Cambridge High School
School Governance Budget Committee Meeting Minutes
February 24, 2016
Counseling Conference Room
Attendees: Lynna Lee, Amy Price, Sam Garcia, Beth Leigh, Carole Williams, Nicky Northen, Michelle Wilson, Kacy Powers, and Dr. Spurka.
The meeting began at 4:00pm.
Beth called the meeting to order at 4:00pm. She addressed what the SGC requirements for the budget process, reviewed the timeline, and went over the cost center handout. It was then turned over to Dr. Spurka to go over the budget.
Revenues and Expenditures
Handouts were provided explaining some background information about the budget along with the current budget and power point. The points covered in the meeting are:
- Dr. Spurka explained there are two accounts for revenue and expenditures: the cost center and local school funds.
- The SGC is responsible for approving the cost center budget.
- Funds come from three sources for the cost center budget: state, local, and federal sources. In Fulton County, approximately 63% comes from local revenue which is property taxes. He went on to explain the millage rate and how that is calculated and the effect it has on our funds.
- Personnel funds can only buy personnel. However, non-personnel funds can buy personnel also.
- Budget closes on March 11 which freezes which will allow the county to see which schools have surplus and which schools need more staffing.
- On March 7, the Department Chairs will be presenting their budget to Dr. Spurka. All are welcome to attend starting at 2:30.
- All cost center funds have to be spent in that school year. Local school funds can be carried over.
Budget reviewed line item by line item with questions answered along the way.
The week before the SGC meeting to approve the budget, Mary will send out the budget for all to look at. At that time, any questions can be emailed to her and the questions will be answered at the meeting.
All were surprised that last year we received $209 per student plus another $50 per student mid-year and that this year we are only receiving $179 per student.
Announcements and Adjournment
The SGC will meet on March 9th at 4:00pm to approve the budget.
Meeting adjourned at 4:25pm.