OMHA Special Resolution Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2013

Onoway Arena

1)  Meeting called to order at 7:02pm

2)  Additions to the agenda were added as follows: 7e – New Nets, 7f – Power skating, 7g – Grievance Committee, and under #8 Jessie Lesko.

3)  Motion was made by Connie Hickie to accept the agenda as amended, seconded by Kelsey Grierson, All in favor.

4)  Tina motions to accept the minutes as posted on the website, Charissa seconds, All in favor.

5)  Reports

President’s Report:

·  Robbie welcomed everyone back for another season. Robbie noted that the lines will be painted Sept 12, 2013, volunteers needed. Thank you was given to all those who helped with the white ice in the morning session of Sept 11/13.

Vice President’s Report:

·  Evaluators have been chosen, (sheet attached) Kelly Pratt, Sean Tymkow, & David Wood, all with lots of experience and they have volunteered there time free of charge. The evaluators will be allowed in the music room or at the north end of the arena for evaluating. Parents will be allowed in the bleachers area(south end), closer to the entrance for viewing, everyone will be expected to be using respect in sport mandates, any member not will be asked to leave the area. The on ice coaches will be the coaches that have applied for the coaching positions for that level.

·  Dates for the conditioning camp are Sept 15 – 20, 2013, with the Evaluation held on September 21/22, 2013.

·  Coaches meeting on Sept 22/13 at 7:30pm

·  Treasurer’s Report: May, June & July financials statements were presented, along with the Y/E report for the season of 2012/2013. A motion was made by Brad Sharrun, seconded by Paxton Schulte to accept the reports as filed. All in favor. The current Bank balance is $84,816.20.

·  Registrar’s Report: At this time this is the projected numbers, for the girls we’ll have 18 peewee, 11 bantam, and 27 midget, for the boys we will have 26 initiation, 30 novice, 20 atom, 18 peewee, 15 bantam, 21 midget. All new parents must complete their Respect in Sport courses and for families that have taken the course, you must add your additional children to your profile on Hockey Alberta.

·  Ice Scheduler’s Report: The schedule has been made up, but will be finalized closer to the time that teams are formed.

·  Referee in Chief/Ref Assignor Report: There will be a one day Ref course on October 27. 2013. There is an on-line portion this year that must be completed before taking the course. Becky is also hoping that older participants will sign up as there is a real need for them at this time. You must be 13yrs old to become a referee.

·  Equipment Managers Report: In Barret Richter’s absence Robbie Perneel did comment that a new set of jerseys would be purchased this year and it was duly noted by a member that it would be nice if the upper teams were not always the teams receiving the jerseys, as the C teams would appreciate them as much. Some issue have arrisen with NWT, Robbie will be having a meeting with them to discuss resolution.

·  Concession Managers Report: Congratulations to the new concession manager, Tina Wikstrom. Tina was selected from many applicants for the job, and we wish her all the luck this year. She welcomes your feedback and suggestions.

·  Fundraising Report: Julie Wilkinson has stepped forward to head the fundraising committee, our event this year will be the “Redneck Swag Gala” girls in gowns, guys in camo. She will be looking for volunteers for help at this event to be held November 16, 2013. Meat draws will be continueing under the direction of Becky Cottingham. A huge thank you goes to Barb Letendre for all her time and commitment previously with the meat draws.

6)  Old Business:

·  Bylaw 10.1 the members of the executive shall be as following: a)President, b)Vice-President, c) Treasurer, d)Secretary, e)Registrar, f) Equipment Manager, g)Referee in Chief, h)Referee Assignor(if not a paid position), i) Ice Scheduler. Arnelle Druar motions to pass proposed bylaw 10.1, Jared Brent seconds, all in favor.

·  Bylaw 11.1(e) shall call any meetings other than regular meetings when the time and need arises by contacting other board members by telephone, email or in person. Motion was made by Kristina Redlick, seconded by Phil Wiebe, all in favor.

·  Move Bylaw 11.5 to 32.1, Motion made by Andrea Klein, seconded by Charissa Morrill, all in favour.

·  Bylaw 32.1 to add Female League Representative/and Female Team Representative to Directors, motion made by Kelsey Grierson, seconded by Kristina Redlick, all in favour.

·  Move bylaw 11.6 to 11.5, motion made by Andrea Klein, seconded by Paxton Schulte, all in favour.

·  Bylaw 11.5 (d) to read: Shall, under the direction of the President, be responsible for affiliation of any teams or players who may be asked to be so affiliated outside our association, to be done so in writing, without prejudice, as per the deadline of November 1, of that season. Motion made by Paxton Schulte, seconded by Jared Brent, all in favor.

·  Move bylaw 11.7 to 11.6, motion made by Kristina Redlick, seconded by Andrea Klein, all in favor.

·  Move bylaw 11.8 to 11.7, motion made by Tina Wikstrom, seconded by Kelly Wannamaker, all in favor.

·  Move bylaw 11.9 to 11.8, motion made by Andrea Klein, seconded by Kristina Redlick, all in favor.

·  Move bylaw 11.10 to 32.2, motion made by Andrea Klein, seconded by Kelly Wannamaker, all in favor.

·  Move 11.11 to 32.3, motion made by Andrea Klein, seconded by Kristina Redlick, all in favor.

·  Add 11.9 Ice Scheduler, to be elected to a two year term by the membership at large on odd numbered years. (a) the ice scheduler shall provide a rough draft to the executive for approval at the first board meeting of the season. (b) shall be responsible to notify the Ag Society of the approved ice schedule. (c) shall be responsible to contact the Ag Society of any ice cancellations or requirements that may occur during the current season. Motion made by Kelsey Grierson, seconded by Barb Letendre, all in favor.

·  Bylaw 25.7 changed to: Team Formation will be considered with input from the respective Novice through Midget level coaches, the president, and designated executive members to establish the “grey area”. The executive will have final say in team formation. Player movement will take place between this area to establish an “A” level and “B” level team. Motion made by Craig Letendre, seconded by Jared Brent, all in favor.

·  Bylaw 25.8 changed to: The “A” level Novice through Midget coach, the president and designated executive member(s) will present the proposed roster to the executive for approval. If no ”A” level Coach is available at this time the Executive Committee will determine the teams. Motion made by Paxton Schulte, seconded by Andrea Klein, all in favor.

·  Bylaw 32.1 Directors to be under the new heading “Duties and Powers of Other Board Members”. Motion made by Barb Letendre, seconded by Kelly Wannamaker, all in favor.

·  Bylaw 32.2 League Representative/League Appointed Governor to be under the new heading “Duties and Powers of Other Board Members”. Motion made by Phil Wiebe, seconded by Paxton Schulte, all in favor.

·  Bylaw 32.3 Concession Manager to be under the new heading of “Duties and Powers of Other Board Members”. Motion made by Kelly Wannamaker, seconded by Andrea Klein, all in favor.

·  Bylaw 32.4 Webmaster to be added under the new heading of “Duties and Powers of Other Board Members”, Motion made by Andrea Klein, seconded by Paxton Schulte, all in favor.

7)  New Business

·  Tournament Dates:

Initiation – February 17, 2014

Novice – November 2 & 3, 2013

Atom – November 23 & 24, 2013

Peewee Boys – January 18 & 19, 2014

Bantam Boys – December 7 & 8, 2013

Peewee Girls/Bantam Girls – Dec 28 & 29, 2013

·  Working Concession Hours: all volunteer hours are to be worked off, before volunteers are paid for working in the concession.

·  OMH Pictures will be taken Dec 5/13 at the old school, time to be posted later.

·  Upcoming casino: The AGLC License has been received and the volunteer positions are filled. All is going smoothly for the Casino in October 4/5.

·  New Nets: We would like to purchase new nets as the last time any were purchased was 12 years ago. The Ag has offered to pay half of the cost of the nets if we would contribute also. Connie Hickie motions to spend up to $800.00 towards new nets, Jared Brent seconds. All in favor, carried. Paxton Schulte has volunteered to string the nets.

·  Powerskating: The lessons are scheduled for the weeks of Oct 7-12/13, Nov 4-8/13, Dec 9-13/13 and Jan 13-17/14. All coaches are requested to have helpers on the ice at all times. The powerskating coach will be Katherine Boudreau.

·  Grievance Committee: A committee has been formed consisting of Paxton Schulte, Wendy Wildman, Lori Keiser, & Dean Hickie.

8)  Jim Lesko addressed the association with a concern about his son that was handled by the board. Each party was able to have there say and the issue was resolved satisfactorily.

Kelsey Grierson adjourned the meeting at 8:50pm, seconded by Paxton Schulte, all in favor, carried.