Taken from the book Satan’s Dirty Little Secret – The Two Demon Spirits That All Demons Get Their Strength From, by Steve Foss, c.2012 Chrisma House

In March-April 2017, Abba led me to read three books that brought together all the puzzle pieces I had gathered in 51 years of research and personal experiencewith the dark kingdom of Satan and his fallen forces. But, they also brought together understanding of the enemy did to me clear back to the crib, which explained to me why I made so many bad choices through the years.

In 1966, I was catapulted from being a naïve Baptist girl into the midst of evil I never imagined existed. After gathering pieces of information and experiencing satanic evil firsthand for 30 years (1966-1996), in 2017 these three books brought together all the info-fragments I had collected to make one complete picture. But, it was the third book, a book by Pastor Steve Foss that gave me the information I needed about myself to answer the questions, “Why did I allow myself to be dragged into and through those horrible things.” “Why did I let it continue? Why did I allow my children to be dragged through it, when all the while my cage door was open and Abba Yahuwah desperately wanted to set me free? Why did I tie His hands so that He could not help me?”

You can read my recent life-changing miracle in “No Longer a Slave to Fear.” The roots were planted by using Illuminati mind-control methods which began in America around 1944, the year I was born. It didn’t take but a few years for the roots to grow under demonic oppression. My church kept me at a religious level, which is fine with Satan and his angels, for that’s their main controlling mechanism. But, in April of 2017, I learned something that put everything into logical perspective, and Abba was able to instantly set me free 100% from the roots upward. Once I saw what caused the fruit poisonous fruit to grow, which caused a lifetime of suffering, I was logically and clearly able to put things clearly on the table and make a decision to change my thinking. Once my thinking changed, the roots could be severed, and within minutes all of its fruit was destroyed in my life. HalleluYah! I want to pass this on to you …

The three books are: 1) Mary Lake’s What Witches Don’t Want You to Know, 2) Russ Dizdar’sThe Black Awakening, and 3) Steve Foss’ Satan’s Dirty Little Secret.

This article will center on exposing the dirty little secret, by exposing the two demon spirits that all demons get their strength from.

After finishing Russ Dizdar’sawesome book, I was going through my library of books to see what I could give away to the Goodwill. I had gotten several free books, some duplicates of what I already had, and some that didn’t look too good, that were sent to me along with my paid order from SkywatchTV. I had several in the bag for Goodwill. I went through them just to make sure I wasn’t giving away something I should keep. I grabbed out Satan’s Dirty Little Secret. Because of all I had learned in Dizdar’s book, I thought maybe I should read this one. After all, it is a very small book compared to Dizdar’s. Abba was leading! He did not want me to miss this one! Pastor Foss was saved out of severe drug addiction, so he knows how the enemy works. What he writes is not religious theory, but literal and practical truth.

It’s not what happens to us throughout our life that is the most important thing – it is

how we learn and grow by it that is most important. Abba turned Iyob/Job over to Satan for sifting. Kepha/Peter was turned over to Satan for sifting. Because of their holding on to Abba, they both came through victorious, and stronger than they ever were before.

In Podcast V, I shared an overview of my life-testimony in commemoration of my 66th anniversary of being born again, May 13, 1951. Central to it all is what the Spirit of Yahuwah showed me in the Word before my slide into the pit – Luke 22:31. Satan desired to sift me, too, but Messiah prayed for me that my faith would not fail.

As I read through Foss’ book, I saw myself clearly. I saw that these two demon spirits had convinced me so well of my insecurity and inferiority, that brought fear, anxiety, and incredible loneliness, that all my decisions were based on insecurity and feelings of inferiority. From childhood, I had to be constantly assured of things because if I wasn’t, fear set in, and I projected negative thoughts. With that pattern going, it was a process to learn to trust Abba totally, not questioning Him, not panicking.

As I’ve written in other articles, when I was born in 1944, I was born into the time when the Nazis were being sheltered in the U.S. – scientists, medical personnel, psychiatrists, and space exploration specialists – who would later be brought in by the tens of thousands under Operation Paperclip at the end of World War II (1945).

I was a part of one of the first of these Nazi-experiments on the American people, Illuminati based. My mother’s family was a medical family, her was dad a doctor, her sister was an R.N. Her sister’s children were medical doctors and nurses. It was also a time in American history where doctors were obeyed like gods.

In 1944, Doctors began telling mothers not to breastfeed, but to give their babies whole cow’s milk mixed with “formula,” which was better than breastfeeding. So, from day one I was fed whole cow’s milk with formula. What the experimenters knew was that it would produce the colic and allergies in babies. It would not boost their immune systems like breastfeeding does. So, vaccines became mandatory, beginning with the DPT shots that contained mercury.

When the babies screamed in pain because of the colic, their little tummies not accepting the cow’s milk and formula, Nazi-based psychiatry said it was bad to pick up the baby because it would spoil them. All of those Nazis who had done hideous experiments on Jewish children in Auschwitz brought their techniques into America. The mind-splitting experiments from trauma appeared soft on the surface, but also at that time children began to be kidnapped and subjected to the Nazi Auschwitz horrors, like Joseph Mengele’s Monarch Mind Control, in underground laboratories, like the CIA MK Ultra program.

As the babies screamed and the parents would not pick them up – a whole generation of us “baby boomers” were left with psychological problems – fear, loneliness, an un-loved spirit, insecurity, and feelings of inferiority, even self-hatred.

Into that fragmentation came Walt Disney and his occult fantasies. It left children wanting to be someone else, like Cinderella--making up imaginary friends that kept them secure. What happened was the fragmenting of the minds of children began to be filled with real “imaginary friends” – demonic spirits speaking to their minds and twisting their reasoning so that “twisted thinking” began to be the norm. TV advertising

centered on how their products could make people popular, smart, successful, loved,

and wanted. The mind-programming was on to bring everyone into a “world brain” unity-thinking.

The fragmenting of children’s minds continued through cartoons.Our evil culture supplied fragmented adults with varieties of “entertainments” to stop the mental and emotional torments. And parents thought nothing of putting their children through the same trauma-based mind control in various ways, purposely or ignorantly.

The two main demonic spirits that attacked Eve and Adam in the Garden are the same two that attack every little child on the planet – especially in “fiIrst world affluent nations,” to open their minds for mind programming by the Illuminati. Thus we have a nation of youth today that are far distanced from children of the 1800s who were secure under parental authority and the teachings of the church.

To make children more insecure, the evil culture systematically has emasculated the men, demeaning them as God’s authority for the family and exalted “feminist”-women and spoiled brat kids. The Word says that the day would come when women and children would rule over the men. That day dawned early in the 20th century.

What are the two demonic spirits that have imprisoned the minds of America’s children, and the world’s people, since at least the return of the Nephilim in 1896?


It was tremendous insecurity, loneliness, fear, anxiety, an un-loved spirit that led to self-hatred, and my not knowing who I was, that ruled my thinking, emotions, and will. I could not accept Abba said about me, or what He showed me of my future.

I was not ruled by a rejection complex. I was always involved in ministry work of some type, and so was accepted as part of my group. I’ve never known jealousy, or competition with anyone. I competed in sports, but that was “healthy competition,” not to hurt anyone, just win the game. But, to me jealousy is an insane thing. Trying to control someone else’s life, i.e. a Jezebel spirit, to me was always a stupid thing. I always wanted to help people be the best they could be. I never saw helping others as diminishing me. Yet jealousy and jezebel are the two main spirits that have consistently attacked me because of my favor with Elohim, and my “Word-level,” so I have been told. I’ve had women tell me I intimidate them because I hear from God and they don’t. Isn’t that crazy? Everyone has the same change to walk in the favor of Abba. I’ve paid the price by totally submitting my life to Him to forsake this world and do only as He says. This has brought me favor. I have chosen to study the Word to learn the Truth. It takes time and concerted effort. So to me, those attitudes that have had caused women, and men, to slander me and hurt me in various ways to try to destroy my reputation and my work for Elohim is total insanity--totally demonic activity. Witchcraft has also been a huge problem. Evil operates with the mind of Satan. It is not human reasoning. This is why we’re seeing people do things today that we can’t handle mentally – because it is not human reasoning that has brought them to such horrible things, i.e. ISIS.

But, the mind-programming I experienced from my birth, which I describe below, left me with tremendous loneliness, insecurity, fear, anxiety, and an unloved spirit that later developed into self-hatred. I kept it well hidden inside, while doing all I could to

encourage others in the love of Elohim on the outside. I’ve laid down my life for others because I love people, especially the people of Elohim. I have always been a cheer leader to those who felt inadequate and inferior. I developed self-hatred somewhere along the line because of decisions I made that left me in chains, yet freed my tormenters. I tried to keep peace, making sure everyone else was happy, while I imploded with deep hurt and anger. I suffered in silence. Abba hadto dramatically set me apart at age 4 in order to seal my salvation through it all. For us--wholeness is our goal, to be free of all chains.

For 14 years, Satan had me convinced that God was a sadist who loved to see me tortured. Yet, all that while, I could have been free- and freed my children. The cage door was open. I just didn’t see the opening. Oh the love of our Father to bear with us until we come to the point where we let Him take control. Most people who feel trapped in circumstances they can’t handle, don’t realize their door to freedom is open, if they’ll just seek Abba to show them the door.

A few years ago while doing research on something else, I found out about the Illuminati psychological and emotional experiment on babies in 1944 and on, with the whole “Baby Boomer generation.” It’s nice to know we’re not alone!

We all have things that the enemy has hidden from us to keep us in the dark about ourselves. But, now that tribulation is quickly forming and Messiah is preparing to come, and the remnant is being prepared to go forth before Him, we must be whole.

We cannot enter what is coming being fragmented and expect to go through it and win.

This is why I’m writing articles and speaking in podcasts--to help others be whole and encourage His children to help others be whole. This is why you must be prepared with an answer always as to the hope that lies within you. (I Peter 3:15)

“`For we are not ignorant of his [Satan’s] devices…’ ” (II Corinthians 2:11, KJV) This is the declaration the Apostle Paul made two thousand years ago—a declaration of an awareness of the strategies of the enemy, an awareness that has been lost in our day.

Quotes from Pastor Steve Foss’ Satan’s Dirty Little Secret

During ministering to a group of people on a college campus, Pastor Foss had a vision of two tentacles coming together over the campus. He noticed as he saw tentacles that demon spirits were attached to them. Each of the demons had a name attached to them – things like drunkenness, lust, drug addiction, fear, violence, hate, and so forth. He asked Yahuwah, “What are these two tentacles?” He said he knew that if he could break their power, he could break the power of the demons attached to them. He said: “The Lord spoke to me these words that have changed my life. God said, `these are the two demon spirits that all other spirits get their strength from.’ These two demons empower all the other demons.The other demons can only get strength as they are attached to these two tentacles. These were the two tentacles that the Serpent used to entice Adam and Eve to go against Yahuwah’s authority. The Serpent played on their doubts, their insecurities, their wanting to be gods--to counteract feelings of inferiority. Do you see how this is what has trapped every human being since the Serpent offered “you shall be as gods?”

He said the tentacles looked like giant roots, like a bulb, fatter at the bottom, but thinner as they rose away from the roots. “Written on these roots were their names. One

was called “insecurity.” The other one was called “inferiority.”

“The word `insecurity’ means `the state of not being secure, not confident, not firm,’ timid, withdrawn, fearful. The word `inferiority’ means ‘the state of feeling lower in position, statue, or value.’ ” (italics mine)

When people feel inferior, they either try to put up a façade of being someone important, or they cringe from who they are, and do not believe the good that is spoken to them.

“Insecurity and inferiority are the doorways through which every other evil spirit gains entrance.” These two doorways are portals, star gates, through which the enemy has access to the mind, emotions, and body. People are convinced by “inferiority” that what the Bible says about them is not true for them – they are not important, they have no purpose in serving God. This is what drives people to dull their pain – in drunkenness, drug abuse, sexual adventures, pornography, and sometimes suicide.

“In every aspect of life, we compare things…comparison is the first step towards insecurity and inferiority. Once insecurity and inferiority take root, they give every other demon spirit a foothold upon which to attach themselves.”

Out of these two spirits often arises jealousy of others, and competition with others, and a jezebel spirit that tries to control one’s life, and others.

“Our society is possessed with how we look.” Also I would say, how we feel, how we impress others, our social status, our popularity, our money, our possessions – and its all idol worship. People spend their lives trying to surround themselves with what will make others think good of them. “From our hairstyles, clothes, and physical appearance, to the products we buy and the cars we drive, we are a people driven by our need to alleviate our sense of insecurity and inferiority. The key to total victory is to stop

living for ourselves and live for Him only.”

In his chapter on “Misplaced Identity” he says: “Only teachings that are truly `doctrines of demons’ – which deny the Deity of Messiah and the completeness of His blood sacrifice to provide salvation for all who call Him `Lord’ – should ever cause us to separate from one another….Most people don’t own their doctrines but are owned by them. What I mean is this: They actually gain their sense of identity from the doctrines themselves.” That’s powerful. The reason for the fragmenting of Christianity is because everyone separates into their own chosen doctrinal slot that brings them security and a feeling of worth. Yet, our fellowship must center around the blood of Messiah – period! We help others learn more of the Word, we share the Torah, we live the Torah, but our unity is in Messiah, not various head-belief systems.