School Based Options Narrative Templatefor 2017-18

School: / Principal: / Building Representative:
Name: / Name: / Name:
Phone: / Phone: / Phone:
Email: / Email:

Please select the category(ies) of School Based Option you are applying for:

SBOs that are budget-neutral*
Changes that rearrange current teacher work hours / SBOs that require an MOU**
Changes that addtime to teacher work hours/days
School year (7.1) / School year (7.1)
School week (7.2) / School week (7.2)
School day (7.3) / School day (7.3)
Available prep time (7.8) / Available prep time (7.8)

Notes Regarding Budget-Neutral SBOs versus those that require an MOU:

*In order to be budget-neutral, any differences in your calendar/schedule must be consistent with the following collective bargaining agreements: 180 student days, 10 PD days for teachers, and a 7 hour 5 minute work day with embedded arrival time and departure time as depicted in the chart below.

Operating hours / Teacher Reporting Time Prior to Student Arrival / Teacher Leave Time After Student Departure / Daily Total / Weekly Total
Elementary, K-8 / 6:40 / 15 / 10 / 7:05 / 35:25
High School / 6:50 / 10 / 5 / 7:05 / 35:25

**If you are requiring teachers and other staffing positions to go beyond the requirements listed above, then you must budget to pay for that additional time. This will require a Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)with the union, district, and school. You can approximate the new compensation amountbyusing this formula:

Standard Weekly Total Minutes + Extended Minutes per week* Salary = New salary amount

Standard Weekly Total Minutes

Narrative Explanation of your SBO Request

Provide a brief bulleted list of all components of your SBO request. Please include each segment, even if your school has had this in the past--all SBOs must be reviewed and approved yearly.

These boxes will expand as you start typing…

Narrative Description and Rationale of the Proposal: for each bullet from above, provide an explanation of what you are asking for and why:

How does this proposal align with the major initiatives of your school?

What costs or trade-offs does this SBO have for your school, in funding, instructional time, etc? How do you plan to deal with those trade-offs?

Both Principal and Building Representative must sign below. Please print, sign, scan and upload to e-forms along with your spreadsheet template.

By signing below, we are acknowledging thatwe both agree to this proposal and commit to holding a teacher vote if approved by City Schools. Further, we acknowledge that if approved by teachers and City Schools, this will become our calendar for 2017-2018, and we understand that further changes will be considered only in cases of emergency and only by approval from City Schools.


Building RepresentativePrincipal