School Building Committee

Westport Community Schools

DATE: Thursday, March 30, 2017 TIME: 6:00 p.m.

PLACE: Westport Jr./Sr. High School Media Center


Present: Chair Dianne Baron, Jon Bernier (arrived at 6: 15 p.m.), Mark Carney, David Cass, Ann Marie

Dargon, Michael Duarte, Craig Dutra (arrived at 6: 13 p.m.), James Hartnett, Timothy King, Joseph Pacheco, Carolyn Pontes Co-Chair Tracy Priestner, Kevin Rioux, Cheryl Tutalo, Sue Ubiera, Antone Vieira, Antonio Viveiros.

Absent: Thomas Gastall, John Tunney, Adam Charest (WMS Student). Also Present: Dan Tavares, Daedalus and CGA.

I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance - Chair Baron opened the SBC meeting at 6:06 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Chair Baron reported at the last SBC meeting two presentations were given, one for a community custom design school and one for a model school using Longmeadow High School.

Chair Baron informed everyone that there was an article in Shorelines that stated the custom design school drops below $94M. This is not an accurate figure and did not include total project costs. Total project costs for the custom design school was $95,427,802M and the model school was $95,463,528Mi Going with the model school Westpott would receive extra points, would save possibly $4M and save time on construction about per month for additional savings. There is a difference between construction costs and total project costs.

Chair Baron mentioned that there has been a lot of information sent out in the last few days about the fields, stage of the model school, and the music pit. She asked Inembers if there were any filliher questions?

Dan Tavares mentioned that OMR sent information on the stage lift and orchestra pit. Longmeadow used a stage with portable risers. Cost of the stage was $254,000 when built, $330,000 in today's dollars. As far as maintenance, there has been only a minor repair on it. The stage moves when no one is on it. It is not a moving platform with people on it. This option does not need to be included if you do not want it.

Il. Comments and Statements from the Public/Citizen's Participation - There were none.

Ill. Informational Agenda

A. Review and Discuss Outcome of Designer Interviews

Chair Diane Baron took a poll and asked everyone if they have all the information they need in order to make a vote tonight.

Members in favor of the custom design school had the following observations and comments:

  • Cust01n school is our own design specific to Westport's needs
  • Cost savings with model school will not outweigh the changes that may need to be done for a custom fit which could lead to change orders and unknown costs Better traffic flow patterns
  • Building fits on the site better
  • Improved security

Provides a space to meet the needs of MS grs. 5-8 and HS grs. 9-12 and gives identity to each Equal access to learning commons

  • We are building once and should go with what is best for the children

Separate office suite

  • Maintains flare and identity

Members had the following observations and comments about the model school: No future expansion

  • Not ideal school for Westport's needs
  • Fewer athletic fields

Not certain what is covered and what is not covered

Poor heating system, plumbing, floor tiles, handrails, and gym with sheetrock walls Poor workmanship

  • Building a model school in which there is no model (Longmeadow is a HS, Westport is a Jr./Sr. HS grades 5-12)

Members opposed to the custom design want to see cost savings to the Town. There were also concerns over JLA's working relationships; going with OMR would be a fresh staff. The situation concerning the well was also mentioned.

General comments: There is a need to be cognizant of community dollars, be sure to keep the lid on costs with limitations.

  • There are a lot of unknowns with both choices.
  • How will the building function over time was a major concern. The overall costs of running, maintenance, transportation, and supervision.
  • Both choices will have the same well requirements and septic design.

IV.Action Agenda

A. Vote on Designer Selection

Chair Baron asked the members to vote in favor of accepting the Jonathan Levi Architect's custom design school.

Foutteen members voted YES, two members NO, and I member ABSTAINED 14/2/1 (1 7 VOTES) (Timothy King and Sue Ubiera NO, Chair Dianne Baron ABSTAINED)

Mr. Tavares will take a look at the schedule to make sure nothing has changed. Next steps are to notify MSBA and JLA. A meeting to get things going will be scheduled next week.

Discussion took place about community outreach. Chair Baron will be presenting at Business to Business in April and this will he videotaped. Doing informational talks and getting the facts out to places like the Council On Aging, Finance Committee, BOS, PTOs, and the ballot committee, having the librmy as a place for meetings and dissemination of information and using Jonathan Levi's model as a visual to say, 'meet your new school" were ideas mentioned.

Jeff Fitton, Cathy Gillette, Mrs. Stanton and a group of parents are on the ballot committee. They are compiling information and getting ready to share this information with the community. The ballot committee will raise funds to get lawn signs and advertising. Everyone wås encouraged to get family and friends involved.

Dan Tavares advised the SBC on some rules. The School Building Committee is a public entity; therefore, cannot use public funds to print material for a YES vote. There is a limit to how votes can be encouraged. Ballot committee can get the yes vote out. One member asked if the School Building Committee members could support the ballot committee. Dr. Dargon has guidelines on support of political campaigns and will provide everyone with the inforlnation from the attorney.

Steering Committee- Chair Baron would like to add different people with various expertises to the make up of the Steering Committee. The following three members of the SBC accepted to be added to the Steering Committee David Cass, James Hartnett and Mike Duarte.

A suggestion was made for the SBC members to be more informed about what takes place during the Steering Committee meetings so that all the members can better support it.

The rubrics used in the evaluation process were for members open and fair assessment and do not need to be used as a formal submission.

B. Approval of Minutes of Wednesday, March 22, 2017 - Dan Tavares requested to table the minutes.

No further public comments were made at this tilne.

V. Adjourn - A motion was made to adjourn.

Motion by Co-Chair Tracy Priestner, seconded by Kevin Rioux, all were in favor

The School Building Committee meeting ended at 7: 17 p.m..