School Council Minutes

Thursday, November 27th, 2014

7:15 p.m.


Attendees: Nicola Radda, SudmirBagwe, Carlene Simpson, Ross Newhook,ParimalAnanth, ShashiDawda, BharaDawda, Antonio Loconte, Marish Jain, MajdaMoustaujr, Vivek Singh, Joel Pearson, Stephen Linde, AmeedSayed,Todd Miller, ArnawazIddyar, David Pines and Jeff Schust

-Welcome by School Chair (Vivek Singh) and approval of agenda completed

-IBT/GDM update (MaheenSumrani and RupalSadh – students)

a)Briefing of speakers for IBT/GDM program (“Funny Money” and SunjayNath)

b)IBT/GDM winter social (Dec. 18th at Celebration Square)

c)Networking/connecting has been great with all students this year. Many grade 9’s have been made to feel welcome and are getting involved

d)Parent suggestion for a mentoring program for upcoming year (will bring this back to student executive)

e)Senior students assisting grade 9 students for mentoring with academics has been on-going

f)Review of application process for upcoming year (dates given)

g)Parent asked about how students can get involved; list of activities/clubs sports given by student reps

h)Grade 8 night and grade 9 night were reviewed as this is how information gets out as to programming and supports for students in these programs

-Course Pathways Update (Head of Guidance – Ross Newhook)

a)Review of MyBluepring

b)Look at SHSM programs and supports

c)Review of the five pathways offered to students in the province and the ones specific to Graydon

d)Support, for students, on mental health will be discussed at the next School Council meeting

-Robotics Team demonstration

a)The robotics team, through a Powerpoint presentation, detailed what they have been doing over the year and upcoming competitions

b)Fundraising initiatives and results were given

c)Students talked to the various roles the executive plays

d)Parent/community mentors were present at the meeting and talked about their role in the robotics program and supporting students on the team

e)Several parents, attending the meeting, signed up to be mentors for supervision purposes for upcoming events

f)Detailed synopsis of awards won was given and a demonstration of how a robot is built was given

-Administrative Report

a)Update on the school budget (reduced funding of $8600) due to decrease in enrolment at Graydon; reorganization of budget detailed to parents

b)Technology in the school – update given on the new mounted LCD projectors in math and English (hope to be installed early into the New year)

c)Technology use, by students, on the increase; Board personnel have been in to the school to review Graydon’s needs and are addressing it – hope to see improvement in the New Year

d)New apps have been purchased to support French program and cross-curricular programming in the school

e)Review of the school’s MySite and staff sites given

f)Regional Programs Update – review of application numbers for next year (IBT down/GDM up); letter will be going out to applicants thanking them for applying and giving timelines for acceptance

g)Final Summatives/Examinations – dates were given and parents asked to check the school web-site for schedules/updates

h)Student Events – review of Terry Fox/United Way and Movember fundraising initiatives; student sports update and clubs/teams update (DECA, Model UN, Debate Club and others)

-Parents will think about how to use the money allocated, to School Council, at the January meeting (e.g. speakers on mental health, student issues, parenting)

-School Fundraising was discussed. Ideas brought up – flea market, garage sale, silent auction, gala night (dinner/dance – supported by the hospitality program). Definite plan will be made at the January School Council meeting

-Other business: Items on next meeting’s agenda – student mental health, detailed review of school budget, student activity presentation, fundraising

Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Next meeting will take place Thursday, January 19th, 2015 @ 7:15 p.m. in the school library