SCHOOL FEES (as from 01/01/2013)
1. Enrolment Fee 2013:
R350 per child per year
The above fee is payable with confirmation of enrolment.
2. School Fees:
The annual fee is divided into 10 monthly instalments.
The monthly instalments must be paid by the 7th school day of each month (excluding January and December).
2.1 Pre-Primary Programme only
(08:00 - 12:45)
Grade 1 & 2 only
(07:45 – 13:15)
Grade 3 (07:45 - 13:45)
R7 500 per annum (R750 x 10 months)
2.2 After-Care
(12:45– 17:30 Monday to Thursday)
(12:45 – 17:00 on Fridays)
R4 000 per annum (R400 x 10 months)
3. Extramural Activity Fees: (12:45 - 13:15)
These fees are additional to the school fees and must be paid in advance.
This brochure encompasses the philosophy of a committed group of teachers and parents. Should you subscribe to these ideas, please feel free to contact the principal, Mrs. Judith Brown.
*Fees applicable for 2013. Fees are subject to change.
Preparatory School
Bellrail Road, Bellville, 7530
Tel/Fax: 021 949 9592
Bellville Pre-Primary School was first established in 1967 as an initiative of a group of parents in the community. The present building was erected in 1971.
Bellville Preparatory School is an independent school, but we receive a subsidy from the Western Cape Education Department. As from 1 January 2008 we upgraded to a Preparatory School and now offer Grade 1, Grade 2 and from 2010 Grade 3 was introduced..
A sound education
needs a solid foundation!
Ø to function as an educational centre that complements and extends the informal education received at home
Ø to promote all aspects of development (physical, emotional, social, normative and cognitive) in order to establish a healthy basis for personality development and lifelong learning
Ø to create a safe, child-orientated environment for our pupils, and for our parents a place to discuss the values and concepts we wish to teach our children.
Prospective learners are required to:
Turn 5 years of age (PRE-GRADE R)
Turn 6 years of age (GRADE R)
Turn 7 years of age ( GRADE 1)
Turn 8 years of age (GRADE 2)
Turn 9 years of age (GRADE3)
Mon-Thurs 12h45 to 17h30
Friday 12h45 to 17h00
RiNico Computer kids
Little Potters Ceramics
Ball skills (Gr.1-3)
* weekly letters to inform parents of activities
* two parent evenings per year
* two personal interviews with class teacher
* four fund-raising efforts per year
* five parents serve on Governing Body
* learners are assessed on a continuous basis
* Grade R learners are assessed according to the assessment standards of the CAPS
* progress reports are compiled every term for Pre-Primary and Grade R-3 learners
* See stationery list (Grades 1 - 3)
* 2 toilet rolls & hand liquid: Quarterly
* box of tissues: Quarterly
* small cover, pillow and blanket for After-care
The programme has been planned to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum Statement:
* 08h00-08h10 Values & Attitudes
1. *08h25-08h45 Educational Games
Learners are assessed in terms of the weekly
assessment standards for Literacy & Numeracy.
2. 08h45-09h15 Free Play outside/inside
Games and toys are varied weekly.
3. 09h15-09h30 Toilet Routine
Personal hygiene is stressed throughout the
4. 09h35-09h55 Morning Ring
This time slot includes activities for the development of Numeracy, Life Skills (and Values) as well as Literacy.
5. 09h55-10h35 Creative Activities
Four different activities are presented daily. A
wide variety of material is provided for
painting, drawing, modelling and constructions.
6. 10h35-10h45 Clean-up Routine
We play together and clean up together!
7. 10h45-11h00 Snack Time
Healthy eating habits and table manners (Life Orientation) are encouraged during snack time.
8. 11h00-11h20 Movement of Music Ring
Lessons are planned in line with the Life Orientation, Arts & Culture and Literacy learning outcomes.
9. 11h20-11h55 Free Play
A large choice of activities are provided daily.
10. 11h55-12h05 Pack-up and Toilet Routine
11. 12h05-12h45 Story & Literacy Time
12. 12h45-13h15 Extra-curricular activities
13. 13h15-17h30 After-care
Educational excursions and visits by theatre companies form part of the programme.
* Pupils may arrive at school between 07h00 and 07h45.
All articles of clothing must be clearly marked. Please provide an extra pair of clothes for emergencies. Learners are encouraged to wear old clothes that allow them to participate freely in activities such as mud play, climbing and painting.
Children should bring light, healthy refreshments for a morning snack (and lunch if they stay for after-care). The after-care provides refreshments for an afternoon snack at 15h00. Sweets, cakes, chewing gum and fizzy drinks are not allowed.
We have a Tuck Shop every Wednesday. Our parents take turns in providing one class with something suitable to sell at R5 per portion.
Children with infectious diseases must not attend school. Parents should inform the teacher if a child is ill. Teachers are not allowed to administer medicine to children - other than those with chronic conditions such as diabetes or asthma.
Children are not allowed to bring pets or toys to school as this leads to unnecessary fighting amongst them.
Please use the security code to enter the gate and accompany your child to his/her classroom. Children may not be dropped off before 07h00 in the morning. Children who are not enrolled for after-care must be collected before 13h30.