Challenger Elementary School
School Advisory Council Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
8:14 am
I. Welcome-meeting called to order at 8:14am
II. Desired Outcomes-discussion of what SAC is and expectations of the upcoming year
III. Introductions- Motion to approve new members Turok, seconded by Aime, unanimously approved- Welcome Kevin Peters and Samantha Riley!
a. Faculty Members- Michael Azcarate, Stacy Rowe, Kevin Peters, Johnique Hudson, Samantha Riley (BTU), Tara Zdanowicz
b. Parent Representatives - ESE –Esaie Aime, Pre-K – Denisha DePass (did not attend), ESOL – open, SAF- Kaushalya Coehlo(resigned), IZone – open, Gifted – Damien Cummings (did not attend), and Karla Reale (did not attend), Kiran Hanif (did not attend)
c. Community/Business Representatives Ann Richman (resigned) (Sawgrass Lanes)
d. Member Composition and Membership drive – ESOL, Gifted, IZone lack of parental involvement is a concern and will be acted upon immediately, we will address at our open houses and have teachers recommend parents who may be interested
IV. Approve May SAC Minutes-review and amended motion to approve by Hudson, seconded by Aime, unanimously approved.
V. Roles and Responsibilities of SAC ‐ Azcarate
VI. By-Laws – Azcarate - A vote on the updates will take place at the next SAC.
VII. Principal’s Report – Title 1 –Zdanowicz –Fundraisers at Tijuana Flats –new pool sub to cover ESE/RTI meetings- AR(K-5) will commence soon -$500 given to media specialist to purchase STEM materials for students who are behind –media room behind Ms. Z’s office will be turned into a student enrichment room –K-2 playground will have new equipment purchased -3-5 playground has been modified and safe for students
–TARP for playgrounds not in consideration as of yet due to availability of SMART funds –Student numbers are up by 30 students in spite of new charter school built in the area –praise for staff and all stakeholders for their dedication and tireless efforts
VIII. Upcoming Event/New Business -ESE online for ALL teachers (not discussed)
-AR (will commence soon) -Rigby Testing lengthy (not addressed) -Meet and Greet Success-very happy with parent turnout
-School Boundary Meeting Orientation (Taravella Zone)-10/21 Mtg-11/20 & 11/30-email was sent to Ms. Perez (Ramblewood Elem) regarding times for meetings, email will be sent to SAC team to gauge interest
a. Upcoming SAC Meetings:-motion was made to modify SAC meeting dates in September, February, and March-Hudson, seconded by Aime-unanimously passed
-meeting time for October was changed to 9am for October meeting only, future meetings times will be discussed at next meeting and times will be amended then –motion Aime, seconded by Hudson, unanimously passed
September 9, 2015 / 8:00 am - 9:00 am / Principal’s Conference RoomOctober 7, 2015 / 9:00 am - 10:00 am / Principal’s Conference Room
November 18, 2015 / TBD / Principal’s Conference Room
December 2015 / Winter Break / No Meeting
January 13, 2016 / TBD / Principal’s Conference Room
February 17, 2016 / TBD / Principal’s Conference Room
March 16, 2016 / TBD / Principal’s Conference Room
April 2016 / FSA Testing / No Meeting
May 11, 2016 / TBD / Principal’s Conference Room
SAF-School Advisory Forum – Kaushalya Coehlo (resigned) No meeting information