Satire, Irony, Humor
Ms. Fennelly
781-741-1560 ext. 1840
Course Description
Welcome! This course will explore both the traditional influences of satire and the modern depictions of satire. Examples will be drawn from short stories, plays, novels, political cartoons, music, television, and film. Student work will include creative and critical writing, as well as a major semester project that will involve the creation of an original social or political satire. Students will refine their close reading and critical thinking skills. Individual student and class participation are essential.
Course Requirements
·Four major writing assignments per term (except term 4)
·One Student-Led Discussion per unit
·One test per unit
·Several Quizzes
·Consistent Homework
·Organized maintenance of a three-ring binder for notes and reading
·Consistent Daily Attendance & Prompt arrival to class
·Active Participation in class discussion
·Organized maintenance of a writing portfolio
Tests, Writing Assignments, Projects40%
Quizzes (the lowest will be dropped)30%
Homework (the lowest will be dropped)20%
*Behavior, Effort, Participation, and Academic preparation/organization.
Cheating & Plagiarism
As the Student Handbook states, cheating consists of any work a student submits for evaluation that is not done by him/her. Plagiarism consists of the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own. Any student(s) cheating or plagiarizing work will receive a zero for that assignment and further disciplinary action may be taken, including contacting parents and school administrators. If a student is caught copying another student’s work, both students will be subject to disciplinary action.
Missed Work & Absences
If you miss a class, it is entirely your responsibility to find out what work was missed that day and to make it up on your own. You may arrange a mutually convenient time with me to do this, but be advised that a mutually convenient time is typically not during the next class at which you are present. You may need to see me before or after school to discuss make-up work.
*REMEMBER: 3 Tardies = 1 absence
Terms 1,2,3 = 5 non-exempt absences maximum (On the 6th unexempt absence you lose credit)
Term 4 = 3 non-exempt absences maximum (On the 4th unexempt absence you lose credit)
Late Work
All assignments are due in class on the due date. Any major assignment/project/ paper that is turned in after class on the due date is considered late and will be marked off as follows: same day/ after class submission= -5 points; next day/post due date submission=-10 points per day late. Any late homework or class work will marked down ½ credit out of the total point value. Late work not associated with excused absences will not be accepted more than one calendar week after a due date.
Extra Credit and Extra Help
Extra credit is offered both terms. All extra credit requests must be discussed with me and submitted in writing by the mid point of the term (warning time). Students who wish to complete extra credit may choose a film from a list I have created for this course or one that I approve. He/she will (1) view the film (2) prepare a minimum two-page essay that discusses the elements of satire in the film, what social or political criticism the film makes, and the resulting effects/audience reaction to the film. Student preparing extra credit reports will share his/her findings with the class along with several clips from the movie.
Extra help is offered daily between 2:35-3:15 p.m. See me after class to make an appointment or to let me know if/when you will be coming for extra help. I cannot plan to meet you if I don’t know you are coming.
Final Note
I have created a website to help students and parents stay aware and organized during the school year. I try to post all agendas and assignments on this website. I also try my very best to post all class notes and study guides as well. Do yourself a favor and check the site once a week. Sometimes I may post helpful hints or even links online that I have found after class met for the day. Also, since all homework can be downloaded from the website, there is no excuse for missing an assignment. My website can be accessed by going to: “high school,” “teachers,” “Mrs. Fennelly.”
I have read the above syllabus and I understand the expectations
of the class and will refer to this link as needed.
Print your name______
Sign your name______