CHETEK, WI 54728

Minutes of Regular Meeting Board of Education January 15, 2007

Meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m.

Roll Call: Atwood, Hanson, Jennings, Jost, Peters, Reisner and Springer. Others present: Jill Koenitzer, Elementary Principal; Bryan Yenter, Middle School Principal; Ed Harris, High School Principal; Al Brown, Superintendent; Mikki Jerdet, Learning Options Coordinator; Linda Zeman, Psychologist; Tammy Lenbom, Business Manager; Shane Samuels, The Chetek Alert; Bobbi Shappell Harris, Speech and Language Clinician; Wyn Evans, Elementary Cross Categorical Teacher; Ceil Marc, Elementary Cross Categorical Teacher; Patrick Vavra, Middle and High School Special Education Teacher; Janice Wendlandt, High School Special Education Teacher; Kari Schemenauer, Middle School Special Education Teacher; Joe Korbel, High School Special Education Teacher; Jay Dachel, Middle School Special Education Teacher; Bill Knickerbocker, Sr., Reading and Gifted and Talented Coordinator; and Jon Erickson.

Motion by Springer, seconded by Hanson to adjourn into closed session. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.

Motion by Jost, seconded by Peters to recess the Executive Session until the end of the meeting and go back into open session. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hanson, seconded by Peters to approve the amended agenda with the removal of 11.B.3. Administrative Contracts to discuss during Executive Session and move to 12.


Genie Jennings noted that Tammy Lenbom, Al Brown and herself will be leaving for the School Board Convention on January 16th. Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. will be the Policy Governance session that Chetek and Columbus are co-hosting. The Safe Routes Committee has added Joe Atwood as the second board member in addition to Ken Jost. Natalie mentioned that Bob Rykal will be retiring as the CESA administrator effective June 30, 2007. There is a CESA 11 Steering Committee meeting set for March 27, 2007 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. at CESA 11. Roselawn Elementary and Chetek Middle School will be participating in a Rural Dental Health grant being operated by CESA 11. Al distributed mill rate information for the area school districts. There is a bargaining workshop on February 16th.

Information Prior to Action:

The Board needs to prioritize facilities needs for the next facility plan.

Linkage with the Community:

Mikki Jerdet introduced the Board to high school students taking online classes. All of the students enjoyed the experience of taking a variety of classes at their own pace. Information on the Virtual Program can be found on the District Website under the LOP heading.

Information & Action:

Motion by Peters, seconded by Reisner that with regard to GP-3, Board Job Description and GP-8, Board Members’ Code of Conduct, the District of Chetek Board of Education concludes through self-assessment its performance during the previous reporting period has been in compliance. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Atwood, seconded by Springer to approve the naming of the baseball facility as presented in the resolution. On a roll call vote, Reisner, Hanson, Springer and Atwood voted yes. Jennings, Peters and Jost voted no. Motion failed due to the 2/3’s vote was not met.

Special Education staff were present for the report on the status of the Special Education student population and their achievement goals. Areas to celebrate include the Early Intervention Strategies and the fluency growth with many students. Areas of improvement are to find ways to chart student growth at the secondary level and to do a program evaluation. Next year there will be an onsite evaluation of the Special Education Services. Motion by Jennings, seconded by Jost the Board finds that the organization and the Superintendent are in compliance and demonstrate exemplary progress toward achieving the desired results. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Jost, seconded by Springer to approve the Consent Agenda as revised and to add Bernie Adams’ name as the 2nd shift custodian. Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda:

A.  Approve Minutes:

1.  Minutes of Regular Meeting, December 18, 2006

2.  Minutes Committee of the Whole, January 8, 2007

B.  Human Resource Approval:

1.  Retirements

a.  None

2.  Employment

a.  Dom Olson, 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach

b.  Sandy Newell, 8th Grade Girls Basketball Coach

c.  Custodial Position, Bernie Adams


C.  Business Service Approval:

1.  Claims and Accounts for January, 2007 $820,755.98 (All Funds)

2.  Shared Services Contract 2007-08

D.  Executive Limitation:

1.  EL-6, Employee Evaluation

2.  EL-7, Budgeting/Financial Planning

3.  EL-8, Financial Administration

4.  EL-15, Learning Environment (Wellness)

E.  Policy: None

F.  Instructional Services Approvals: None

G. Board of Education Meeting Dates

The Board reconvened into closed session. Motion by Atwood, seconded by Peters to go into open session. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Atwood, seconded by Hanson to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 10:17 p.m.

Natalie Springer, Clerk

The claims and accounts for the School District of Chetek can be viewed in the District office. If you wish to review these documents, please call 924-2226 ext. 2007.