Functional Skills Qualification in ICT / Level 1 ICT Scheme of work

Functional Skills: ICT

scheme of work: Level 1

This sample scheme of work covers classroom based learning for Functional Skills ICT Level 1. It is based on one hour per session for eight sessions. It is an example only of a possible scheme of work and is based on classroom/workshop sessions within an FE centre but can be amended to suit all learning facilities with the necessary adjustments to meet individual learners’ needs.

Functional Skills ICT Level 1 is designed as a stand-alone unit and should be used in conjunction with the standards set for the qualification to ensure full coverage of the learning requirements. However, with some modification it could be combined with the other Functional Skills Qualifications in Maths and English.

You can use the sample scheme of work as it is, adjust it, or extract content to create a scheme of work to suit your delivery needs. It can also be adjusted by adding classroom and workshop sessions to support learners who have/need additional learning time.

Reference is made within the scheme of work to handouts, including information sheets, problem solving activities, worksheets and skills checks in black bold that are available on for tutors to use with learners. Any other resources listed are not provided on SmartScreen but give guidance to the tutor on others they may supply. Delivery timings are given; however, these can be amended to suit the group. The content of presentations, discussions, explanations etc are left to the professionalism of the course tutor. Also provided on for Functional Skills ICT Level 1 are tutor notes and suggestions for other scenarios to help tutors prepare learners for assessment.

Where appropriate, centres should also incorporate the following themes as strands running through each of the sections within the qualification. Although they are not specifically referred to in the content section, City & Guilds regards these as essential in the teaching of the qualification:

·  Health and safety considerations, in particular the need to impress upon learners the fact that they must preserve the health and safety of others as well as themselves

·  Functional skills (Mathematics and English)

·  Extension tasks and differentiation, inclusion, entitlement and equality issues

·  Spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues

·  Environmental education and related European issues

·  Every Child Matters

·  Personal learning and thinking skills (PLTS)

·  Use of information learning technology (ILT).

Functional Skills: ICT

Sample scheme of work: Level 1


Course/qualification: / Group: / Duration:
From: To:
No. of sessions: 8 / Delivery hours: 8 / Venue:
Aim of course: to enable learners to
1.  Interact with and use ICT systems independently
2.  Use ICT to plan and organise work
3.  Use ICT systems to manage information storage
4.  Follow and understand the need for safety and security practices when using ICT
5.  Independently select and use a variety of ICT based sources and other forms of information
6.  Access, search for, select and use ICT based information
7.  Enter, develop and format information to suit its meaning and purpose
8.  Use ICT to bring together information to suit content and purpose
9.  Present information so that it is fit for purpose and audience
10.  Evaluate the effectiveness of ICT, review and modify their work.
Session / Objectives/learning outcomes
The learner will: / Activities and resources / Assessment criteria /
1 / 1.  Select and use appropriate software to look for information
2.  Organise and select items of information in order to carry out an effective search
3.  Open an Internet browser
4.  Use appropriate search techniques to find information
5.  Demonstrate an understanding of the need to keep personal information safe
6.  Write an email in an appropriate format
7.  Produce a draft and final copy of an email / Activity 1 –Train journeys
Handout: Information sheet
Handout: Problem solving sheet
Handout: Worksheet
Handout: Skills check
Pens and paper
Mini whiteboards
Internet access / Question and answer
Group work
Writing tasks
Reading tasks
Using ICT
2 / 1.  Select and use a variety of sources of information independently, including paper sources
2.  Use ICT based information
3.  Select and use appropriate software to look for information
4.  Organise and select items of information in order to carry out an effective search
5.  Open an Internet browser
6.  Use appropriate search techniques to find information
7.  Write an email in an appropriate format
8.  Produce a final copy of an email / Activity 2 – Healthy living
Handout: Information sheet
Handout: Problem solving sheet
Handout: Worksheet
Handout: Skills check
Pens and paper
Mini whiteboards
Internet access
Non-ICT sources such as books, magazines, etc (access to library)
Scales and tape measure / Question and answer
Group work
Reading tasks
Writing tasks
Using ICT
3 / 1.  Select and use appropriate software to design a greeting card
2.  Produce and use a template of their design
3.  Enter, develop and format information to suit its meaning and purpose; to include the addition of photos, text, etc
4.  Apply editing techniques
5.  Produce a draft and final copy of the greeting card
6.  Write and send the greeting card by email
7.  Respond to information regarding the greeting card which has been sent by email; to include the opening and sending of attachments
8.  Manage information storage – the arrangement of files, folders and subfolders / Activity 3 – Design a card
Handout: Information sheet
Handout: Problem solving sheet
Handout: Worksheet
Handout: Skills check
Pens and paper
Mini whiteboards
Internet access
Access to suitable templates and email account / Question and answer
Group work
Writing tasks
Reading tasks
Using ICT
4 / 1.  Select and use appropriate software to search for information
2.  Organise and select items of information in order to carry out an effective search
3.  Open Internet browsers
4.  Use appropriate search techniques to find information
5.  Evaluate the performance of various Internet browsers
6.  Demonstrate an understanding of the need to keep personal information safe
7.  Use instant messaging to communicate information
8.  Print a copy of the instant message / Activity 4 – Buying a television
Handout: Information sheet
Handout: Problem solving sheet
Handout: Worksheet
Handout: Skills check
Pens and paper
Mini whiteboards
Internet access / Question and answer
Group work
Writing tasks
Reading tasks
Using ICT
5 / 1.  Select and use appropriate software to collect together information on spending
2.  Set up a spreadsheet, including formatting cells for the appropriate type of data
3.  Produce a graph or chart from a spreadsheet
4.  Print a copy of the spreadsheet and graph/chart
5.  Apply mathematical functions including SUM to the data in the spreadsheet
6.  Organise files in folders and subfolders
7.  Place file name in the footer of a document
8.  Understand the steps to operate an ATM / Activity 5 – Your money
Handout: Information sheet
Handout: Problem solving sheet
Handout: Worksheet
Handout: Skills check
Pens and paper
Mini whiteboards
Internet access / Question and answer
Group work
Writing tasks
Reading tasks
Using ICT
6. / 1.  Read information from the handbook
2.  Determine the information required to produce a spreadsheet
3.  Create a spreadsheet
4.  Format text and numbers and produce a style that gives a ‘professional’ appearance to the spreadsheet
5.  Use formulae with single operators in the spreadsheet
6.  Use the SUM function in the spreadsheet
7.  Name methods and search criteria that can be used when carrying out an Internet search
8.  Produce a draft and final version of a summary document
9.  Print draft and final version of a summary document
10.  Obtain feedback on either their data or the summary document
11.  Show the changes made in the document by using collaborative tools, such as track changes, comments and highlighting
12.  Identify skills used in the activity and show how to apply them to other ICT systems / Activity 6 – Mobile phones
Handout: Information sheet
Handout: Problem solving sheet
Handout: Worksheet
Handout: Skills check
Pens and paper
Internet access / Question and answer
Group work
Writing tasks
Reading tasks
Using ICT
7. / 1.  Select information from a given paper source
2.  Select and use appropriate software to collect together the information on the specific job
3.  Use appropriate search criteria to find a job
4.  Select and evaluate the information obtained from the search
5.  Complete an online job application
6.  Understand the need for a ‘strong’ password
7.  Understand good personal safety and security practices
8.  Understand various interface features that are found on web pages
9.  Write and print a letter
10.  Send email which includes an attachment
11.  Organise files in folders and subfolders
12.  Place file name in the footer of a document / Activity 7 – Get a job
Handout: Information sheet
Handout: Problem solving sheet
Handout: Worksheet
Handout: Skills check
Pens and paper
Internet access / Question and answer
Group work
Writing tasks
Reading tasks
Using ICT
8. / 1.  Select information from a given paper source
2.  Select and use appropriate software to collect together the information on various holiday options
3.  Select and evaluate the information obtained from the search
4.  Construct a spreadsheet to display the information
5.  Format the cells of the spreadsheet for text, number, font and currency
6.  Perform calculations within the spreadsheet using basic mathematical functions including the SUM function
7.  Send email which includes an attachment
8.  Organise files in folders and subfolders
9.  Place file name in the footer of a document
10.  Understand the importance of virus protection
11.  Adjust system settings to meet individual needs / Activity 8 – Plan a holiday
Handout: Information sheet
Handout: Problem solving sheet
Handout: Worksheet
Handout: Skills check
Pens and paper
Mini whiteboards
Internet access / Question and answer
Group work
Writing tasks
Reading tasks
Using ICT
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