20176-20178 SEASON
Santee American Basketball
PO Box 710252
Santee, California
Santee American Basketball is a non-profit organization run by volunteers. This youth basketball league was formedin 1995 to bring organized, competitive basketball to the young people of Santee. Santee American Basketball is truly a developmental league: all players play at least half the game. The mission of our league is to build confidence in players as well as develop their physical and mental skills. We hope to instill in all our players a love of the game of basketball, but more importantly, we want our players to understand the virtues ofsportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, cooperation, and hard work. Development is primary; winning is secondary.
Divisions and Number of Teams
3rd and 4th Grade:Boys: 10 teams with 10 players
5th and 6th Grade:Boys: 9 teams with 10 players
7th and 8th Grade:Boys: 10 teams with 10 players
3rd, 4th and 5th Grade:Girls: 4 teams with 10 players
6th, 7th and 8th Grade: Girls: 3 teams with 9 players
Thirty-six teams total. Team rosters range from seven to ten on a team depending upon demand.
There are a maximum of 10 teams with 10 players each. (depending on registrants)
Balanced Teams
Sign-ups and skill evaluation take place in Novemberlate September and early October. All new players must participate in evaluations. Returning players have the option of being re-evaluated.
Boys 7/8 division go through a tryout and are drafted by the coaches.
Players who sign up late are evaluated on dates dates specified by the director of instruction. All late sign ups are handled through the player agents and the information director. Teams are seeded based on skill level, height, age, and experience. The highest weighted criterion is skill level. All players receive a skill level score of one through five, with five the highest and one the lowest score. Using the skill level scores and the other criteria, players are seeded on teams. Using this method, our teams have been relatively balanced over the years. Coaches have the option to coach their own children. Two coaches options per team.
SAB Rule Modifications
Santee American Basketball abides by the AAU Code,and plays by AAU and California Interscholastic Federation Basketball Rules unless specified below:
The Boys 3/4 games consist of 8 five minute periods. All other All Ddivisions play 4 - 10 minute quarters.
All games are forty minutes. There is a three to five-minute half and a thirty-second break between each period.
Games are limited to one three-minute overtime period. The overtime period begins with a jump ball.
Each team is allowed two time outs per half. Each team has one time out in the overtime period. During the last five minutes of the game, the clock will stop for all time outs. unless the score differential is 20 or more. In the last minute of the game, the clock will stop for any violation called by the referees, or a time out called by the players, coaches, or referees. Stop the clock on the whistle. The clock stops on the whistle. All timeouts are 30 seconds.
Running Clock
The clock shall be running except for the last minute of the last period of the game (or overtime period) provided the score difference is 15 points or less. The clock runs during time outs until the last five minutes of each game or overtime period.This applies to all Divisions.
Time in the Key
The 3/4 division isare allowed five seconds in the key. All other divisions play the traditional three seconds in the key.
The 3/4 division will zero the score on the scoreboard at half-time if one team is ahead by 20 or more points. The score sheets will not be altered.
For all other divisions, the score on the scoreboard will be set to zero at half-time if one team is ahead by 30 or more points. The score sheets will not be altered.
Free Throw Lines
Boys/Girls 3/4 division the distance from the bottom of the backboard to the free throw line is 10” 6”
Boys/Girls 5/6 division the distance from the bottom of the backboard to the free throw line is 12’ 4”
Boys/Girls 7/8 division the distance from the bottom of the backboard to the free throw line is the standard 15’
All Players Play Half the Game
All players play half the game. This rule does not apply to players who chronically miss practices without providing an acceptable excuse. These players are granted playing time at the coach's discretion, to play a mianimum of one quarter of the game. Prior to the start of a game, the coach must notify the player, player's parents, a board member, the opposing coach, and the scorekeeper about limiting playing time to one quarter. The scorekeeper notifies the referees and coach if a player does not play half the game.
Balanced playing time
It is required that each coach plays all his players equally. This is not entirely possible due to players missing games, etc. But it is required that during every game, all coaches play their roster as balanced as possible. Below are the requirements for each game based on division and number of players present at game time.
3/4 Divison:
6 players – Each player must sit at least 1 periodquarter.
7 players – Each player must sit at least 2 periodsquarters.
8-9 players – Each player must sit at least 3 periodsquarters.
10 players – everyone plays half the game.
5/6 and 7/8 Division:
6 players – Only two players can play entire game.
7, 8, or 9 players – Each player must sit at least 1 quarter
10 players – everyone plays half the game.
Minimum Number of Players
Teams may play with four players, but if a player is injured or disqualified, the game is forfeited. No team may play with three players! Players arriving late to a game may play but are not required to play half the game. The opponent team may play five on four or four on four; this decision is made by the opponent head coach.
The Boys 3/4 and girls 3/4/5 May not press. The Boys 5/6, 7/8 and Girls 6/7/8 division may press in the last two 5-minute periods of the game unless the pressing team is ahead by ten or more.
The Boys 3/4 and girls 3/4/5 May not press. The Boys 5/6, 7/8 and Girls 6/7/8 division may press in the last 9 minutes of the last two periods of the game unless the pressing team is ahead by ten or more.
Substitutions can only occur between periods. An injured player may have a substitute but must reenter the game when recovered from the injury for the person who substituted for him/her. No free substitution!
No Zone Defense
We want to teach players how to play a helping man-on-man defense, so halfcourt zone defenses are prohibited at all levels.
Exception: 7/8 Divisions will be allowed to play any defense (including zone) the last two (2) half games of the season.
No Triple-team Trap
The 3/4 Boys and 3/4 Girls divisions may not perform a triple team trap on the ball handler. A double team trap is always allowed. A triple team trap at a young age is generally a condition of ‘chasing the ball handler’. SAB wants to teach good, sound man-to-man defense. Triple-team traps are considered deliberate traps on a ball handler and not the result of scrambling for a loose ball.
The Rreferee will stop play and issue a warning and instruction to the offending players. Play resumes with the offensive team taking the ball out of bounds at mid court.
SAB uses local, high school players to referee all games. Experienced referees are assigned the 7/8 divisions & 3/4 divisions. All referees are trained in pre-season coaching clinics and are evaluated and trained frequently during the season. The Head Referee oversees the training of all referees. The head referee creates the referee schedule and assists during games as needed.
Standards of Conduct for Coaches
- Demonstrate good sportsmanship.
- Teach basketball fundamentals!
- Treat referees with the utmost of respect and courteousness. Referees are High School student players. They are our neighbors’ sons and daughters and they will miss calls and make mistakes.You can help your players most by coaching them, not refereeing the game. In the end, the referee is the final authority, not the coach. Accept the referee's authority.
- Help the SAB Board control the conduct of players, and coaches of your team.
- SAB coaches will conduct themselves in a manner that allows players to retain their dignity.
- Coaches are expected to relay spectator and player standards of conduct to their players and player parents/guardians.
- Notify a SAB Board member if a potential hazard is visible (e.g. water spilled on the floor, potential tripping hazard due to trash or another object being in a position that could pose a risk to players/spectators). Encourage team participants to do so, as well.
8. Board Members coaching out of line will receive an automatic technical foul.
Standards of Conduct for Players
- All players shall be sportsmen, treating their coaches, teammates, and opponents with respect.
- All players shall not openly question a referee's judgment. The referee's judgment is final.
All players shall accept the results of the game.
Standards of Conduct for Spectators
- Spectators shall demonstrate good sportsmanship
- Spectators shall respect the coaches realizing that each coach is a volunteer giving personal time and effort to provide an enriching recreational experience for all involved.
- Spectators shall not “coach” from the stands. Doing so, creates an atmosphere of confusion for the players – which is the exact opposite of what is intended.
- Spectators shall applaud all good plays by both teams competing.Who polices?
- Spectators shall not openly question the call of a referee.
- Spectators shall accept the results of a game as good sports.
- Spectators shall stay in the areas designated for spectators. No spectators are allowed on the players’ bench. Only the head coach, one asst coach and the team players are allowed on the bench.
- Spectators shall notify an SAB Board member if a potential hazard is visible (e.g. water spilled on the floor, potential tripping hazardsdue to trash or another object being in a position that could poseing a risks to players/spectators/others).
Consequences of Violating the Standards of Conduct:
- Any coach, player, or fan receiving two technical fouls will be ejected from the game. The violator will leave the gym immediately and may not return until the ejection has been reviewed by the Santee American Basketball Board of Trustees.
- Two ejections results in expulsion from the league for the entire season. Reinstatement in the league may be granted by the SAB Board after a thorough review of the matter.
- Any coach, player, or fan in any physical altercation shall be expelled from the league, but may be reinstated after a thorough review of the matter by the SAB Board.
Santana High School Site Specific Rules
- Spectators are not permitted to use chairs in areas where the bleachers have not been deployed. These open areas are used for spectators in wheel chairs, with strollers, or who wish to stand.
- Seating at the side of the courts is reserved for players and coaches only.
- No one is permitted to stand and move along the sideline during the game except the head coach.
- No one is permitted to sit on the top sections of the bleachers unless they are fully deployed.
- Smoking is prohibited.
- Animals are prohibited with the exception of service animals
Violating Spectator Rules
Any spectator violating any of these rules may be required to leave the gym area for the remainder of the day and the next playing date. Any spectator removed from the gym for an additional infraction of these rules or unsportsmanlike conduct is restricted from SAB indefinitely until the individual requests and is granted reinstatement by the SAB Board of Trustees. For spectators under the age of eighteen, the parent or designated guardian of the minor will also suffer the negative consequences of the infraction. The consequences are severe because a few spectators have been unable or unwilling to control themselves or their children. The majority will not be inconvenienced by inconsiderate, irresponsible behavior.
There are eight games: one game per week on either Saturday or Sunday. Games are held in the Santana or West Hills gym. We encourage teams to arrive thirty minutes before game time to warm up, stretch, and go over pregame instructions outside the gym. It is imperative that coaches fill out the scorebook at least fifteen minutes prior to game time. Violations will result in a technical foul(have we ever enforced this?). The team shooting the technical will then possess the ball to start the game-- no jump ball. If both coaches are delinquent, the game clock starts on the scheduled game time. Our limited gym time is very valuable; we must stay on schedule; that is why we are so strict on having the scorebook ready before game time.
Most teams practice on the outside courts at Santana High School. Practice times vary. Also, the frequency and duration of practices vary. We encourage 3/4 division teams to get at least two hours of practice a week, either two one-hour practices or one two-hour practice. The 5/6 and 7/8 division teams are encouraged to practice three to six hours per week.
3/4 Division Boys and 3/4/5 Division Girls: 27.5 Junior Ball
5/6 Boys, 7/8 Division Girls: 28.5 Ball (Standard Women’s Ball)
7/8 Boys: 29.5 Ball (Standard Men’s Ball)All divisions with the exception of Boys 7/8 will use a 28.5 ball. Boys 7/8 will use the standard 29.5.
Game balls are to be provided by the home team.
All players must wear SAB-issued uniform tops; player must wear their own black shorts . Players may wear a an undershirtthat must be the same color as theof the uniform. Players who are not dressed properly for games will not be allowed to play. Uniform jerseys must be tucked in, and all shorts must be pulled up to the waist. Coaches obtain uniforms from the SAB uniform representative. Uniforms are distributed in December.
Schedules are ready for coaches to distribute to their teams as soon as possible after coaches and teams have been assigned by the SAB Board of Trustees. Schedules may change during the season due to the availability of the high school gyms. Please be understanding of schedule changes. We are guests in the high school gyms and appreciate their willingness to allow our league to have a significant amount of gym time during basketball season.
Picture Day
Team pictures are scheduled at Santana High School. Team pictures are not part of the registration fee.
Pictures are a separate expense. All players must show up for Picture Day, even if some of the players do not
purchase pictures. Coaches are informed of dates and times for pictures.
After Game Snacks
This year the league is providing snackbar tickets as part of the registration fee. A team representative must pick up and sign out the snack tickets before the end of each game. Players will be able to cash in their tickets at either the West Hills or the Santana snackbar at anytime during the season. The tickets can be used individually or in multiples; however, will not be redeemable for cash.
Medical Insurance
Santee American Basketball does not provide general medical insurance for players; however, all players, upon being properly registered, will be enrolled in the Club's secondary insurance. SAB's secondary insurance provides excess medical which becomes primary if there is no other coverage. Players must be properly registered in order to participate in SAB. Part of this registration requires the parent/guardian to sign a waiver and assumption of risks.
SAB Board Members (emails located on our website:
President:Frank Gutierrez
Vice President: Jim Hasting
Matriarch/Co-Treasurers:Kathie Bickford, Kristie Chambers
SecretaryDiana Van Kirk
Head Team Parent:Tazha Langworthy
Player Evaluator:Darryl Weiss, Jason Van Kirk
Uniforms:Kathie Bickford
Head StudentReferee:Chris Lumpkin
7/8 Boys' Rep:Jim Hasting
Girls' Rep:Taylor Estes