Woodstock Minor Hockey Association


Date May 1, 2011
time 8:30am
Meeting called by / Violette Boyse
Type of meeting / Regular
attendance / Alf Langdon, John Langdon, Pat Langdon, Belinda Weiler, Wayne Murphy, Pat Sloan, Robert Skrypetz, Violette Boyse
regrets / Tracy Collins, Karen Raymond
absent / Jason Robinson
welcome / Violette called the meeting to order at 8:35am
acceptance of minutes / No minutes were distributed from the previous meeting
vice president selection / Belinda Weiler nominated Alf Langdon for Vice President.
MOTION #110501-001
“ Motion to select Alf Langdon as Vice President” (Weiler,Skrypetz)
Vote: 5-0 CARRIED
office managers report / Pat reminded everyone about the Alliance AGM in June and asked who would like to attend.
Registration dates are from June 4, 2011 to July 16, 2011
Pat asked the board to decide who would be looking after Coach Selection for the upcoming year which led to a motion.
MOTION #110501-002
“ Motion to ask Jim Bechard to head the Coach Selection Committee and to choose 3 others to assist him” (Murphy,Sloan)
Vote: 6-0 CARRIED
There was a late coaching application handed in and the board decided the application would not be considered unless there were no applicants for the team that the late individual had applied for.
Pat made the board aware that there could be a possible 5% ice increase for the upcoming season.
4 on 4 numbers were communicated to the board and asked the directors to send an email out to their divisions to make it aware that we were still taking registration for 4 on 4.
There is a possibility of an exhibition game that will occur Sept 10th, 2011 featuring the Erie and Owen Sound. Pat asked Brad Janssen to review the particulars and possibly assist in the event.
Alliance: Mouthguard Q & A were handed out from the Alliance.
Passed around ad that WMHA would be putting in the Drug & Addiction Magazine.
Distributed the updated Manual of Operations.
MOTION #110501-003
“ Motion to approve updated portion of Manual of Operations” (Weiler,A.Langdon)
Vote: 5-0 Abstain(Murphy) CARRIED
Rep directors report / No Report
MD directors report / No Report
sponsorship & fundraising report / Pat L reported for Tracy that sponsorship fees will stay the same and that some are asking for a banner to thank all sponsors. Also, the issue of not having door magnets anymore was brought up.
MOTION #110501-004
“ Motion to pass at budget meeting the sponsorship fees for the upcoming season” (A.Langdon,Weiler)
Vote: 6-0 CARRIED
Discussion about raising the fundraising limit was brought up and would be discussed at the next meeting.
rec director (peanuts,pre-novice-tyke & novice) / No Report
rec director (atom & pee wee) / Belinda asked if anything had resulted from a certain incident that occurred at the end of last season and it was commented that the issue had escalated to the authorities and was out of the hands of the WMHA.
equipment director / Alf proposed to the budget committee the idea of raising the house league fees slightly and allow each player to retain their jersey at the end of the season and possibly socks also.
new business / Belinda suggested a hockey gear sale/swap (fundraiser). The board decided to they would have correspondence with Tracy about the necessary requirements to hold the event.
adjournment / MOTION # 110501-005
“Motion to adjourn” (Skrypetz,J.Langdon)
Vote: 6-0 CARRIED