School Advisory Council (SAC) /School Advisory Forum (SAF)
Meeting Agenda
Flamingo Elementary School
A Title I School
January 30, 2017
The mission of Flamingo Elementary School is to provide a safe and secure environment where a foundation of skills is built to ensure each student has developed good character and the knowledge to achieve success in all endeavors.
Welcome/ Sign In
Meeting called to order at 2:12
Approval of November and December, 2016 Minutes
Mrs Crosby made motion to approve minutes
Mrs. Dale 2nd
Accreditation Feedback
Glowing, positive remarks about accreditation
1,227 interviews to receive accreditation
Positive culture, laser like focus on instruction
Things to work on more structure on teaching, more alignment with grading
and report cards, more professional development for staff
FACE (Family and Community Engagement)
Mrs. Dale has been the first contact
1st step list of suggestions on how to be proactive on customer service as a school board
Will be shared at faculty on 1/31/17
2nd step cultural survey for families. Idea is to learn what happens in communities to better help teachers to understand how to fit their students need.
Results will then be shared with staff at a faculty meeting at a later date
3rd FACE resource space in front office where families can share their results
Positive comments will be uploaded and shared with staff
School Improvement Plan (SIP) Development – Title I Addendum Development –
Deferred until next month while waiting for Mrs. McGrath
Parent Input
SAF – Update in search of a chairperson
County requirement needs one parent to go to I-zone meetings
Notes have gone out in Flamingo Flyer
Title 1 Parent Involvement Plan - Parent Compacts – Parent Input
Tabled till next month
Principal’s Report
This week and last week 3-4 took BSA. Scores were fairly aligned with the district:
3rd grade ELA 47.9% compared with the district average of 49.2% predicted to be proficient on the FSA
4th grade ELA 53% compared with district average of 52%, predicted to be proficient on the FSA
5th grade ELA 53.5% compared with the district average of district score 56.6%, predicted to be proficient on the FSA
3rd grade Math scores 50.5% compared with the district average of 52.7%, predicted to be proficient on the FSA
4th grade Math score 45.5% compared with the district average of 48.1% predicted to be proficient on the FSA
5th grade Math score 46.9% compared with the district average of 46.4% predicted to be proficient.
3rd to 5th grade teams will meet to discuss what will be most helpful to raise those scores by the time they take the FSA in late April to Early May
1st week back had paraprofessional and facilities week to honor those workers
Last week book fair, much success, many parents attended, the theme was a camping theme to encourage students to “Read S’more”
End of November $20,000 was donated from 6 local churches which was earmarked for technology. 3rd graders will now have 1 to 1 technology ratio
Hired a new 5th grade teacher Mrs. Zazzara from New Jersey
Hired new reading coach Mrs. Patrick
A new bookkeeper has been submitted to the school board
Motion to adjourn at 2:29 made by Mr. Gonzalez
2nd by Ms. Maldonado
Upcoming SAC Meeting / Upcoming School EventsFebruary 27, 2017
March 20, 2017
April 17, 2017
May 22, 2017 /
- 2/1 – Papa John’s Night
- 2/2 – Report Cards Issued
- 2/2 - TYCTWD
- 2/6-10 PTO Valentine Heart Sale
- 2/15 – Publix Math Night
- 2/16 – Interim Reports Issued
- 2/20 – No School
- 2/23 – ER Day