Expanding Your Career and Healthcare Opportunities® (ECHO)

Guidelines for Administering

the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE)

Complete Battery

Level D

Proctor’s Checklist


SAW/ECHO Participant Applications (provided by Catalyst Learning)

 TABE Screening Booklets (provided by Catalyst Learning)

 Scantron answer sheets – green (provided by Catalyst Learning)

 Guidelines for Administering the TABE (this booklet, provided by Catalyst Learning)

 #2 pencils

 Paper for Students’ Note Taking

 Watch with second hand or stopwatch

 “Do Not Disturb” or “Testing in Progress” sign


 Review directions for administering the TABE before your screening date.

 Call the Catalyst Learning Staff in advance if you have questions!

 Make sure you have enough materials for all students.

 Assemble materials so that they can be distributed quickly.

After the TABE is Completed

 Collect TABE screening booklets, Scantron answer sheets, #2 pencils and students’ note paper

 Make a copy of the Scantron answer sheets and participant applications, including the signed student

authorization page. (These copies are for the Coach’s file)

 Place completed Scantron answer sheets and participant applications, including the signed student authorization

page, in the UPS envelope (provided by Catalyst Learning).

 Make note of the tracking number on the UPS return label.

 Place the UPS envelope in a UPS box or drop off at a UPS location.

Contact Information:

Kelly Begley
Client Relations Coordinator
310 West Liberty St. Suite 403
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 584-7337 x 126
(502) 584-7334 Fax
/ Brittany Gearhart
Client Relations Coordinator
310 West Liberty St. Suite 403
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 584-7337 x 117
(502) 584-7334 Fax
/ Dawn Gurley
Client Relations Coordinator
310 West Liberty St. Suite 403
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 584-7337
(502) 584-7334 Fax
/ Marguerite Shulhafer
Client Relations Coordinator
310 West Liberty St. Suite 403
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 584-7337 x 115
(502) 584-7334 Fax


This version of the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) is designed to assess the reading skills of the employees who are interested in participating in School at Work® (SAW) or in Expanding Your Career and Healthcare Opportunities® (ECHO). You will be administering the TABE Complete Battery Form 9 to students. This is called a Level D (difficult) form, which means it is intended to assess students with a broad range of skills.

What are the sections that I will administer?

You will only be administering theReading section, which uses forms, tables, charts, and excerpts from non-fiction to assess vocabulary, critical thinking, and comprehension skills. Thereading section is on pages 1-21of the TABE screening booklet.

The three other sections in the TABE will not be necessary to administer.

Preparation Before the Actual Test Day

  1. Schedule a room for 2 hours. Make sure there is adequate space for

each student. The first 15-20 minutes is for welcoming the candidates, giving them the materials and answering any questions they might have. The next 50 minutes is for completing the Reading section of the TABE.

  1. Contact all employees that are on your sign-up sheet a day or two prior to the screening date to confirm time and location.

Ensuring a Successful TABE Administration

Following are several suggestions to help ensure that the administration of the screening goes smoothly for you and the SAW or ECHOapplicants. Please keep in mind that some of the applicants may be apprehensive or even a little afraid of the screeningprocess. Fear and apprehension, as you know, can significantly affect an individual’s performance on a test. Our goal is to minimize these psychological barriers to performance. We want each student to do their best.

  1. Prepare the room. Make sure there are adequate chairs and writing surfaces. The room should be quiet, with good ventilation and adequate lighting. You may wish to make a sign indicating that testing is in progress to place on the door, or find another way to prevent disturbances.
  2. Make sure you have enough TABE screening booklets, Scantron answer sheets for each student (and extras in case they are needed), #2 pencils for every student, and paper for student note-taking (collect these when they have completed the screening).
  3. When students arrive, introduce yourself and briefly explain your role in SAW/ECHO before beginning thescreening.
  1. Try to make the students as comfortable as possible. Many of these individuals have been out of school for several years, and in some cases, school and learning has meant failure. We want them to know this is a positive situation andthat we are measuring the skills they do have in order to ensure that they will succeed in the SAW/ECHO program.
    We don’t want to set anyone up to fail by placing them in a program for which they are not prepared. Instead of discussing who is “eligible” or “qualified,” you can discuss those whose skills are “ready” – or who might need some “brush up” or a “refresher course” before taking SAW or ECHO. You can let them know that the TABE is intended to assess a wide range of skills, and that there may be some questions that are difficult to answer.
  2. Set ground rules before beginning the screening (example: no talking, no food or drink, no leaving the room without consulting you).

Guidelines During the TABE Administration

Below are general guidelines to follow during the administration of theTABEscreening. Detailed instructions can be found on pages 6 – 8 of this Guide.

  1. Make sure students understand how to mark the Scantron answer sheet before you begin. You might want to go over questions A and B on page 1 of the booklet as an example.
  2. Tell students they have 50 minutes to complete questions 1 – 50 on pages 2 to 21 of their booklets.
  3. Encourage students to answer all questions, even if they are unsure of the answer.
  4. Make sure students are marking the Scantron answer sheet correctly (marks are heavy and dark, completely filling in the answer space, and incorrect marks are erased completely).
  5. Walk around during the screening, especially at the beginning of the screening, to be sure that

everyone is marking the Scantron answer sheet correctly.

  1. Avoid providing any assistance that may indicate an answer. It is fine to explain the directions again, or to give assistance in finding the correct page or section of the answer sheet.
  2. If a student asks you “Is this right? (or wrong)” give a neutral response such as, “Just choose the answer you think is right and go on to the next question.”
  3. Make sure students have their own Scantron answer sheets at the start of each section.
  4. If a student does not complete the screening in the time allotted, mark a circle around the number where the student stopped and allow the student to continue with the screening. Make a note on the Scantron answer sheet of how much additional time was given to complete.

After Screening is Complete

After thescreeningsession is complete, collect the following items from the students:

  • Participant Applications
  • Scantron answer sheets
  • Paper used for note-taking
  • TABE booklets

Important Shipping Information!

  • A UPS envelope and shipping label have been provided to you.
  • Make a copy of the Scantron answer sheets and Participant Applications for you to keep in case the package is delayed or lost in transit.
  • Make note of the tracking number on the return label.If the envelope does not arrive as scheduled, this tracking number will be needed to locate the envelope.
  • Place the following items in the UPS envelope for shipping to Catalyst Learning:
  • Participant Applications
  • Scantron answer sheets
  • Place the UPS envelope in a UPScollection box or drop it off at a UPS location.
  • Note: Return the envelope after allyour scheduled TABE screening sessions have been completed.

Keep the TABE booklets to use when screening for your next SAW or ECHO class.

TABE Administration Directions

Use the following table as you administer the TABE. The right column contains what you will actually say out loud to students. The left column contains directions for youand should not be read aloud to the students.

Examiner says:
(During the 50 minute period, write the time remaining on the chalkboard at the
25 minute interval.) / Hello, my name is ______. Today you will be taking a screening that measures your current skills in reading comprehension. The purpose of this screening is to determine the best place for you to begin as you continue your education. Some of you may have been out of school for a few years. If that’s the case, you may feel that your skills are a little rusty, but that is perfectly normal. You should not feel nervous if you don’t know all the answers on this screening; it is designed to assess a wide range of skills, and there may well be questions that you cannot answer. But don’t let yourself get stuck on the difficult questions. Just do the best you can on the items that you can answer. When you have answered all the questions that you know, then go back and make your most careful choice on any remaining questions whose answers you may not know. It is important to try to answer every question. You will be given a score based on the number of questions you answer correctly.
I am distributing the Scantron answer sheets now. We will fill in the top portion together before beginning the screening. Please don’t make any marks on the Scantron answer sheet except the ones I tell you to make. Use only the #2 pencils I have given to you. I will collect the pencils, booklets, note paper, and Scantron answer sheets at the end of this meeting.
Find the space labeled “NAME” and print your last name, then your first name, and finally your middle initial.
(Write the site name on the chalkboard). / In the space labeled “TEST NO.” fill in the name of the hospital in which your SAW class will be conducted, even if it is not the hospital in which you work. Please do not abbreviate.
Examiner says:
(Write today’s date mm/dd/yy on the chalkboard). / Write today’s date where it says “DATE”.
Examiner says: / Do not write anything in the space next to PERIOD or SUBJECT.
Examiner distributes TABE booklets.
Examiner says:
Examiner says:
(Make sure students have found Samples A and B)
(Make sure students marked the sample answers correctly.) / We will only be accessing the reading sectionof the TABE booklets from page 1 to page 21. Please open the booklet to page 1.
This section of the screening is about understanding what you read. When you mark an answer, fill in on your answer sheet the answer space that goes with the answer you chose. Fill in the answer space completely and make your mark heavy and dark. If you want to change an answer, erase your mark completely, and then make a new mark. Please do not write in the booklets.
We will do two samples together. Find Sample A in your screening booklets. For Sample A, read the passage. Then choose the answer to that question below the passage. Find Sample B and read the passage. Then choose the answer to that question below the passage.
On the Scantron answer sheet, to the left of the area where you wrote your name, there is a box marked with a heading “IMPORTANT”. Below “IMPORTANT”, on the left, at the bottom of this box, you will see the word “Example:” The first line next to “Example” is A through E and the second line is F through K. The first line has C filled in. That is the answer for Sample A on Page 1 of your booklet. Now, let’s look at Sample B, below Sample A, in your booklet. When I say begin, read the information and answer Sample B question on the second line,F through K,by filling in the circle that goes with the answer you chose. You may begin.
For Sample A, the letter C is filled in, the one that goes with the word/answer “library.”
For Sample B, you should have filled in circle G, the one that goes with your answer “how Kate gets to work.” If you did not fill in the correct circle, erase completely and change your answer now.
Examiner says:
Examiner says:
(During the 50 minute period, write the time remaining on the chalkboard at the
25 minute interval.)
Examiner says: / Look at the lower right corner of the TABE booklet page on Page 3. You will see an arrow with the word, “Go”. Whenever you see this sign, you can continue working on the next page. Continue working until you see the circle with the word “STOP”next to it, at the bottom of page 21. Once you get to page 21, and you still have time left, go back and check to make sure you have filled in all of the correct circles. Do not go on to any more sections after page 21.
There are 50 questions in this section. Remember to carefully read the directions. Only mark one answer for each question. If you come to a question that you cannot answer, you can skip it and come back to it later. Be sure to leave the space blank for that question on your answer sheet, as well, until you come back to the question. Otherwise, your answers will be out of order and may be scored incorrectly. When you have completed all the questions that you can answer, go back and work on any questions you may have skipped. Try to answer all the questions, even if you are unsure of the answer. Just make your most careful choice and then go on.
You will have 50 minutes to complete this section. Are there any questions about this section? All right, you may begin.
Examiner says: / All right, time is up. Make sure that all your marks are heavy and dark, and that you have completely erased any marks that you do not want. If there is anyone who has not completed all the answers and is still working on the TABE, please stay in your seats but do not make any further marks on your answer sheets.
Congratulations! You have completed the screening! As you are leaving, please turn in your booklets, pencils, scrap paper and Scantron answer sheets to me. Further information about your results will be coming from your site coach in the next couple weeks. Thank you for your interest in School at Work (SAW) and in Expanding Your Career and Healthcare Opportunities (ECHO)!

***Examiner Note: If a student is struggling with the time limit and is still working on the TABE after the 50 minutes are up, mark a circlearound the number of the question on the student’s answer sheetwhere they stopped when the time was up. Then, allow the student to continue answering the questions and note the amount of additional time used to complete the screening. When you send your Scantron answer sheets to your Client Relations Coordinator, note this information on the Scantron answer sheet. Your Client Relations Coordinator will discuss this during your follow-up phone call.

Please call your Client Relations Coordinator with questions or if you need further assistance,

(502) 584-7337 Thank you!


TABE Screening Guidelines

School at Work/Expanding Your Career and Healthcare Opportunities