Program of Events
Monday June 22, 2015 8:30a.m. – 4:00p.m.
WVU Erickson Alumni Center (Ballroom A & Rooms 110/111)
Please RSVP to by June 1, 2015
Conference and parking at the WVU Erickson Alumni Center will be free of charge.
Light Refreshments and lunch will be provided.


8:15 /
Light refreshments
Ballroom A /
12:15-1:00 /
Keynote Speaker - Ballroom A
Barbara Evans Fleischauer
West Virginia House of Delegates
Lunch and Conversation- Ballroom A
8:30 / Welcome/Introduction/Instructions
Dr. Robert A. Waterson
Director, CDCE /
1:00-1:50 /
Session #4
8:45 / Keynote Speaker- Ballroom A
Dr. Gypsy Denzine, Dean, College of
Education Human Services /
2:00-2:50 /
Session #5
11:00-11:50 / Session #1
Session #2
Session #3 /
Session #6 - Open Discussion
Ballroom A
Topic: What is the Future of West Virginia
Social Studies?
Closing Remarks/Announcements

Schedule of Presentations and Room Assignments

SESSION 1 / Matthew Cox
Ballroom A / There’s an App for That: Teaching and Student Engagement Using Technology Applications / 9:00 – 9:50
SESSION 1 / Mary Haas
110/111 / Visual Literacy: Its Important Role in Social Studies K-12
/ 9:00 – 9:50
SESSION 2 / Matthew Cox
Ballroom A / There’s an App for That: Teaching and Student Engagement Using Technology Applications / 10:00- 10:50
SESSION 2 / Laura Nelson
110/111 / World History as a Talk Show: Bringing Historical Characters Alive / 10:00-10:50
SESSION 3 / Sarah Summers
Ballroom A / Literacy for All in the Social Studies Classroom / 11:00-11:50
SESSION 3 / Carolyn Brejwo
110/111 / Important Lessons for the Cooperating Teacher, Learned from Supervising Student Teachers / 11:00-11:50
SESSION 4 / Hannah Gearhart
Ballroom A / How to Teach Students from an ADHD World / 1:00-1:50
SESSION 4 / Phil Caskey
110/111 / The Power of “What If” in Historical Simulations / 1:00-1:50
SESSION 5 / Eric Moffa
Ballroom A / Discussing Controversial Issues / 2:00-2:50
SESSION 5 / Jackie Gacek
110/111 / One for All and All for One: A 1:1 Technology Initiative / 2:00-2:50

Presenter Information

Eric D. Moffa

Fairmont Senior High School / West Virginia University (CDCE)

Title: Discussing Controversial Issues

Objective: To empower teachers with the pedagogical knowledge and skills to teach students how to discuss controversial public issues.

Matthew D. Cox
Capital High School

Title:There’s an App for That: Teaching and Student Engagement Using Technology Applications

Objective: The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate technology apps that can assist teachers with student engagement, formative and summative assessments, and help them develop student study skills.

Sarah Summers
Ripley High School

Title:Literacy for All in the Social Studies Classroom

Objective: This presentation will focus on literacy and writing in the classroom; it will also examine incorporating document based questions into lessons. It will explain how to have students understand an essential question and use primary and secondary sources to construct a solid answer/response.

Presenter Information, Cont.

Hannah Gearhart
Gilbert County High School

Title: How to Teach Students from an ADHD World

Objective: This presentation will discuss how to develop creative curriculum designed to help contain classroom management behaviors while engaging students in their content.

Carolyn Brejwo
West Virginia University

Title: Important Lessons for the Cooperating Teacher, Learned from Supervising Student Teachers

Objective: This presentation will discuss the critical nature of student teaching as the transition between the role of the student and the role of the teacher.

Jackie Gacek
Ravenswood High School

Title: One for All and All for One: A 1:1 Technology Initiative

Objective: The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate the ways of incorporating MacBook Airs into the social studies classroom to create a more engaging environment with more equal opportunities for student success in the 21st century.

Presenter Information, Cont.

Phil Caskey
University High School
Title:The Power of “What If” in Historical Simulations
Objective: In this presentation, I will discuss the power of the phrase “What if?” and how and why it can be used effectively in scaffolding in the social studies realm, specifically in regard to warfare and historical simulations.

Mary E. Haas
West Virginia University

Title: Visual Literacy:Its Important Role in Social Studies K-12
Objective: Today the digital world has made visuals more important in both life and learning. Incorporating strategies with visual resources to stimulate critical and creative thinking is key to encouraging youth to want to study social studies.

Laura Nelson
West Virginia University

Title:World History as a Talk Show: Bringing Historical Characters Alive

Objective: The purpose of this presentation is to show how World History students are able to more fully understand the past when they are able to create and "become" characters from the past.