This is a general checklist of social and emotional skills that are developmentally appropriate for school-aged children (6+ years). If you are working with a student who has difficulty in one or more categories of social and emotional development, structure daily interactions to assist the child in mastering identified skills. In addition, please share your concerns with the parent or guardian or guardian and consult community resources as needed.

Please check all statements that can be answered “yes”.

Social Behavioral Skills

□Student is able to ask for what he/she needs and wants from caregivers.

□Student is able to follow directions and general expectations of caregivers.

□Student has good eye contact with peers.

□Student is able to express feelings appropriately to peers.

□Student is able to share and interact cooperatively with peers.

□Student is able to start conversations with peers.

□Student is able to ask questions of peers.

□Student is able to listen to peers.

□Student is able to ignore peers when he/she should.

□Student is not passive with peers.

□Student is not aggressive with peers.

Social and General Problem- Solving Skills

□Student thinks about what he/she is doing.

□Student understands the consequences of behavior.

□Student behavior is goal oriented.

□Student is aware when he/she is having a problem.

□Student learns from past mistakes and does not repeat them.

□Student uses good strategies to solve problems.

□Student knows when he/she is having a social problem.

□Student is knowledgeable of how he/she affects others.

□Student uses appropriate strategies to solve interpersonal difficulties.

□Student uses non aggressive solutions to solve disagreements with others.

Ability to Cope with Anger

□Student is aware when he/she is getting angry or frustrated.

□Student can verbalize 2-5 things that help to calm him/her when angry (understands coping skills).

□Student keeps anger under-control (does not blow-up or have anger outbursts).

□Student is can handle minor frustrations without adult assistance.

□Student is happy most days.

Ability to Engage in Self-Directed Academic Behaviors

□Student is able to organize school materials.

□Student effectively budgets his/her time.

□Student understands homework assignments-what is suppose to be done.

□Student is usually on-task and gets work done at school.

□Student usually completes homework assignments.

□Student has good study skills/habits.

Emotional Well-Being and Level of Self-Esteem

□Student acknowledges his/her own feelings.

□Student expresses feelings in appropriate ways.

□Student is able to tell others about his/her concerns/troubles.

□Student thinks and verbalizes positive thoughts about self and others.

□Student seems to like him/herself (can identify positive self qualities).

□Student focuses on positive things and manages negative things.

□Student is able to take responsibility for achievements and mistakes.

Child Name: ______DOB: ______Age: _____

Screening completed by: ______Date: ______