School: Alexander HighTeacher: Copeland

Email: Date: August, 2009

Course: Biology I


Course Description:Biology is the study of the chemical and physical properties of life. During the course students will actively delve into all aspects of the living world including, but not limited to: the cell, biochemistry, biological diversity, genetics, evolution by natural selection, and ecology.

PerformanceStandards/Objectives: The biology curriculum follows the Georgia Performance Standards. This curriculum focuses upon inquiry based instruction utilizing problem solving strategies. The specific GPS curriculum can be accessed through the Douglas County Schools web site at:

Anticipated Classroom Format: Instruction will include several different modalities including the following: lecture, laboratory inquires, dissection, group discussions, cooperative learning. Students will be required to take notes and maintain an organized notebook. Periodically the students will participate in outdoor field activities, manipulate live organisms and complete computer investigations. Portfolios will be prepared from essential materials which can be utilized for GHSGT preparation.

Assessment/Evaluations/Required Student Products: Instruction will include, but is not limited to, the following: notebook checks, lab reports, article summaries, projects/project presentations, group work, tests/quizzes, daily assignments, scientific vocabulary, GHSGT warm-up questions and internet assignments.

Grading Plan: The computer calculates grades cumulatively, using the following weights:

Minor Grades=20%Major Grades=65%EOCT=15%

Homework=5%Lab Reports=20%State mandated

Quizzes=5%Unit Tests=20%

Notebook=5%Daily Assignments=15%


Articles (4)=2%

It is the student’s responsibility to frequently check their average on line. Parents may also keep updated on a daily basis by accessing Parent Portal. Registration is required. Class information as well as all assignments and forms can be accessed at the following:

Strategies for Student Learning: To be successful in biology students should be self-motivated, inquisitive, and conscientious learners. In addition, students should always: be on time for class, prepared for instruction, complete assignments by required dates, be courteous of others, ask questions to clarify learning, remain on task, adhere to all safety requirements, and obtain and complete makeup work when absent.

Academic Honesty: Students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic honesty. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses or purchases ghostwritten papers. It also occurs when a student utilizes the ideas of, or information obtained, from another person without giving credit to that person. Infractions of code may include cheating, plagiarism, disruptive behavior and disorderly conduct. Students found to be in violation of the honesty code may be subject to disciplinary action and/or no credit for the assignment or class. Assignments submitted by a student must reflect the student’s own work.

Required Readings: Will include, but is not limited to, the following: magazine/newspaper/internet articles, textbook, labs and assignments, select supplementary texts.

Lost Book Policy: As per Board Policy Descriptive Code: IFAD, the student will be charged the full replacement cost for any lost, or damaged beyond use, textbook.

Replacement Cost: Glencoe Biology

Text = $71.70 Disk Version = $85.50

Glencoe Biology Textbook can be accessed on-line at

Course Scope and Sequence

1 / Biochemistry/Cells / 22 Days / SB1, SB3
2 / Genetics/Heredity / 20 Days / SB2, SB1
3 / Mech. Of Evolution / 10 Days / SB5
4 / Classification/Ecology / 18 Days / SB3
5 / Diversity/Complexity / 10 Days / SB4


Returned Work can be corrected and finished. It has to be returned the next school day for credit. The only exceptions are for work late due to absences.

Student Signature______Date______

Parent Signature______Date______