Saugus School CommitteeRegular MeetingJanuary 9, 2014

Open Session

Time-Place: An open session of the Saugus School Committee was held this date at the Roby School Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 a.m. with a moment of silence for Bob Sacco and Elaine Espindle former Saugus educators.

Ms. Reed noted that the meeting was being recorded by SCTV. There were no other recordings.

Public Comment: There was no public comment this evening.

Student Representative:

Amanda Mafeo, sophomore class representative, reported on the following:


·  Founders Day

·  Car Wash

·  Dances for elementary students

·  Movie night

·  Celtics game

Their upcoming sophomore semi is planned for March 28th

Jonathan McTaque, senior class president, reported on the following:

·  Spirit Week

·  Color Day

·  Holiday gift wrap

·  Plans for a drive in movie night at the high school

·  Senior Prom at the Boston Renaissance Hotel with the after prom on the Spirit of Boston

·  Saugus Unites- based off Characters Unite

·  Let’s Make a Difference Week (collected clothes and toys)

·  Plans to raise enough money to sponsor a “Make a Wish” for a child in MA or RI. There will be a launch date the first or second week of February.

Minutes for Approval:

Mr. Grabowski moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously

VOTED: to table the Minutes of December 12, 2013.


Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously

VOTED: to approve the bill schedule as outlined in Ms. Andrew’s memo dated January 9, 2014 in the amount of $324,277.45.

Superintendent’s Report:

Visits to the Waybright Elementary School and the Ballard Early Childhood Center: Superintendent Tempesta showed a video of Ms. Nicolo’s class performing a “parts of speech dance routine”. He also visited the Ballard Early Childhood Center during December.

Follow-up on 7D Licenses for Saugus Public Schools Van Drivers: The Superintendent spoke with
Attorney Boyle to get more clarification about the Saugus Public Schools van drivers needing 7D licenses. Attorney Boyle will draft a written opinion, but his immediate advice would be to continue following the practice of ensuring that we only use licensed 7D drivers to transport students. Superintendent Tempesta’s recommendation is to follow Attorney Boyle’s recommendation and only use certified 7D drivers but to present this issue to the Transportation Sub-Committee for further review if needed. He included the RMV Manual in the school committee packet.

Follow-up on Request to Review Consultant’s Fees; Responsibilities:

The Superintendent reviewed the consultant lines and fees and has posted the web page contract on the Google Docs page. The consultant fee will not go over $10,000. The Superintendent reported that they use outside consultants to manage the website as well as another consultant to research, write and manage grants and other projects for the Saugus Public Schools. The grant writer is very productive in finding money for the district. They are in the process of reviewing all of these positions, similar to the review of the Human Resources Manager position and duties, to see if there is a more cost-effective way to either consolidate duties in other administrative positions or create stipends so that some of our own Saugus educators can take on more leadership responsibilities within the district.

Update on the Saugus High School Statement of Interest in a New Saugus High School: The Superintendent included documents which he received highlighting the process of moving forward with the new SOE for Saugus High School. They will be having a joint meeting with the school committee, selectmen, town manager, high school principal and the superintendent on Thursday, January 30.

Ms. Reed asked about the stipends and 7D licenses. It was stated that the stipend for driving the van depends on the length of the trip. It is normally $150 during the weekend and $75 during the week.

Mr. Hashem, principal at SHS, and Mr. O’Leary, the AD are open to suggestions regarding the van.

Mr. Grabowski thought the fee was $70. Ms. Reed said that it is $75 and $150.

Discussion was held. It was noted that there are two new drivers. Mr. Grabowski asked if the new drivers are members of the school dept. The Superintendent stated that one is from outside.

Mr. Grabowski was concerned that they were over extended by $6,000 in transportation because the vans were not used as much as they could have been. The Superintendent will check that.

Ms. Reed asked if the person from outside is covered on our insurance. Mr. Grabowski echoed the concerns. The Superintendent will check on that.

Mr. Grabowski stated that the Superintendent needs to set a procedure.

Wellness Fair: The Superintendent reported on the A Saugus health fair for parents and children is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 21 at the Saugus YMCA, 298 Main St. There will be a presentation from 6:30-7:30 p.m. and an open house from 7:30-9 p.m.

The event is sponsored by the Saugus Wellness Advisory Committee in partnership with the Saugus YMCA. This is a free event with free babysitting available.

Report of Executive Director of Parent Pupil Personnel:

Ms. Howard reported on the following:

·  Transportation: They are continuing to monitor out of district students

·  Homeless Transportation McKinney Vento Training

·  SEPAC Meeting on January 14th at the Veterans School

·  Discussed concerns of parents and staff for transition planning from school to school

·  ETL’s are meeting to discuss transitioning kids

·  ETL meetings are once per week

·  Summer program planning has begun

o  Site management

o  Budget

o  Staffing

·  Budget conversations have been held

·  Grant funding sources are being explored

·  Professional development requirements

·  Looking at kids who are trending towards out of district and developing programs to keep them within the district

·  18+ program at the high school-looking at needs for the fall

Report of Subcommittees

Food Service:

Mrs. Riley reported the food service subcommittee met on Wednesday. Chris Bloom, a new member, is part of a national food broker. He is going to work on setting up a taste night by vendors.

Mrs. Riley reported they discussed inventory and assessments of equipment and what needs to be replaced.

They also discussed the ramifications of the new guidelines. They will also face more new guidelines regarding sodium.

Free and reduced applications are still being verified. There is a 7% reduction in free and reduced lunch. Families who receive SNAP are direct certified. It is a reimbursable meal.

The food service will be doing a follow up survey on survey monkey. It will be up soon.

Mr. Grabowski stated that as of November 30 the school lunch program had a -$23,000 balance. The food service program is operating at a loss.

Athletic Subcommittee:

Mr. Grabowski stated that he just received the contact information and will be setting up a schedule soon.

Finance Subcommittee:

Mrs. Riley noted that the Finance Subcommittee met and discussed user fees and substitute pay rates. The subcommittee split a list of school departments and will be calling to find out what their sub pay rate is and the amount for van drivers.

Mrs. Riley asked how SNAP will affect user fees.

Ms. Andrews stated that if they are no longer entitled to the benefit and come off free and reduced, they will have to pay the full user fee.

Mrs. Riley said they will have the report before the next meeting.

Old Business:

Update on Middle School Activity Audit: Ms. Andrews stated that there was no update. Ms. Reed noted that it has been going on for a year. Ms. Andrews said the audit is finished but they have not received a report.

Mr. Grabowski wanted to make a motion to send a letter to the Town Manager requesting that he forward the report to us as soon as he gets it.

Ms. Reed felt no motion was necessary at this time. She asked the Superintendent to request a copy of the report from the Town Manager when he receives it.

Update on Chargebacks:

Ms. Andrews reported that the listing of chargebacks is in the shared drive.

Ms. Reed asked if there is an agreement. Ms. Andrews said they do not have an agreement yet.

Superintendent Tempesta said they did have an initial meeting about the chargebacks. They have not finalized the schedule for the spring.

Mr. Grabowski had a question on net school spending. He thinks we need to have a detailed discussion on this. He wanted to know where the reimbursement goes. Ms. Reed noted that the reimbursement comes to the district the year after.

Mr. Grabowski asked about the long-term debt for the high school boiler and modular classroom. Ms. Reed noted that they had a timeline.

Mr. Grabowski would like to see a debt schedule.

He noted the retirees are listed but not the cafeteria workers or custodians.

Mrs. Riley asked what the finance committee should do not. Ms. Reed asked them to get samples from other communities of like size.

Announce budget Presentations January 14th and 16th: The presentations will be at 4:30 p.m. in the school committee room. The budget books will be distributed on Monday.

Mitchell/Lemoine Committee Recognizing Mr. Mitchell and Ms. Lemoine: The committee is ready to make a presentation. Mr. Serino, chair of co-curricular will set up a meeting soon so that they can make their presentation.

School Committee Statement Re: Curly Property:

This is included in the School Committee packet. The article will be on the warrant for the town meeting.

Mrs. Meredith moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously

VOTED: to send the article regarding the Curly Property to Town Meeting as is for the special town meeting on January 27th.

The School Committee members will receive a copy of the warrant by mail.

Adult Education:

Mrs. Riley would really like to get this going. She would like to meet with the Superintendent. She feels it is a great community outreach.

She reported that they had a funding problem last year and she would like to find funding.

Superintendent Tempesta said he has been working on his findings in his entry report. He noted that Town Manager Crabtree has also expressed an interest in adult education. Ms. Riley would like to be kept in the loop.

Mr. Grabowski said that it is more than one person’s interest and they should all be in the loop. He said it was discussed at the SBEC and it was not in their interest. Mr. Grabowski has spoken with the Superintendent and he agrees with the Superintendent’s concept that he has in mind.

Mrs. Riley stated that they as a School Committee asked Mr. Grabowski to go the SBEC to advocate for us but he did not.

Ms. Reed stated that the SBEC said it was not within their mission.

High School Job Fair: Ms. Reed said this is a wonderful idea for our students. Mrs. Riley will be meeting with Ms. Matolla at the high school on Tuesday to discuss the vision.

New Business:


Mr. Grabowski moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously

VOTED: to accept the $500 gift from Mobile Exxon in Cliftondale for the express purpose of math and science education at SHS. The Superintendent will send a thank you.

Mrs. Meredith moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously

VOTED: to accept the gift of $50 from Leuders to SPS. The Superintendent will send a thank you.

Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously

VOTED: to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.