2016 - 2017

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Huttonville Public School. Huttonville prides itself on being a great school. All staff are committed to providing students with the very best education possible. To be successful in school you must be organized. It is expected that students arrive prepared for class with the necessary materials and assignments, and with homework done. Theuse of an electronic or paper agenda is a tool that will help you achieve these expectations.

Huttonville Public School is the home of the Hawks. Our students are encouraged to follow the H.A.W.K. Code of Conduct:

Honest and Responsible

Always Respectful

Working Co-operatively and Inclusively

Keep Caring


You will have many opportunities to demonstrate these values both in and out of the classroom. Huttonville has outstanding music, visual art and athletic programs, as well as a number of clubs and activities, all designed to get students involved. It is our belief that students should become involved in the life of the school as much as possible for that will allow you to have a well-rounded school experience. However, involvement means keeping track of extra-curricular and academic obligations. An agenda will help you do this.

As a staff, we wish you a very successful year!

Ms. Green, Ms. Workman and the staff of Huttonville Public School.

About Huttonville Public School

Our mascot is the Hawk.Our colours are black and red.

Our slogan is Learning to Learn!

We believe in leadership, involvement and teamwork for our students, staff, parents and community.

We believe in a safe and orderly school.

Our staff is committed to engaging students in a variety of meaningful, real world experiences, enabling students to work responsibly with peers, teachers and their community, and empowering students to take action and make positive choices.

The "Answers to Your Questions" Pages!

Dress Code

Parents and students are encouraged to review the dress code for Huttonville Public School There is a strong relationship between neat, appropriate clothing and a positive learning environment.

  • Clothing should cover the entire torso.
  • Shorts and skirts should cover a good portion of the leg (longer than your fingertips when arms reached straight down).
  • Pants must be secure and should not fall below the hips.
  • Underwear and undergarments of any type should not be visible.(muscle shirts, spaghetti straps, halters and short tops should be kept for weekend wear).
  • Hats, bandanas, scarves and "fashion" headwear should not be worn inside the school.
  • Clothing displaying nudity, vulgarity, suggestive language, gestures, or comments offensive to any race or group is not permitted.
  • Outerwear is not to be worn inside.

School Hours

The Huttonville School day will begin with one 12 minute homeroom period. The rest of the day will consist of 6, 48 minute periods:

Homeroom/Announcements – 9:15 am – 9:27 am

Period 1 – 9:27 am – 10:15 am

Period 2 – 10:15 am – 11:03 am

1st Nutrition Break

Outside-11:03 am-11:23 am

Inside Eating 11:23 am -11:43 am

Period 3 – 11:43 am – 12:31 pm

Period 4 – 12:31 pm – 1:19 pm

2nd Nutrition Break

Outside-1:19 pm – 1:39pm

Inside-1:39 pm – 1:59 pm

Period 5 – 1:59 pm – 2:47 pm

Period 6 – 2:47 pm – 3:35 pm

Dismissal –3:35 pm – All students are bussed.

Attendance Procedures

Absence from school

Peel has moved to a SafeArrival System. To report your child’s absence call, visit or download:


Download the SafeArrival mobile app for Apple and Android users.

Planned absences should be reported in advance.

Late for School

Students are expected to be on time for school and for all rotary classes. If late, students must obtain a late slip at the office before going to class.


If the student must be excused during the day a note from a parent or guardian indicating the time the student is to be excused is required. The note should be shown to the homeroom teacher. Students are to come to the office at the appropriate time and be signed out by a parent/guardian.

Extended Absence

Regular attendance impacts positively on student learning and success. Students who will be absent for an extended period of time due to a vacation during the regular school year are required to submit an Extended Vacation form prior to the beginning of the vacation. (Forms are available at office.)

Health at School


If a student feels ill during the school day, he/she is to tell the teacher so that the parent or guardian can be alerted. If a parent/guardian comes to school to pick up an ill student, the student must be signed out by the parent/guardian. It is important that the school have an alternate contact in the event that a parent or guardian is not available or cannot be reached.

Administration of Prescribed Medication

If a student requires medication during the school day or in an emergency, Form A entitled "Administration of Prescribed Medications" must be completed by a physician and signed by the physician, parents/guardian and principal. A newly complete Form Ais required at the beginning of each school year.

Allergy Alert

Perfume and Cologne

Huttonville Public School asks staff and students to refrain from wearing perfumes and colognes at school. There are students and adults at Huttonville School who are allergic to scents.

Birthday Celebrations

We recognize how special birthdays are to all of our students however, in an attempt at being a healthy school and due to the various food allergies that some of our students have, we do not allow edible treats to be brought to school except on specific occasions as indicated by the classroom teacher. Thank-you for your support on this matter.


Peanuts and Peanut Products

Please know that Huttonville Public School is a PEANUT AWARE SCHOOL. There may be students and adults at Huttonville School who have severe peanut allergies.


At lunch it is expected that students:

  • eat their lunch in the designated area
  • sit at their own desk while eating and remain seated during the lunch period until dismissed by a lunch supervisor or teacher
  • take home all garbage and recyclable items as we are a ‘green’ school
  • go outside prior to the 20 minute eating period unless they are involved in a lunch hour activity
  • involved in extra-curricular activities, clubs, intramurals and tutorials meet their supervising teacher where indicated
  • not enter the school without a teacher
  • not use computers unless under the direct supervision of a teacher

Special Programs at School

Physical Education

Participating in the physical education program is compulsory. Students will be excused from gym only with a note from home. Students who must be excused from gym for an extended period of time are required to bring a note of explanation signed by the student's doctor.

For physical education classes it is expected that:

  • students wear appropriate clothing and shoes (non-scuffing)
  • students bring a change of clothes for gym
  • students should not leave money and valuables in the change rooms


The library is an integral part of the learning that takes place at Huttonville Public School. Books are signed out for a two week circulation period. If an item is lost or damaged, a fee will be charged to defray the cost of replacement. Fees vary but a general guideline is $7.00 for paperback books and $15.00 for hardcover books.

OFIP Tutoring/ Counting on You

Huttonville Public School may offer provincially funded programs such asOFIPTutoring (grades1-6) and Counting on You (grades 7 and 8). Students are identified early in the year to take part in these programs. Classes in literacy and numeracy are taught by some of our dedicated Huttonville staff. A Lead Teacher organizes the programs. Classes are held after school. Attendance is compulsory. It is the expectation that each student enrolled in the OFIP Tutoring or Counting On You programs attend the classes on a regular basis and actively participate in the activities. Transportation home is the responsibility of the parents.


While homework may be assigned or necessary for students to get caught up on missed assignments, it may not be given daily. It’s important for students to plan a routine to keep on top of their learning. Alternatives to assigned homework include:

  • reviewing notes
  • researching long term assignments
  • preparing for upcoming classes
  • practising musical instruments
  • collecting materials and resources
  • reading
  • reviewing French vocabulary
  • organizing notes and materials
  • studying for quizzes and tests
  • completing classroom assignments
  • preparing for oral presentations

Staff may offer tutorial assistance or Study Club to students. Tutorial times vary among teachers and may include a portion of the noon hour. If assignments are consistently incomplete, it is expected that students remain for tutorials. Students are encouraged to approach their teachers for help when they do not understand concepts.

BE ENCOURAGING! Homework is only one of several approaches, along with involvement in sports, clubs and family activities that show our children that learning takes place everywhere.

Other Information

Phone Calls

The telephone in the office is for school business use only. Students may use the office telephone only in the event of an emergency or illness, with permission from someone in the office. Our temporary office does not have a phone for student use. Students should call from their classroom whenever possible.

Visitors to the School

For security purposes, all visitors to the school must report to the office. If a student leaves school during the day, parents must sign the "In/Out Binder" in the office.

Electronic Items,Valuables and Lost Items

Electronic items including but not limited to cell phones,IPODS and MP3 players and digital cameras are permitted in classrooms when they are being used for instructional purposes and with the permission of the teacher. These items should not be a distraction in the learning environment. Electronic items may be confiscated for a period of time if they are being used inappropriately.

We expect that items of value not come to school. Huttonville Public School is not responsible for lost items. Students are encouraged not to bring valuable items or large sums of money to school. Valuable items should never be brought to a physical education class or left in the changerooms.

It’s a smart idea to take a photo of your name and class number and keep it as your screen saver. That way found phones are easily returned to their rightful owner.

Valuables and lostitems can be returned if the owner's name is written on the item. Unmarked items will be stored in theLost and Found box. Small articles (rings, watches, and keys) are held in the school office. Lost and Found itemsare put on display each term. Unclaimed Items will be donated to charity.

Bus Travel

All students are bussed to Huttonville Public School. Students are expected to follow the standards of behaviour outlined in the Code of Conduct while they are on the school bus.

Students are required to:

  • be at their assigned bus stop at least five minutes before their pick-up time
  • allow the younger students to be seated first
  • go directly to their seats and stay seated
  • follow the bus driver's instructions and behave appropriately at all times

Students may not:

  • consume food and drinks on the bus
  • fight, swear or cause excessive noise on the bus
  • engage in activities that may endanger the safety of themselves or others

Safety Drills

A number of safety procedures/drills are in place at Huttonville Public School. These include a lockdown procedure as well as emergency and fire drills.Lockdown drills are held two times per year. Fire drills are held six times per year in cooperation with the Brampton Fire Department and the Peel Regional Police. It is imperative that students listen carefully and follow exact procedures. Keeping Huttonville safe is the responsibility of everyone.


In the event of an emergency, Huttonville students and staff will proceed to Alloa Public School.