Scaldwell Parish Council

Minutes of the Statutory Meeting of Scaldwell Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 16thJanuary 2013 at 7.30pm

Present: Mrs P Long (Chairman)

Mrs M Vinton (Vice Chairman)

Mr M Alcock

Mrs J Lewis

Mr E O’Leary

Mrs J Randall

In attendance: District Cllrs E Wiig and S Pointer

Ms D Kimbell, Footpath Warden

Ms Hayley May, Ms Michelle Wharton, Playing Field Committee

Mr I Barratt, Clerk

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

13/001 To receive and accept Apologies

Apologies received from Cllr A Curtis for absence and Cllr MAlcock for expected late arrival The apologies were Accepted

13/002 To receive Declarations of Interest

Cllr J Randall 13/010 xii Church wall.

13/003 Public Time. For members of the Public to address Council

There were no matters brought to the meeting

13/004 To approve and sign the Minutes of the Statutory Meeting of Scaldwell Parish Council held on 21st November 2012 and the Extraordinary Meeting on 28th November 2012 (both previously circulated)

Both sets of Minutes were agreed as being a true record and were duly signed

13/005 Matters Arising from the Minutes (for information only)

Cllr Alcock had made contact with the person whose car is frequently parked on the pavement obstructing access. It was uncertain whether the problem had ceased. After discussion is was agreed to continue to monitor the situation.

13/006 To report on Planning Applications

No new applications to be considered

For information: DA/2012/0749 Scaldwell House internal alterations. DDC Approved

DA/2012/0812 Tree work Truffel House DDCApproved

DA 2012/0844 1 Peters Lane extensions DDC. Approved

DA2012/0881 Trees Scaldwell Manor PC Approved

DA2012/0882 Tree work St Peter and St Paul Church. PC awaiting decision notice

DA2012/0896 Tree work to The Grange PC awaiting decision

DA2012/0897 Tree Work Peters Green. Approved

DA2011/0936 2 Old Rd vehicle access Permission expired

13/007 To consider advice from NALC on how to deal with Planning Applications arriving in the interval between Statutory Meetings.

It was Resolved that all Planning Application details will be circulated by email to Councillors who will return comments to the Clerk who is delegated to make the response guided by these comments.

An extraordinary Meeting will be called if Councillors request it.

13/008 Playing Field Matters

(i)To receive and discuss Weekly Inspection Reports

Cllr O’Leary was thanked for his continuing work with the weekly Risk Reports. He was also thanked for clearing several incidents concerning animal faeces in the sand area. Matters for attention were elsewhere in the Agenda

(ii)To discuss Responsibility for minor works on the Field

Ms Michelle Wharton and Ms Hayley May were present representing the Playing Field Committee. It was agreed a meeting be set up between the Chairman and/or Vice Chairman and the Playing Field Committee to complete this and any other outstanding matters and to report back to the next available Statutory meeting. The Clerk was given a copy of their Playing Field Accounts.

(iii)To discuss the ordering process for purchases in connection with the Field. It was agreed the matter be discussed in the meeting in 13/008 (ii) but it was thought unlikely there would be further purchases.

(iv)To receive anupdate on the damaged cricket net. It was decided the net was representing a potential hazard as it became increasingly damaged. The Clerk will contact Ken Francis, contractor, who has admitted responsibility and agreed replacement asking for its speedy replacement.

(v)To receive an update on the damaged fence to the North West of the Playing Field. This is a long outstanding repair and the adjoining landowner has kindly agreed to repair it in the near future.

(vi)Fouling by animals in the sandpit area Clerk to ask other councils, and Brixworth Country Park about how they deal with a similar problem. He will also investigate if covers are available for sandpits.

(vii)To agree access arrangements to the Playing Field for the grass cutting contractor.

The Clerk now has the gate key returned from the previous contractor and will post it to the new contractor

13/009 Highways

(i)To report the date and location of a demonstration of a speed indicator sign.

The Clerk reported this would be at the invitation of Brixworth Parish Council on Tuesday 5th February 2013 at 7pm in the Community Centre, Spratton Road. Entry by the side door on the right. All Councilors are welcome to attend.

(ii)To receive a report on the condition of street lighting and repairs

The Clerk reported that after two reminders the lamps requiring attention had been repaired.

(iii) To consider the purchase of two Neighbourhood Watch signsThe purchase was agreed and the Clerk will arrange this.

(iv)To consider a response to the Waiting Restriction consultation,

It was agreed there was no areas of the village identified that would benefit. N response to be made

(v)To consider the acceptance of the NCC grass mowing contract for 2013

It was resolved to accept the Urban highway Grass Mowing 2013 contract from NMGWSP/Northamptonshire County Council in the sum of £280.73. Clerk to notify MGWSP

(vi)To consider joining Community Speed Watch.

The meeting decided to not to participate

(vii)To Report traffic damage to the Village Green

The Clerk had notified Daventry District Council of our view that it may have been the street sweeper vehicle which had caused the Damage. DDC have inspected the site and notified the Clerk that they do not accept responsibility.

(viii)To receive a report from the Footpath Warden

Ms Diane Kimbell is happy to continue in her role as footpath warden.

Access to footpath. It was agreed improved access was needed to the East End entrance to the footpath DM2 which passes through Mr Lohn’s land. The Clerk will write to Mr Lohn, Oak Farm, The Green, Scaldwell to ask him to reconsider a kissing type gate being placed at this location. The Clerk will also thank him for cleaning the fence greatly.

It was pointed out that the stile at the end of Patchetts Lane had a rotted support post. The Clerk will check to see if it is a public right of way and pursue its repair if it is.

As a matter of Safety, it was resolved to ask John Kimbell to clear the paths around The Green at a cost of £85

13/010 Financial Matters

(i)To receive and accept the Bank reconciliation as at 11th January 2013 as presented.

Statement balance:

Current Account £500,

Reserve Account £14806.04

Total carried forward (both accounts) less liabilities and including pending credits £15265.62

(ii)To Report income and expenditure and reserves


Credits Received £200 Jackson Grundy

Credits awaiting NCC Grass £280.73

Total £480.73

Payments Made Nil

Reserve balance at 11th January 2013 £14 775 and £500 in current account £15 275.62

(ii)To approve the following bills for payment

Chq no / Payment to / Description / Amount
0738 / Eon Energy / Unmetered supply / £187.93
0739 / CPRE / Annual Subscription / £29.00
0740 / ACRE / Annual Subscription / £35.00
0741 / Eon Energy / Lamp Maintenance / £59.22

It was resolved to subscribe to The Council for Protection of Rural England and Northamptonshire ACRE and to pay all four bills.

(iii)To discuss correspondence from NCALC concerning the Localisation of Council Tax Support. The matter was noted

(iv) To consider the comments of Daventry District Council concerning Councillor dispensations when taking Precept decisions

The Clerk had previously circulated advice from NCALC and Daventry District Council concerning dispensations when considering a Precept. After careful discussion it was resolved to take the Daventry advice and not seek such a Dispensation.

(iv)To set a Precept for the financial year 2013-14

The Clerk explained the reduction in the taxation base figure for all Parish Councils would mean an increased Precept would be necessary even if spending was not increased. Daventry had received some government money to give grants to offset this reduction on a tapering year by year basis. Daventry were passing some of this to Parishes, but there would be a 2% shortfall, meaning the Precept would have to rise by at least 2% to maintain spending at the same level as last year.

After careful and detailed discussion it was agreed to maintain spending at the same level as last year at £11 800 and to use the £94 grant to reduce the effect of the lowered tax base figure. Expenditure grouped as Daventry requests is:

Precept item / £
Bus Shelters / 200.00
Playing Fields and Recreation Grounds / 5214.30
Street Lighting / 1100.00
Other General expenses and Administration / 4971.84
Election Costs / 300.00
Other Clock / 220.00
Other Section 137 / 77.59
Less Grant from DDC / 94.00
Total to Precept / 11 706

It was resolved that the Parish Council do precept upon Daventry District Council the sum of £11 706, to be paid in two instalments in April and September 2012 and in addition to accept the grant of £94 to make the total £11 800.

Cllr E O’Leary left the meeting at this point.

(v)To discuss the Clerk’s appointment and contract

The Clerk had completed his 3 month probationary period and it was resolved to offer him an ongoing contract set at point 20 on the JNC scale for Parish Council Clerksand for 20 hours per month. The Clerk accepted in principle and gave the Chairman a copy of two widely used contracts for Clerks, one from NCALC and one from SLCNCL. The contract wording will be considered at the next Statutory Meeting.

(vi)To consider a financial contribution towards to cost of repair of the collapsed wall at the Church

The Clerk informed the meeting that a payment was possible under the Local Government Act section section 137 Cllr Randall will request details of the cost from the PCC for the Council to consider at the next Statutory Meeting.

(vii)To report on procedures for Bank Mandates for cheque signatoriesThe meeting formally resolved that Cllrs J Randall and A Curtis be added to the list of approved signatories for cheque payments.

It was further resolved to change the address for Statements to that of the Mr I Barratt, the Clerk. The Clerk will take an extract of these Minutes showing these Resolutions to RBS and ensure he understands the correct procedure and forms needed to facilitate these changes.

13/011 To report on the police Crime Figure report for the Parish None in the last two month period

13/012 Correspondence requiring possible action

(i)To consider a response to the Crime Commissioner’s proposals The document had been previously circulated. It was agreed to note the contents

(ii)To consider sending delegates to the Public Sector show. Details previously circulated. Noted

(iii)To consider a response to the Draft flood risk management strategy consultation.Noted

(iv)To consider a financial contribution to Victim Support. This was regarded as a worthy organization, but the Council regretted it felt unable to allocating funding at this present time.

(v)Training Courses from NCALC. Noted.

(vi)To consider a response to the Parish Satisfaction survey from MGWSP No action

13/013 Clerk’s report on Code of Conduct training course

Unfortunately the course had been postponed again due to inclement weather and rescheduled for 31st January 2013

13/014 To receive Councillors’ Reports as available

(i)Cllr Randall reported an increase in dog excrement in the Village

(ii)Despite a notice on the noticeboard and a large notice in the bus shelter advising of collection arrangements for discarded Christmas trees, several had been dumped on the green. The Clerk will contact Daventry DC to remove them.

(iii)There are signs of development in a Property in Peters Lane in addition to that already authorised by Planning Permission. Concern was expressed that the footpath across the paddock may become obstructed. It was agreed to closely monitor the situation on an on-going basis.

(iv)Salt bins were being rapidly emptied. Clerk to request they are refilled.

13/015 To receive items

a) for the next Agenda

No additional items

b) items for Newsletter

(i)The increase in dog mess in the Village

(ii)Any further items would be given to Cllr Long

The meeting was closed at 9.55pm