market mattersjuly2012 koonwarrafarmers’market

Saturday 7th July 2012 Event No. 141 email: mobile: 0408 619 182

Winter Warmers

On this chilly early morning you may be interested in a warm up. We now have extended our options to include:

● Gippsland Pasture Fed Meats spicy BBQ sausages ● On the deck Fresh Curry Puffs also Hot Pumpkin Soup and heated Mini Quiches ● CFA sausage sizzle in front of the hall. ● Coffees Up, warm up selection

Absentee Stall Fees

Committee has resolved that if a regular producer is unable to attend a market on a temporary basis and arranges for another stallholder to sell their produce a fee of $20.00 will be required for a maximum of 25% of the stalls presentation table.

A larger display or a separate table will require a full stall fee of $40.00. Pre- arranged joint stalls are exempted by market management.

Hand Trolleys Available

The market has purchased ahand trolley and a 4 wheel garden cart to assist stallholders setting up stalls.

As an increasing number of producers now have to carry heavy produce into the market site the trolleys will certainly be in demand. They will be particularly helpful when we use the hall on wet days.

Both trolleys will be kept in the halls storeroom, just ask Rod or Stan for their use.The trolleys are only available to customers under supervision.

Koonwarra’s Primary School

Last month’svocal performance by students from Koonwarra’s recently opened Primary School proved to be a great success.

We have been told that over $100 was raised at the market for purchasing classroommusicinstruments. For the market’s benefit parents also reported enjoying their visit. We understand we shall have more school visits in the future.

Improving Market Promotion

Koonwarra’s Farmers Market continues to extend and toupgrade its very comprehensive market profile.

►Part of the existing and ongoing market promotion includes VFMA promotion through its very successful website, Melbourne radio and newspaper promotion, advertising in 2 local newspapers, local radio 3MFM, social media, fifteen roadside market signs, distribution of 3,000 brochures, and cross promotion with other South Gippsland Farmers markets

►The Market’s committee isin the process of developing our own upgradedwebsite that will be adaptable to the rapidly changing new social media technology. There are immense changes in the electronic communication world andfor us to be relevant we need to become compliant.

►Our brochure distribution is being extended to include local B&B’s through local tourist information offices. This market is a member of the South Gippsland Tourist Association and shares in its promotional activities.

Buskers In Moderation

Members of Korumburra’s Buskers Festival have accepted an invitation to perform at our market. The starting date to be confirmed.

The music is planned to be near the coffee stall and add to the market’s friendly welcoming atmosphere. We have been assured it will not be loud or intrusive.

Certificate of Accreditation

As part of our Markets commitment to VFMA all producers are required to display their Certificate of Accreditation 2012-2013. Up-to-date certificates (now based on financial year) are currently being forwarded to producers that are recognised by VFMA. Recent reports claim that over 600 producers are now accredited withthe VFMA.

VFMA Policy – Not Ours

Koonwarra Farmers Market’snew stallholder policy has been reaffirmed since the VFMA’s new guidelines allow, for example, farm based knitted ware. This markets committee has decided this policy does not comply with Koonwarra’s markets long held charter. In the opinion of the committee Koonwarra’s founding philosophy should not change from the original Farmers Market authenticity guidelines established 12 years ago.

‘Farmhouse Direct’ Concerns

There are concerns being expressed to the VFMA by a number of Market Managers that online Farmhouse Direct is taking away customers from the physical markets. VFMA wants to assure producers that looking at the stats of who is buying on the site, it’s more often than not people in their 20s early 30s, who (through VFMA’s market research) have been identified, do not usually come to physical markets. Also Farmhouse Direct is getting many orders from interstate.

There is absolutely no replacement for the experience of attending a farmers' market, and the VFMA had been approached by at least 5 private businesses wanting to set up their own version of an online farmers' market. From all accounts it sounds like many of these are in the pipeline still, so it is only a matter of time til markets have this outlet as competition anyway, so the VFMA were pleased to partner and be the guiding hand in the online store that is going to have the biggest national reach and associated publicity.


We had our first rain in 3 months last night - otherwise the temperatures are 15 to 25. Winter temps are really mild compared to the cyclone season - 25 to 35+usually.

Richy has taken up a position with a WA renewables company as a solar adviser - the only one in the Pilbara. He made his first sale of photovoltaic power, LED lighting and solar hot water systems in Port Hedland, and has had a few extra since then, with lots of interest.

In my job in planning with the Shire of Roebourne it's hard to keep up with the pace of development in the Pilbara. Council will be briefed next week on a planned new port at Anketell Point, which is little over 20km away from Karratha. Dampier, Onslow, Port Hedland and Anketell ports will 'merge' under one heading in 2014 to become the world's biggest port system.

Everything is so big here - and vast, that it's easy to forget that the footprint is growing bigger and be aware of what is underfoot.

We are starting to team up with an aboriginal couple in Roebourne who are taking over a plant nursery in Roebourne, principally to help set up a chook run for our beautifully vocal purebred Australorp rooster and productive hens; but also to share knowledge of composting, organic farming and indigenous native plants and their propagation. As well, we hope to learn more about how to see things the proper way that the mob does.

Keep up the good fight against coal seam gas extraction which is coming to a place near you!

Regards to all our friends

Rosie and Richy

Grand Ridge Organics

Room For More Markets?

The following letter printed in “The Star” is in response to comments made in this newsletter that yet another Farmers Market would not be sustainable in Meeniyan and its proposal had not been discussed with local producers. The proposals viability was questioned due to low population, availability of South Gippsland producers and the likelihood of attractingregular travelling food lovers other than public holiday weekends.

“I write in response to Rod Faudell’sthoughtful letter in regard to farmers market and proposed Tarwin Valley Sustainability Centre.

We as a committee sought input and feedback from Victorian Farmers market Association in assessing the possibility for developing an additional market for South Gippsland.

There is potential opportunity for a mid-week or filling the weekend that currently does not have a local market if not now then in the future.

The indicative budget for the proposed centre has less than 5% revenue is anticipated to come from a proposed farmers market or a food swap.

We are currently seeking funding to undertake a more detailed assessment of all the proposed elements of the proposed centre including the farmers market.

The Tarwin Valley Centre has a number of major focuses including tourism, promotion of intensive sustainable farming, attracting new settlers and hence more investments and local employment opportunities.

Farmers’ market primary role is a way for local people to access foods directly from local producers and is hence dependant on available local supply.

Farmers’ markets are however are part of the colour and the unique experience of the villages and life of South Gippsland.

It includes also the extraordinary artistic and creative talent, the unique heritage of the district and the characteristic rolling hills and green landscape.

One of the key focuses for the centre would be to grow and attract the existing cultural tourist market estimated at 14 % of tourists.

The area already attracts over 1.2m tourists of whom nearly 300,000 are high yielding cultural and heritage tourists, who want a genuine experience of local places, people and culture.

We agree wholeheartedly that there are significant opportunities for increasing intensive food production in South Gippsland.

The proposed centre is seen as being a focal point for learning and adaption and for encouraging diversification that will drive local employment opportunities and provide for more avenues for young people to stay and live in the district.

The challenge for all of us is how to adapt to change and how to capitalise on the opportunities opened up for climate and food security in South Gippsland”

Lindsay Moore Chairperson Tarwin Valley Sustainability Centre

$25,000 Grant for Food Directory

A local food directory which aims to promote the growing, consumption and sharing of local food across South Gippsland will be developed with the help of $25,000 in Victorian Government funding, Deputy Premier and Member for Gippsland South Peter Ryan announced today.

“The South Gippsland Local Food Directory project will engage volunteers, local food producers, food distributors and community members in the process of gathering information on the growing, sharing and consumption of local food throughout South Gippsland,” Mr Ryan said.

“It will identify gaps in local food production and provide information that will enable the communities of South Gippsland to better provide for their own needs. Developing the South Gippsland Local Food Directory will also help identify and plug gaps in food production and strengthen existing networks as well as assist in developing new networks across the region.”

Mr Ryan said developing the South Gippsland Local Food Directory would be a collaborative project between the South Gippsland Shire Council, the South Gippsland Local Food Network in partnership with Grow Lightly and local food producers, food distributors and community members.

He said the Victorian Government funding for the directory would be provided to the South Gippsland Shire Council, which would contribute a further $5000.

Mr Ryan said the funding would be provided through the $1 billion Regional Growth Fund’s Putting Locals First Program. Putting Locals First is a $100 million initiative that enables regional communities to devise and deliver service and infrastructure responses that reflect local priorities,” Mr Ryan said. It is supporting stronger and more sustainable regional communities by building their capacity to drive development in their region.

KOONWARRA FARMERS’ MARKET Inc. Notice of Annual General Meeting 4th August 2012

The Koonwarra Farmers’ Market Inc. Annual General Meeting will be held at the conclusion of the Market to be held on 4th August in the Koonwarra Hall.

The ordinary business shall be in accordance with the Association and Incorporations Act (1981)

The meeting is open to only member/stallholders of the Koonwarra Farmers Market Inc. New stallholders require three attendances at this Market to be eligible for voting or standing for any position on committee.

To conduct the meeting requires a min. 25% of Koonwarra Farmers Market Incmembers present.




Minutes of Previous Annual General Meeting

Presidents Report

Treasurers Report

Election of officers of the Association and the Ordinary Members of the Committee:

Positions vacant:

President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer Ordinary Committee members (two) Public Officer

General Business: of which notice has been given.

Other business: to be conducted in a Special General Meeting following the Annual General Meeting


Rod Faudell

Koonwarra Farmers Market Inc

Koonwarra Farmers Market Inc

Annual General Meeting Election procedure:

Nomination of candidates for election as office bearers of the Association or as ordinary Members of the committee are to be-

(A)Made in writing by 2 members (stallholders) of the Association and accompanied by the written consent of the candidate which may be endorsed on the form of nomination: and

(B)Delivered to the Secretary of the Association at least (7) days before the date fixed for holding the A.G.M. at which the election will take place.

2. If insufficient nominations are received to fill the vacancies on the committee-

a)Further nominations may be received at the A.G.M.

b)After taking into account nominations received at the A.G.M., if there remain insufficient nominations to fill all vacancies on the Committee, the candidates nominated will be deemed to be elected.

c)Only one vote per permanent member (Stallholder)

d)A member (stallholder) can only be nominated or elected for one position on Committee.







Signature of Nominee


Please send your nominations to:

The Secretary: Rod Faudell Koonwarra Farmers Market Inc.

C/O 65 Korumburra Bena Road

Korumburra Vic 3950