Parklane Elementary School

School Governance Council Meeting

February 13, 2015 Minutes

Present: Kedra Fairweather, Shakira Gavin, Clarese Cooke, McKenzie Smith, Alton Davis, Richard Goldsmith, Diamond Jefferies, Tammy Harris, Tanya Burns, and Natasha Nichols.

Meeting called to order at 10:24 by Kedra Fairweather, Principal. She introduced the Principal’s Advisory Team and let us know they would attend this meeting so everyone would be on the same page.

Motion was made by Shakira Gavin to approve agenda. Seconded by McKenzie Smith. Agenda was approved.

The Council worked to establish norms. After working together, we established the following 5 norms for the Council:

1.  Respect for time by being on time and ending on time. Respect the agenda.

2.  Authentic conversations with respect of other’s opinion.

3.  Collaborate toward actionable goals and objectives.

4.  Maintain data integrity.

5.  Strive towards new innovations.

Election of officers- Nominations were taken from the floor for Chair, Vice-Chair and Parliamentarian.

*Nominations for Chair:

Richard Goldsmith nominated by McKenzie Smith

McKenzie Smith nominated by Richard Goldsmith.

*Nominations for Vice-Chair:

McKenzie Smith nominated by Shakira Gavin.

Diamond Jefferies nominated by McKenzie Smith.


Tammy Harris nominated by McKenzie Smith.

Richard Goldsmith declined the nomination for Chair so McKenzie Smith was voted on and elected as Chair for SGC. Shakira Gavin declined the nomination for Vice-Chair so Diamond Jefferies was voted on and elected as Vice-Chair for SGC. Tammy Harris was voted on and elected as Parliamentarian of SGC.

Committee elections- Nominations were taken for the Budget and Finance Committee Chair and the Outreach and Communications Chair.

*Nominations for Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee:

Tammy Harris

*Nominations for Chair of the Outreach and Communications Committee:

Shakira Gavin

Tammy Harris and Shakira Gavin were voted on and elected as Chairs for the Budget and Finance and the Outreach and Communications Committees.

The following people will serve on the committees:

Budget and Finance: Tammy Harris, Chair. Members- Kedra Fairweather, McKenzie Smith, and Jill Flowers.

Outreach and Communications: Shakira Gavin, Chair. Members- Clarese Cooke, Diamond Jefferies, Alton Davis, Jia Jordan and Richard Goldsmith.

Annual Meeting Schedule- Ms. Fairweather asked to table this until all members were present at next meeting. Motion made by Kedra Fairweather and seconded by Shakira Gavin. The meeting schedule will be discussed and set at the next meeting.

Strategic Planning- next meeting is March 25 from 8-12 at Milton. The strategic plan is due by August 14, 2015. Three questions we have to answer-

1.  Where are we?

2.  Where do we want to be?

3.  How will we get there?

Working on Needs assessment now which is question number 1. Needs to be finished by March 9. SGC will meet and work on data from 2:00-6:30 pm at the school.

We will do a survey and conduct a focus group to collect data. Will also do asset mapping to help collect data. Survey is provided in strategic planning handbook. Will have it available for parents when they come to building for Black History Month Program on Feb. 24. Our goal is to have 115 surveys completed by March 2.

The focus group will consist of community members, businesses, feeder schools, etc. Will do invitation and try to conduct between Feb. 23-26 from 5:00-6:30 at Greater Victory Charter. Some people to invite include:

Jefferson Park Gym Representative

Mayor of East Point

Greater Victory Charter

Alton Davis

Jamie Vernon

Paul D. West 6th Grade Admin. & SGC/PTA

Tri-Cities HS 9th Grade Admin. & SGC/PTA


Housing Authority

Chamber of Commerce

Lt. Fuller- Fulton County Schools Police

Atlanta Medical Center

Chick Fil A

River Park Neighborhood Association

Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association

East Point City Council Members

Police/Fire Chief

Agenda for next meeting- Review Data March 9 2-6:30 pm


1.  Will set up drop box for SGC to share information.

2.  Get link for Richard to use with Hands on Atlanta for surveys.

3.  Ask county if there is invitation for focus groups.

4.  Call church to set date for focus groups.

5.  Question asked how we got on the Governor’s list.

Motion made by McKenzie Smith to adjourn meeting and seconded by Shakira Gavin. Meeting adjourned at 12:00 by Mrs. Fairweather.