Racz Curriculum Vitae 13
Sarah Jensen Racz, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
University of Maryland at College Park
Biology/Psychology Building, Room 2123J/K
4094 Campus Drive, College Park, MD 20742
(301) 405-5932 (w); (202) 487-6219 (c);
University of Maryland, Department of Psychology, College Park, MD
Assistant Clinical Professor, January 2016-present
Research Educator, First-Year Innovation & Research Experience (FIRE), Animal & Human Relationships Stream, January 2016-present
Adjunct Member of the Graduate Faculty, October 2016-present
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 2005-2012
Ph.D., Child Clinical Psychology, August 2012
Minor: Quantitative Psychology
Doctoral Committee Chair: Robert J. McMahon, Ph.D.
Dissertation Title: Parental Monitoring: An Examination of Antecedents and Bidirectional
Associations with Child and Adolescent Conduct Problems
M.S., Child Clinical Psychology, March 2008
Kennedy Krieger Institute/Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, 2011-2012
APA Accredited Predoctoral Clinical Internship Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental & Related Disabilities (LEND) Trainee
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1999-2003
B.A., Psychology, May 2003
Graduation with Distinction
· Family and parenting factors influencing the developmental course of childhood and adolescence
· Childhood externalizing behaviors (e.g., conduct problems, delinquency) and the family, school and community factors implicated in the development and continuation of those behaviors
· Statistical models of change, particularly longitudinal latent variable modeling approaches
Postdoctoral Intramural Research Training Award, National Institutes of Health 2014-2015
T32 Postdoctoral Fellow, NIMH Training Grant 2012-2014
Society for Prevention Research Early Career Preventionist Network (ECPN) Travel Award 2013, 2015
Distinguished Teaching Award for Graduate Students in Psychology 2010
Society for Research in Child Development Student Travel Award 2009
Wagner Memorial Travel Fund Award, University of Washington 2007
Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award, National Institutes of Health 2003-2005
Cornell University Dean’s List 2000-2003
City of Ithaca Recognition as a Distinguished Citizen 2003
Senior Recognition Award from Cornell Public Service Center 2003
Building Interdisciplinary Research Capacities in Second-Year Undergraduate Students. Dean’s Research Initiative Mentored Undergraduate Team. Co-Principal Investigators: Sarah J. Racz, Erica R. Glasper, and Andres De Los Reyes. Total Direct Costs: $2,500.
Biobehavioral links among social anxiety, risk-taking, and substance use. Brain & Behavior Initiative FY17 Seed Grant, 2017-2018. Co-Principal Investigators: Andres De Los Reyes, Erica R. Glasper, and Sarah J. Racz. Total Direct Costs:$39,129.
Pilot data for an undergraduate research training program: Building animal and human models of stress in close relationships. Dean’s Research Initiative Level 2 Seed Projects Program,2016-2017. Co-Principal Investigators: Andres De Los Reyes, Erica R. Glasper, and Sarah J. Racz. Total Direct Costs: $19,200.
*indicates undergraduate/post-baccalaureate student.
Deros, D. E.*, Racz, S. J., Lipton, M. F., Augenstein, T. M., Karp, J. N.*, Keeley, L. M.*, … & De Los Reyes, A. (2017). Multi-informant assessments of adolescent social anxiety: Adding clarity by leveraging reports from unfamiliar peer confederates. Behavior Therapy. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.beth.2017.05.001
Karp, J.*, Makol, B. A., Keeley, L. M.*, Qasmieh, N.*, Deros, D. E.*, Weeks, J. W., Racz, S. J., …, & De Los Reyes, A. (2017). Convergent, incremental, and criterion-related validity of multi-informant assessments of adolescents’ fears of negative and positive evaluation. Advance online publication. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. doi: 10.1002/cpp.2156
Keeley, L. M.*, Makol, B. A., Qasmieh, N.*, Deros, D. E.*, Karp, J. N.*, Lipton, M. F., Augenstein, T. M., Truong, M. L.*, Racz, S. J., & De Los Reyes, A. (2017). Validity of adolescent and parent reports on the six-item ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS-6) in clinical assessments of adolescent social anxiety. Journal of Child and Family Studies. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10826-017-0950-y
Racz, S. J., Lindstrom Johnson, S., Bradshaw, C. P., & Cheng, T. (2017). Parenting in the digital age: Urban black youths’ perceptions about technology-based communication with parents. Journal of Family Studies, 23, 198-214. doi: 10.1080/13229400.2015.1108858
Racz, S. J., Putnick, D. L., Suwalsky, J. T. D., Hendricks, C., & Bornstein, M. H. (2017). Cognitive abilities, social adaptation, and externalizing behavior problems in childhood and adolescence: Specific cascade effects across development. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46, 1688-1701. doi: 10.1007/s10964-016-0602-3
Rausch, E.*, Racz, S. J., Augenstein, T. M., Keeley, L.*, Lipton, M. F., Szollos, S.*, … & De Los Reyes, A. (2017). A multi-informant approach to measuring depressive symptoms in clinical assessments of adolescent social anxiety using the Beck Depression Inventory-II: Convergent, incremental, and criterion-related validity. Child and Youth Care Forum, 46, 661-683. doi: 10.1007/s10566-017-9403-4
King, K. M., Luk, J. W., Witkiewitz, K., Racz, S. J., McMahon, R. J., Wu, J., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (2016). Externalizing behavior across childhood as reported by parents and teachers: A partial measurement invariance model. Assessment. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/1073191116660381
Bendezú, J. J., Pinderhughes, E. E., Hurley, S. M., McMahon, R. J., & Racz, S. J. (2016). Longitudinal relations among parental monitoring strategies, knowledge, and adolescent delinquency in a racially diverse at-risk sample. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/15374416.2016.1141358
Racz, S. J., O’Brennan, L. M., Bradshaw, C. P., & Leaf, P. (2016). The influence of family and teacher factors on early disruptive school behaviors: A latent profile transition analysis. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 24, 67-81. doi: 10.1177/1063426615599541
Racz, S. J., Saha, S., Trent, M., Adger, H., Bradshaw, C. P., Goldweber, A., & Cauffman, E. (2016). Polysubstance use among minority adolescent males incarcerated for serious offenses. Child and Youth Care Forum, 45, 205-220. doi: 10.1007/s10566-015-9334-x
Racz, S. J., King, K. M., Wu, J., Witkiewitz, K., McMahon, R. J., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (2013). The predictive utility of a brief kindergarten screening measure of child behavior problems. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 81, 588-599. doi: 10.1037/a0032366
Wu, J., King, K. M., Witkiewitz, K., Racz, S. J., McMahon, R. J., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (2012). Item analysis and differential item functioning of a brief conduct problem screen. Psychological Assessment, 24, 444-454. doi: 10.1037/a0025831
Racz, S. J., & McMahon, R. J. (2011). The relationship between parental knowledge and monitoring and child and adolescent conduct problems: A 10-year update. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 14, 377-398. doi: 10.007/s10567-011-0099-y
Racz, S. J., McMahon, R. J., & Luthar, S. S. (2011). Risky behavior in affluent youth: An examination of the prevalence of and consequences related to engaging in multiple problem behaviors. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 20, 120-128. doi: 10.1007/s10826-010-9385-4
Smith, R. E., Fagan, C., Wilson, N. L., Chen, J., Corona, M., Nguyen, H., Racz, S., & Shoda, Y. (2011). Internet-based approaches to collaborative therapeutic assessment: New opportunities for professional psychologists. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 42, 494-504. doi: 10.1037/a0025392
Agorsor, C.*, Makol, B. A., Keeley, L. M., Szollos, S.*, Okuno, H.*, Rausch, E.*, Lipton, M. F., Augenstein, T. M., Racz, S. J., & De Los Reyes, A. (2017). Quality of life and social anxiety: The incremental value of safety‐seeking behaviors. Manuscript under review.
Beale, A.*, Keeley, L. M.*, Okuno, H.*, Szollos, S.*, Rausch, E.*, Makol, B. A., Augenstein, T.M., Lipton, M. F., Racz, S. J., & De Los Reyes, A. (2017). Efficient screening for impairments in peer functioning among mid‐to‐late adolescents. Manuscript under review.
Glenn, L., E.*, Keeley, L. M.*, Szollos, S.*, Okuno, H.*, Wang, X.*, Rausch, E.*, Deros, D. E.*, Karp, J. N.*, Qasmieh, N.*, Makol, B. A., Augenstein, T. M., Lipton, M. E., Racz, S. J., Scharfstein, L., Beidel, D. C., & De Los Reyes, A. (2017). Trained observers’ ratings of adolescents’ social anxiety and social skills within controlled, cross-contextual social interactions with unfamiliar peer confederates. Manuscript under review.
Qasmieh, N.*, Makol, B. A., Augenstein, T. M., Lipton, M. F., Deros, D. E.*, Karp, J.*, Keeley, L. M.*, Truong, M.*, Racz, S. J., & De Los Reyes, A. (2018). A multi‐informant approach to assessing safety behaviors among adolescents: Psychometric properties of the Subtle Avoidance Frequency Examination. Manuscript under review.
Racz, S. J., Putnick, D. L., Suwalsky, J. T. D., Hendricks, C., & Bornstein, M. H. (2017). Children’s academic competencies: Success is in the eye of the beholder. Manuscript under review.
Szollos, S.*, Keeley, L. M.*, Rausch, E.*, Beale, A. M.*, Makol, B. A., Weeks, J. W., Lipton, M. F., Augenstein, T. M., Racz, S. J., & De Los Reyes, A. (2017). Multi-informant assessments of individual differences in adolescents’ socio-evaluative fears: Clinical correlates and links to arousal within social interactions. Manuscript under review.
Cruz, R., Racz, S. J., Luk, J. W., King, K. M., & Patock-Peckham, J. (2017). Dimensions of self-regulation mediate the effects of parenting behaviors on substance use and problems among late adolescents. Manuscript in preparation.
De Los Reyes, A., Makol, B. A., Racz, S. J., Youngstrom, E. A., Lerner, M. D., & Keeley, L. M. (2017). A short, multi‐informant screening measure of child and adolescent impairment: Psychometric properties of a modified version of the Work and Social Adjustment Scale. Manuscript in preparation.
Racz, S. J., McMahon, R. J., Gudmundsen, G., McCauley, E., & Vander Stoep, A. (2017). Latent classes of oppositional defiant disorder in adolescence: Prediction to later psychopathology. Manuscript in preparation.
Racz, S. J., McMahon, R. J., King, K. M., & Pinderhughes, E. E., & Bendezú, J. J. (2017). Bidirectional associations between parental monitoring and child and adolescent conduct problems. Manuscript in preparation.
Racz, S. J., McMahon, R. J., King, K. M., Pinderhughes, E. E., & Bendezú, J. J. (2017). Early childhood antecedents of the developmental course of parental monitoring during middle childhood and adolescence. Manuscript in preparation.
Racz, S. J., Sobahi, Y.*, Truong, M.*, Keeley, L. M.*, Lipton, M. F., & De Los Reyes, A. (2017). Drinking to cope: Active safety seeking behaviors predict problematic drinking behaviors. Manuscript in preparation.
Racz, S. J. (2018). Antisocial/Conduct Disorder: Externalizing Behaviors. In M. H. Bornstein (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of lifespan human development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Racz, S. J. (2018). Narcissism. In M. H. Bornstein (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of lifespan human development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
*indicates undergraduate/post-baccalaureate student
Agorsor, C.*, Makol, B. A., Keeley, L. M.*, Szollos, S.*, Okuno, H.*, Rausch, E.*, Lipton, M. F., Augenstein, T. M., Racz, S. J., & De Los Reyes, A. (2017, November). Quality of life and social anxiety: The incremental value of safety‐seeking behaviors. Poster presented at the Cognitive Therapy Special Interest Group Poster Exposition of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual meeting, San Diego, CA.
Beale, A. M.*, Keeley, L.*, Okuno, H.*, Szollos, S.*, Rausch, E.*, Makol, B. A., Augenstein, T., Lipton, M., Racz, S., & De Los Reyes, A. (2017, November). Using the interpersonal relationships module of the ADIS-C/A to screen for anxiety related impairments in peer functioning among mid to late adolescents. Poster presented at the Child and Adolescent Anxiety Special Interest Group Poster Exposition of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual meeting, San Diego, CA.
Glenn, L., E.*, Keeley, L. M.*, Szollos, S.*, Okuno, H.*, Wang, X.*, Rausch, E.*, Deros, D. E.*, Karp, J. N.*, Qasmieh, N.*, Augenstein, T. M., Lipton, M. E., Racz, S. J., Scharfstein, L., Beidel, D. C., & De Los Reyes, A. (2017, November). Trained observers’ ratings of adolescents’ social anxiety and social skills within controlled, cross-contextual social interactions with unfamiliar peer confederates. Poster presented at the Child and School-Related Issues Special Interest Group Poster Exposition of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual meeting, San Diego, CA.
Szollos, S.*, Keeley, L.*, Rausch, E.*, Truong, M.*, Beale, A.*, Makol, B. A., Lipton, M. F., Augenstein, T. M., Racz, S. J., & De Los Reyes, A. (2017). Individual differences in adolescents’ fears of negative versus positive evaluation: Clinical correlates and links to referral status. Poster presented at the 2017 Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual meeting, San Diego, CA.
Truong, M.*, Rausch, E.*, Keeley, L.*, Riffle, J.*, Szollos, S.*, Makol, B., Augenstein, T., Lipton, M., Racz, S., & De Los Reyes, A. (2017, November). Emotional coherence in adolescent social anxiety: Use of automated systems for coding videotaped emotional displays in social interactions. Poster presented at the 2017 Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual meeting, San Diego, CA.
Rausch, E.*, Racz, S. J., Augenstein, T. M., Keeley, L. M.*, Lipton, M. F., Szollos, S.*, Riffle, J.*, Moriarity, D., Kromash, R., & De Los Reyes, A. (2017, August). Using multi‐informant reports on the BDI‐II in clinical assessments of adolescent social anxiety. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Racz, S. J., Leget, G.*, Sobahi, Y.*, Truong, M.*, Keeley, L., Lipton, M., & De Los Reyes, A. (2017, May). Drinking to cope: Active safety seeking behaviors predict problematic drinking behaviors. Poster presented at the 2017 Association for Psychological Science annual meeting, Boston, MA.
Sud, N.*, Castillo, L.*, Starkenburg, R., Smith, M.*, Santoni, A.*, Wagner, E.*, Racz, S. J., & Glasper, E. R. (2017, May). Paternal experience alters morphological classification of hippocampal CA1 dendritic spines in California mice. Poster presented at the 2017 Association for Psychological Science annual meeting, Boston, MA.
Racz, S. J., McMahon, R. J., Vander Stoep, A., Gudmundsen, G., & McCauley, E. (2016, May). Classes of oppositional defiant disorder in adolescence: Prediction to later conduct disorder. Paper presented at the 2016 Society for Prevention Research annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Henry, L.*, Racz, S. J., Kaufman, M.*, Costlow, K.*, Putnick, D. L., Hendricks, C., Suwalsky, J. T. D., & Bornstein, M. H. (2016, March). The effect of reporter perceptions of children’s math and reading competence on academic achievement in late adolescence: The role of sibling competition. Poster presented at the 2016 Society for Research in Adolescence biennial meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Racz, S. J., Putnick, D. L., Suwalsky, J. T. D., Hendricks, C., & Bornstein, M. H. (2016, March). Social functioning from childhood to adolescence: Cascade effects from cognitive functioning and externalizing behavior problems. Poster presented at the 2016 Society for Research in Adolescence biennial meeting, Baltimore, MD.