Santa Rosa, Saint Ferdinand, Mary Immaculate
Tri-Parish ACTS Core Meeting 7:00 PM
Monday, October 6, 2014
Mary Immaculate – Auditorium Room #1
Present: Azucena Bonillas, Joseph Montoya, Jorge Ortiz, Francisco Villalva, Anthony Reil, Francisca Aguirre, Joe Torres, Ted Valle, Cece Baragan, Marcella Martinez, Father Juan Gaspar
Absent: Fr. Jack, Heidi Rajput,
Opening Prayer Francisco Villava
· Pastoral Concerns Father Juan Gaspar spoke about some concerns with the new leadership of Mary Immaculate. The concern is that Core or ACTS Leaders have not made complete and full contact with the new priest of MI and introducing or establishing a relationship with them. Father Juan expressed that since the Oblates are no longer at MI that we need to establish relationship especially since we are using there Church for the Ministry. Father and Cece discussed an upcoming day of reflection and the need for having someone engaging that can delve into the faith and not be a personal testimonial but more of a theological day of reflection where our brothers and sisters can be fed. There needs to be a series of talks and the persons giving these talks need to delve into the Theology and Spirituality of our faith. Cece brought up the concern about having Jesse Romero for our upcoming talk or day of reflection. She feels that his apologetics speaking would not be very ecumenical and may discourage some from attending. Father Juan also expressed some concerns having Jesse Romero as a speaker based on some of his theology and way of presenting the faith and he will check with the Pastors.
Song Jorge Ortiz - Come Holy Spirit
2- Meditation: Jorge Ortiz - Read from today’s readings and read Galatians 1: 6-12 and spoke about Loyalty to the Gospel. Jorge’s mediation spoke about how like Saint Paul we too as a Core must be loyal to the Gospel and also loyal to the mission of this Apostolate and to not deter from what ACTS Missions already has in place. Group Sharing was to discuss what can we as Core do to be loyal to the Gospel and this Apostolate we are currently in service to.
3- Review of Last Meeting’s Minutes: Anthony motions to accept September 8th minutes and Azucena seconds the motion. Minutes for August were approved by Core.
4- Open Floor for Non-Core Members:
· Carmen Pernudi wanted to give thanks and praise for all the good works that Francisca and Francisco did with off site coordinating for the Mens retreat.
5- New Buisness:
· Joseph needs a volunteer to coordinate the next inventory so that we can account for the last men’s retreat and see what supplies and things well need for preparation for woman’s upcoming retreat. We are missing two Core Members and those are also our Inventory Coordinators. At this time we need to fill in for those roles and we have distribute the responsibilities.
· Anthony has made all payments and only has a few payments left including the payment to pro print for the documents from last ACTS Mission training. Anthony said that they were able to make all payments for Mens retreat and notified there was actually a surplus from leadership training.
· Bunco night is in place and tickets are being sold for $15 to play and $5 for dinner plate the money is being raised to help with spiritual companion tuition for those who will attend in the future.
· Fall dance is set for November 8th and Entrusted and DJ Joey Vasquez is playing. Plans are still in progress.
· 72 Disciples fund is still missing eight more people to be completed and Carmen has collected $3565 and still short of the goal.
· Monica Reil has been selected and accepted the selection as the Woman’s Director for Woman’s Retreat in 2015!!!
· Monica Reil shared that she is excited and nervous and she expressed that we keep her in our prayers for guidance to do Gods Will in serving him the woman on team and upcoming retreatants.
· Joe Torres shared that being the Men’s director was a challenge and although he felt overwhelmed at times he would do it all over again.
· Carlos Martinez is reporting that they had a wonderful retreat. They had 28 men come on retreat and had 28 conversions. Carlos is still working on supplying some receipts that have not been turned in and also needs to turn in the final budget. Joseph said Carlos can take the extra time to finish up the budget but will need to turn in the receipts as soon as possible.
· Carlos and Joe will have an offsite meeting with Anthony Reil to finish up the budget on Wednesday October 15.
· Carlos suggest that inventory check be done immediately after retreat and be put in the schedule so that they have the needed participation.
· Azucena Murillo has notified the Core that she has prayed and discerned and unfortunately due to a commitment with Marriage Encounter she will be stepping down from Core.
6- Coordinators Reports:
· All reports were briefly discussed and mentioned in New Business and they will be attached to the minutes.
7- Core and Director Nominations: Session Closed for prayer and selecting of Woman Retreat Co-Directors and Spiritual Companion.
8-Closing Prayer/Song: Closing Prayer – Joseph Montoya – No Song Played