Thursday, March 16, 2017

Meeting Date:

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by Ms. Latonya Cooper, SAC Chairperson at approximately

5:47 pm.

Approval of February 16, 2017Minutes:

The Februaryminutes were reviewed by the members and guests in attendance.

  • Mr. Roberson asked to add to the February minutes a proposal presented to SAC in January for the use of SAC Funds. The funds would be allocated to support a positive behavioral initiative for Lauderhill 6 – 12 Students.
  • Afterwards, the February minutes were moved by Mr. Roberson to accept the minutes with the amendment. The motion was seconded. A vote was taken and the minutes were approved to be accepted.

New Business:

Continuation Waiver –

  • Ms. Cooper explained the purpose of Professional Study Day (PSD)which gives the Faculty and Staff an opportunity for professional development. During Professional Study Day, the students are released from school earlier from the regular scheduled time.
  • Mrs. Maxwell explained the PSD process for 2016 – 2017 School Year. The faculty voted to have four PSD days. The number of days was sufficient for the professional development that was provided to the staff. Today (March 16, 2017), faculty members voted if the PSD Waiver will continue for the 2017 – 2018 School Year. The results will be available on March 17th to give Instructional Staff that was absent on voting day to vote. In the last meeting, SAC voted to continue with the PSD Waiver for the 2017 – 2018 School Year.

Extended Learning Opportunities –

  • Saturday Success Camp – Ms. Cooper and Mrs. Maxwell explained the purpose of the extended learning opportunity for Middle School students. Great opportunity to make sure standards and skills are explained to students in depth. Students are on a rotating schedule to take part in Reading, Math, and a Science Component for 8th Graders (8th Grade has the SSA Science Assessment). The students are coming and enjoying the learning opportunity.
  • High School students will have an opportunity to take part in the Saturday Success Camp sometime after April 1st (possibly the end of April). The first part of the camp is the AP Review Session. Biology starts on April 18th. April 1st is the AP Review at South Plantation High School. US History is after school. SAT Camp started on March 15 and will run for three weeks. SAT is April 5th.

Testing Schedule – SAC Members and Guests were given a copy of the testing schedule beginning on April 25th. Mrs. Maxwell went over the testing schedule for Middle and High School Students. The testing calendar is in draft mode.

Title 1 –

  • We are a Title 1 School. Mr. Deich who is the Title 1 Coordinator apologizes for his absence. The Parent Compact and Parental Involvement Plan was presented to the SAC Members and Guests. The Parent Compact and Parent Involvement Plan was created by parents from the previous year. The Parent Compact and Parent Involvement Plan states that Lauderhill 6 – 12 will:
  • Have parent conferences every Tuesday and Thursday,
  • Every 2nd and 4th week of the month, we will provide high quality instruction to our students;
  • Parents can request conferences throughout the year;
  • Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress.
  • Mr. Roberson moved to accept the Lauderhill 6 – 12 Parent Compact and Parental Involvement Plan without any changes. The motion was seconded by Ms. Allen.

Parent Survey – SAC Members and Guest were given the opportunity to complete a parent survey online. Laptops were provided to complete the parent surveys. Paper copies are expected to be delivered to the students on March 17th.

Principal Updates:

Mrs. Maxwell reported for Dr. Reardon:

  • Magnet application doors have closed. The district sent out the award letters to the Magnet recipients. We have received a list of students who are earmarked in attending Lauderhill 6 – 12. With have targeted fifty students for our incoming Freshman Class. We have twenty students who have signed up. Recruiting continues and each person on the Admin Team have been paired with our 8th Graders who are eligible. Most of the students earmarked for our High School are our 8th Graders. Few students are 10th Graders, one 11th Grader, and one Senior attending other high schools.
  • Senior portraits are on March 17th with a Senior Assembly in the afternoon. Graduation is June 3rd.
  • Congratulations was given to Dr. Cooper, SAC Chairperson who will become the new Assistant Principal at Deerfield Beach Elementary School. Mr. Roberson will take on the role of SAC Chairperson for the remainder of the 2016 – 2017 School Year.

Questions and Concerns:

  • No questions asked

Next meeting is April 20, 2017.

Meeting was motioned and adjourned at 6:30 pm.