SC Global History & Geography 9

Mr. Raymo


Office Phone: (845) 897-6700 Ext. 30090

SC Global History & Geography 9 is part of the Special Education program. It is the first course of the two-year Global History sequence. In this course we will examine the history of the world outside of the United States in a chronological approach. Following your successful completion of both ninth and tenth grade Global History you will be required to take and pass the Global History & Geography Regents. (This is a graduation requirement.)

Classroom Rules

Respect is what our classroom will be based upon. I will respect you and in turn you will respect your classmates as well as me. Respect means not talking when others are and not making fun of or laughing at a classmate’s question. Remember to treat others as you wish to be treated. Respect also deals with such things as going to the bathroom or your locker and arriving to class on time. These interruptions disturb not only the teacher but your classmates as well. It is expected that you will be in your seat ready to learn with all of your materials when the bell rings. Bathroom use should only be in cases of emergency.


To be successful in SC Global History & Geography 9 there are a few things that you will need to do. Your grade will consist of a combination of tests and quizzes, homework, and class participation. All graded work needs to becompleted in pen or pencil.

Test and Quizzes: (50%) Quizzes will be based on topics from reading assignments, class discussions and notes. Tests will follow the format of the Regents exam; you will see multiple choice, document-based, and essay questions.

Homework: (20%) Homework will be given a few times per week. Homework will be checked daily. Assignments handed in one day late will receive half credit. Assignments will not be accepted more than one day late.) All graded assignments need to be completed in pen or pencil.

Parents must contact me directly with any extenuating circumstances

Class Participation: (30%) You are required to ask questions, take notes and participate

in class discussions.

Final Exam:Your final exam grade counts for 20% of your overall SC Global History & Geography 9 grade. The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions, a Document-Based Essay, and a Thematic Essay. This test is given in June during one three-hour sitting. (Attendance is mandatory)


  • A three ring binder with dividers for each section (notes, homework, tests/quizzes)
  • Loose leaf paper
  • Pens and pencils

What if ???

1)…I am late to class?

When the bell rings you are expected to be in your seat and ready to begin with all materials. If you are late you need to have a pass.

2)…I am absent?

If you miss class it is your responsibility to make up all of the missed assignments. Homework is a part of your overall grade therefore it is imperative that you make up all assignments.

3)…I am absent and miss a quiz/test?

It will be your responsibility to see me to make up your test within two days of your return to school. In situations where you have had an extended legal absence, exceptions will be made.

4)…I have to leave the room? (bathroom or nurse)

Due to hall regulations it will be necessary that you have a pass. Passes will be issued on an emergency basis only, being in class is important to your learning.

5)…I have a question about what we are covering in class?

Raise your hand and ask. The only stupid question is the one that is not asked and chances are some of your other classmates have the same question.

6)…I still do not understand a topic or homework?

See me after class or during your free period, I will gladly help you.



I look forward to working together and having a successful year!

Name of student (print): ______

Signature of student: ______

Name of legal guardian (print): ______

Signature of legal guardian: ______

Legal guardian’s best phone number to be reached at:______

Legal guardian’s email address: ______