enough sleep to stay alert & concentrate on school work
East Sussex / 26% / 19%
Hastings / 26% / 20%
% looked after someone in their family on at least one day in the previous week who had an illness or disability.
East Sussex / 20%
Hastings / 23%
Significantly higher than the East Sussex average / No significant difference to the East Sussex average / Significantly lower than the East Sussex average

Smoking and Addictive Behaviours

Smoking and Addictive Behaviours (continued)

Sexual Health

Many teenage pregnancies are unplanned and approximately half end in a termination. Aside from financial implications to the NHS, for many bringing up a child at a very young age can result in poorer long term outcomes in terms of the child’s health, the emotional health and well-being of the mother and long term financial poverty (DH 2010b).


Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). 2015. Smoking Statistics. Available at;

Department for Education. 2011. Developing Quality Tuition. Effective Practice in Schools. Available at;

Department for Education. 2014. Pupil Premium: funding and accountability for schools. Available at;

Department for Education. 2015. Mental health and behaviour in schools - Departmental advice for school staff. Available at;

Department of Health. 2010. Teenage Pregnancy Strategy 2010 and Beyond.

Department of Health 2011. Healthy Lives, Healthy People. A call to action on obesity in England. Available at;

Department of Health. 2012. Protecting People, Promoting Health - A public health approach to violence prevention in England. Available at;

East Sussex County Council and NHS. 2015. JSNAA Indicator Scorecards Local Authority View. Available at;

East Sussex County Council and NHS. 2016. JSNAA Indicator Scorecards Local Authority View. Available at;

East Sussex County Council. 2014. Accidents and Injuries in Under 25’s in East Sussex. Available at;

Health and Social Care Information Centre. 2015. Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet. Available at;

Health and Social Care Information Centre. 2014. Health Survey for England 2013. Available at;

Health and Social Care Information Centre. 2013. Health Survey for England 2012. Available at;

Home Office. 2015. New Psychoactive Substances Resource Pack. Available at;

NHS Sussex and ESCC 2012. Young People in East Sussex Schools. A report on the health behaviour of young people aged 14 – 15 in 2012. The Schools Education Unit. East Sussex County Council. Available at;

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. 2013. Social and Emotional Well-Being for Children and Young People.

Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. 2007. Ethnicity and Health. Postnote Number 276. Available at;

Public Health England. 2014. Sugar Reduction: Responding to the Challenge. Available at;

Public Health England. 2015. E-cigarettes: an evidence update. A report commissioned by Public Health England. Available at;

Public Health England. Public Health Outcomes Framework. Available at;

Public Health England. Child Health Profiles. Accessed (March 2016) at

The Children’s Society. 2015. The Good Childhood Report. Available at;

YoungMinds.The Transition from Primary to Secondary School.2007. Available at;