Scatter Plot Project
For this project you will be using Google Classroom to complete a series of assignments. This project is instead of a taking test at the end of our Scatter Plot Unit. Below is the expectations and assignments each day.
Day 1 (Introduction)
- Choose a set of data to analyze from the four available.
- Fill out the Google Form to let the teacher know what data you are analyzing.
- Practice creating the Scatter Plot in Google Sheets (pre-made data).
Day 2 (Scatter Plot creation)
- Complete the online Scatter Plot of your data. You will be using Google Sheets.
- Follow the directions supplied to create the computerized Scatter Plot.
- Your Scatter Plot should include;
- Ordered pairs
- Title
- Axes Labeled
- Trend Line
- Linear Regression Equation
- Make sure to turn in the assignment on Google Classroom, double check with the teacher that they have a copy of it.
- Fill out the Google Form for the day.
Day 3 (Analyzing the data)
- In Google Classroom, there will be a Google Doc you will fill out regarding the analysis of your data.
- You will have to do the following;
- Write the linear Regression (using your calculator)
- Calculate the predicted values
- Calculate the Residuals
- Sketch a Residual Plot
- Describe what the residual plot tells you about the original fit of the data
- Calculate the correlation coefficient, determine the strength of the relationship.
- Make sure you turn in your Google Doc, check with the teacher that they have a copy of it.
- Fill out the Google Form for the day.
Data to Analyze
Set 1: Distance Driven vs Value of a CarSet 2: Games won by a Quarter back vs their salary
Games Won / Salary ($)In millions
15 / 16
14 / 14
12 / 10
11 / 9,
9 / 8
7 / 6
6 / 4
4 / 2
1 / 1
Distance Driven (miles)
In thousands / Value of Car ($) in thousands
0 / 27
10 / 22
30 / 20
45 / 18
90 / 13
105 / 10
125 / 8
150 / 7
180 / 4
Years in School After High School (years) / Average Salary ($)
In thousands
10 / 200
8 / 126
6 / 62
5 / 53
4 / 47
3 / 55
2 / 30
0 / 21
Set 3: Years in School after HS vs Avg. SalarySet 4: Missing HW vs Grade in Class
Missing Homework / Grade in Class(%)
0 / 93
1 / 88
3 / 76
5 / 68
7 / 53
8 / 50
9 / 42
11 / 36
13 / 30
Scatter Plot Rubric:
Day 1: Google Form
Google Form Complete: 3pts
Total: 3 pts
Day 2: Google Sheets
Scatter Plot
a. All points plotted 3pts
b. Axes labeled2pts
c. Title1pt
d. Trend line on the graph2pts
e. Equation of the trend line on the graph2pts
Total: 10 pts
Day 3: Google Doc
Analysis of Data
a. Linear Regression Equation3pts
b. Completed correlation coefficient and explanation2pts
b. Completed Predicted Values3pts
c. Completed Residuals3pts
d. Residual Plot2pts
e. Assessing of Residual Plot2pts
f. Calculator Correlation Coefficient1pt
g. Assessing the Strength of the Correlation1pt
Total: 17 pts
Project Worth: 30pts