Cancer biology and therapeutic strategies towards personalized medicine

Lipari, Italy - Hotel Carasco, June 5/9 2017

The form has to be completed and sent by e-mail no later than February 10, 2017to:

Lisciotto Turismo srl – via Garibaldi 106/a - 98122 Messina

e-mail : - Fax: +39 090 679061 – Tel. +39 090 719001

Last name......



Student PhD-student Post-Doc/Fellow Other (specify)……………………………………..


City ......

State...... ZIP code......

Tel...... Mobile......


Fiscal code (needed for invoice) ______

I hereby confirm that I will attend the summer school and accept the followin program:

June 5- 08:30 meeting of participants at the Milazzo (Messina, Italy) Port hydrofoil station for Aeolian Islands (directions and bus tickets available contacting the travel agents of Lisciotto Turismo srl)

09:00 – Departure to Lipari

10:00 –arrival in Lipari, transfer to Hotel Carasco – double or triple room accomodation

12:30 - lunch

14:30 / 17:30: Lessons

Free dinner

June 6– 8:00 breakfast

09:30/12.30 – Lessons

12:30-14:00 lunch break

14.30 / 17.30 Lessons

Free dinner

June 7 – 8:00 breakfast

09:30/12.30 – Lessons

12:30-14:00 lunch break

14.30 / 17.30 Lessons

Free dinner

June 8 -– 8:00 breakfast

09:30/12.30 – Lessons

12:30-14:00 lunch break

14.30 / 17.30 Lessons

Last night party

June 9– 8:00 breakfast

09:30/12.30 – Lessons and final exams for certificate and credits

Free lunch

16:00 transfer to Lipari Port

17:00 Departure to Milazzo

18:00 Arrival in Milazzo (bus coincidence available to Messina and Catania Airport, tickets and timetables available contacting the travel agents of Lisciotto Turismo srl)

The registration fee is € 600,00 including:

Milazzo-Lipari-Milazzo hydrofoil ticket

Transfer to and from Hotel Carasco

Hotel accomodation in double or triple rooms with breakfast included and free access to the pool

Lunch breaks



Registration and payments

Participation is limited to the first 60 participantson the basis of the email including the registration form and a copy of the first payment € 200,00 (non-refundable), no later than February 10, 2017 at

Payments should be made by wire transfer to Lisciotto Turismo srl IBAN IT62R0306916520615308552557

The remaining € 400,00 (could be split in two installments of € 200,00) should be wired no later thanApril 30, 2017

Cancellation policy

Cancellation should be notified by e-mail to Lisciotto Turismo and the first payment will not be reimbursed. Cancellations received between May 1st and 15, 2017will be detracted of a further fee of € 60,00 plus the first payment (€ 200,00); cancellations received between May 16 and 31 will be detracted of a further fee of € 100,00 plus the first payment; no reimbursement will be provided for cancellations received after May 31 or non-show.

Data...... Firma......

Ai sensi del Decreto legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196 - Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali, autorizzo la Lisciotto Turismo srl al trattamento dei dati personali per finalità di comunicazione connesse all’iniziativa. In ogni momento, Lei potrà esercitare i diritti ex D. Lgs. 196/03, ed in particolare quelli di accesso, cancellazione e opposizione al trattamento, rivolgendosi a Lisciotto Turismo srl, servizio privacy, via Garibaldi n. 106/A -98122 Messina, che è allo scopo identificata come titolare e responsabile del trattamento.