November 14, 2016


Board of Education Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting of November 14, 2016

Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 5:15 p.m. by Board President Daren Bauer. Present:Jackson Serum,Daren Bauer, Tim Urness, Kory Rud, Tammi Olson, Glen DenkandDiane Ross. Absent: None. Visitors Present:None. Teachers/Staff Present: None. Students Present: None.

Flag Pledge

The Pledge of Allegiance was stated by all persons in attendance.

Community Communications

No items brought forth.

Approval of Consent Agenda

Jackson Serum made the motion to approve theConsent Agenda items and Tim Urness seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. The Open session and Closed session minutes of October 24, 2016, Annual and Budget Hearing minutes from the October 24, 2016, District meeting andthe monthly vouchers in the amount of $82,419.46 were approved.

Action Agenda Items

Old Business

Policy Updates: Technical

The rejection of policy 7300 in its entirety and the second reading and acceptance of the technical changes to policies 0140, 0150, 0160, 1210, 2411, 2416.01, 2421, 2460, 3210, 5320, 6110, 7310, and 8330 were approved with a motion from Tim Urness. Jackson Serum seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Policy Updates: Updated

The second reading and acceptance of the updates to policies 3122.01, 3440, 4122.01, 4440, 5230, 5350, 5463, and 5830 were approved with a motion from Tim Urness. Jackson Serum seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Policy Updates: New

The second reading of the new policies:3230, 4230, 5113.01, 6111, 6112, 6114, 6116, 6325, and 7450 was tabled to the December 19, 2016, meeting.

Policy Updates: Delete

The deletion of policy 2460.02 was approved with a motion from Jackson Serum seconded by Diane Ross. Motion carried 5-0.

New Business

School Sign

More information will be gathered. No action taken. Tabled for future meeting.

Board of Education Spring Election

There are two positions on the School Board up for election this year. Election information will be published for the Board of Education.

2016-17 Fund Balance Designation

After a brief discussion Tim Urness made the motion to designate the Fund 10 balance ($898,711.87) as follows: 939100 (Unassigned Fund Balance for Reserve Stabilization (Revenue Cap Limits)) $25,000; 939200 (Unassigned Fund Balance for Capital Needs (Cash Flow)) $824,668.82; 939400 (Unassigned Fund Balance for Emergencies (leaking roof, boiler failure, well, etc.)) $49,043.05; and 939900 (Unassigned Fund Balance for Other (Residual balance not otherwise classified)) $0.00. Diane Ross seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.


Jackson Serum made the motion to continue under the current ssnowplowing contract with Cole Olson. Tim Urness seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Informational Items/Other Reports

Principal’s Report

Family Literacy Night & Book Fair

Mr. Rud reported on the activities of the fourth Family Literacy Night and Book Fair held.

FBLA Leadership Conference

Mr. Rud reported on the FBLA Leadership Conference which was held November 4 –November 6, 2016, in Milwaukee. There were 29 students attending.



There was no other information presented.

Administrator’s Report

Wisconsin Clean Diesel Grant program and EPA School Bus Replacement Rebate Program

Mr. Denk stated the District was not selected for the Wisconsin Clean Diesel Grant program. Mr. Denk has applied for the EPA School Bus Replacement Rebate Program.

Technology Infrastructure Upgrades

Mr. Denk reviewed the status of the upgrades for the technology infrastructure. The TEACH Grant details and status was discussed.

Legislative Information: likely issues for 2017-18 school year

Mr. Denk updated the Board on the possible legislative issues known at this time.

Wisconsin Rural Schools Alliance Membership

The Wisconsin Rural Schools Alliance Membership was discussed.

Focus on Energy Lighting Upgrade Program

Mr. Denk reviewed information on the Focus on Energy Lighting Upgrade Program,


There was no other information presented.

The December meeting for the School District of Gilmanton is set for December 19, 2016, at 5:15 p.m.

Diane Rossmade the motion and Jackson Serumseconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:10p.m. Motion carried 5-0.


Tammi Olson, Clerk