JUNE 16, 2011
A meeting of the School Building Committee was held on Thursday, June 16, 2011 at the Municipal Center. Mr. Cohen called the meeting to order at 3:15 PM. He noted that the meeting is being videotaped.
Voting: Mitch Cohen (Chairman), Paula Brouillette (Vice Chairman), Shirley Mosczynski, Nancy Lane, and Leslie Breault.
Non-Voting: William Cundiff (Town Engineer) and Michael Guzinski (Town Administrator).
Project staff: Sam Bird, and Tom Ellis.
Non-Voting: Dean Iacobucci, Beverly Bachelder, and Sarah McConnell.
Mr. Cohen noted the primary purpose of this meeting is to review amendment proposals from DiNisco. In addition, he noted two vouchers that were reviewed and signed.
The basic service amendments were reviewed and discussed. Mr. Ellis noted that MSBA has indicated that they will be keeping track of the Middle School and Elementary School projects separately. Therefore, documents will be coded by school, Elementary versus Middle. He discussed some of the adjustments made in the contracts. Amendments will be reviewed by the MSBA. Some discussion held.
Ms. Mosczynski made a motion to authorize Mr. Cohen, Chairman and Mr. Guzinski, Town Administrator to sign on behalf of the School Building Committee the two attachments F’s, one for the Elementary and one for the Middle School. Ms. Lane seconded. Vote unanimous. Mr. Ellis will make sure all attachments are included.
The amendment relating to the solar design was discussed. Mr. Byrd noted that Solar Design Associates was charged with determining what the possibilities were for the potential for solar. He discussed what would be involved. Mr. Cohen noted the cost would be an estimated cost of $8,000 for Solar Design and an estimated $3,000 for additional work from DiNisco with a 10% mark up for a total of $11,800. Some discussion held regarding the allocation of funds for this purpose. Mr. Ellis will follow up. Discuss held regarding moving forward. Ms. Mosczynski made a motion to approve the solar design amendment for a not to exceed cost of $12,000. Ms. Brouillette seconded the motion. Vote unanimous.
Discussion held regarding the traffic survey. It was noted that this still involves some work to solidify. Mr. Cohen noted a discussion held today on the amendment process to assure that work gets done on time. He also noted that as discussed at the prior meeting, materials would be sent to the Committee 6 days in advance of a meeting moving forward. Therefore discussion was held as to whether this could be accomplished with regard to this item. Some discussion also held regarding the process of data collection.
Mr. Ellis indicated that now that the contract with DiNisco has been settled, work would proceed with Heery’s contract. Mr. Ellis noted information was submitted on staffing, any comments or issues should be forwarded to him.
Ms. Lane made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 3:47 PM. Ms. Mosczynski seconded the motion. Vote unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Lannon
Recording Secretary
110616 SBC Meeting