Santa Clara Speech and Debate Club's
2016SummerDebateHigh School and Middle SchoolWorkshopat

Santa Clara University
Thursday,August 4 - Sunday,August7,2016

The Santa Clara Speech and Debate Club, in conjunction with the Santa Clara Debateteam,will be hosting its DebateWorkshopon Thursdaythrough Sunday, August 4-7, 2016.TheWorkshopoffers high school and middle school debaters a chance to work and learn in a University setting with full access to Santa Clara’s research and library resources in an advanced or novice track.We are pleased to announce that we're offering instruction and preparation in novice and intermediate Lincoln-Douglas, Policy, Public Forum and Parliamentary formats of debate.
Mariel Cruz, assistant debate director at Santa Clara University, along withRyan Wallace from Berkeley and Christina Owyang from UC Davis, plus Hamda KhanSCUvarsity debater will supervise the program along with members of theSCUDebate Team.

Classes will include lectures on the national topics, affirmativeand negative strategies, topicality and stock issues, rebuttalstrategies, and research techniques for all CHSSA debate formats.Theworkshopemphasizes small group educationthrough the use of debate labs led by an experienced debater to managetournament preparation and research.

Theworkshopwill also feature expert guest lectures ondebate theory and announced debate topics (LD, PoFo and Policy).The schedule will allow time forsupervised practice rounds and ample research, as well as access to theuniversity library and computer resources. Evidence sets and briefs on the national topic will be supplied to everyworkshopparticipant in those events with selected topics. All students will have full access to the internet and internet based resources atSCU.
We will pair partners for policy, parliamentary, and public forum debate based on requests and theirlevel of competition. Allour faculty that have either taught at our program before or actively coach debate programs.College debaters from Stanford, USC and San Jose Statewill also be assisting to critique ourdebaters and will be judging the tournament competition along with former top debate alums.Students do not need to have adesignated or preferred partner for team events to participate in theworkshop.
Registration and Fees
Tuition for five days of instruction and tournament competition will be $150per student.Adults, coaches, and parents may come for $25 per day.To register, complete the following form, andsend it along with your check payable to "Santa Clara Debate" to the address below.Please make sure you put Communication Department on the envelope.

Melan Jaich
Communication Department
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA95053
You can also register online at and locate “SCUSummerWorkshop”.Tabroom would require you create a personal account for your profile.


Ask via email r Direct Phone408.554.4693


Please respond by Monday, August 1,2016 to insure participation.

Housing – Please note we are using a new hotel this year.

We have arranged for supervisedhousing at the nearby Candlewood Suites for a rate of $70 per night (double occupancy) and $125 per night(singles).We do NOT use the dorms on campus but the hotel is just across the street from the main gate. All student suites are supervised by adult staff members and teaching assistants.

Housing is limited; please register early.Floors are divided into women’s floors, men’s floors and family floors.You may also reserve rooms on Wednesday,August 3 and/or Sunday,August7, 2016 ifyou need to stay late or arrive early. Walking to and from thehotel will be supervised by Workshop staff.

Food is not provided but available on campus and just off campus.SCUand the neighborhood is a safe and well policed area.


The finale of the program is a tournament on campus for Parliamentary, LD, Public Forum and Policyteams.Students and teams not in theworkshopare welcome to competefor a small registration fee.Contact Melan Jaich for more hies are presented to the top teams andspeakers.
A more complete schedule, a map, as well as a list of local hotels,restaurants, etc. will be sent to you upon receipt of your registration.

2016SummerSCUDebateHigh School and Middle SchoolWorkshop – TENTATIVE SCHEDULE-August 4-7, 2016

(Classes may be divided into intermediate/novice depending onenrollment. Debate formats may share some lectures but not topic discussions)

THURSDAYAugust 4, 2016

9:00-10:00 RegistrationArts and Sciences Bldg. Room 138

10:00 Orientationand Program Logistics

10:30Fundamentals of Public PolicyOptions

10:30 Fundamentals of Value Debate

11:30 Intro to DebateFormats(Parliamentary/Policy/LD/Public Forum groups)

12:30 LUNCH Break

2:00 - 3:00 pmDebate Theory and Fundamentals

3:00 Demonstration Debates

5:00Critique of Demo Rounds

5:30-7:00 pmDinner Break

7:00-8:00 pm Economic Analysisof Debate

7:00-8:00 pm Value/Criteria Analysis

8:00-9:00 pmIntro to Stock Issues

9:00-10:00pm Lab Meetings(PF/LD/Policy)

9:00-10:00 pm Parli Practice with Critiques

10:15 pmShuttle to Holiday Inn
/Student Pick Up atSCU

Midnight: Lights out

FRIDAY August 5, 2016

9:00 amLab Meetings(PF/LD/Policy)

10:00 Stock Negative Strategies

11:00Generic Disadvantages

12:00 LUNCH

1:00 pmEconomics andCompetitive Debate

2:00pm Case Constructionand Design

3:00 pmTopicalityand Procedural Arguments

4:00 pmCounterplans

5:00 DINNERBreak

6:30pm- 8:00 pm Guest Expert Speakers(PF/LD/Policy)

6:30 pm - 10:00 pmParliamentary Practice with Critiques

8:00 pm -10:00pmResearch and Brief Writing Labs

10:15 pmShuttle to Holiday Inn
/ Student Pick Up

Midnight: Lights out


9:00Labs Meet(PF/LD/Policy)

10:00 Solvencyand Fiat

11:00Kritiks and Alternative Frameworks


1:30Practice Rounds

2:30Critique of Practice Rounds

3:30Lab Meetings (PF/LD/Policy)

3:30ParliamentaryPractice Rounds


6:30 Practice Roundsfor all students with oral critiques

8:30-10:00pm Labs/Debriefing

10:15 pmShuttle to Holiday Inn
/Student Pick Up

Midnight: Lights out



8:30 amHotelCheck Out/Shuttle toSCU

9:00 Round I- Parliamentary/Public Forum/Policy/Lincoln Douglas

11:00 Round II

1:00 Round III

3:00 Round IV

5:00 Awards Assembly

6:00 Dismissal and pick upVari (Artsand Sciences) Room 138

Any questions can be directed to Melan Jaich at(408) .

REGISTRATION for SummerDebateWorkshop

Fill out form and return to Melan Jaich atSCUCommunication Dept., 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053or go to and findSCUSummerWorkshopfor online registration.


Address: ______




PreferredDebate Style:

_____ Public Forum


_____ Team (Policy)

____ Lincoln Douglas


Gender: ______

Years of debate complete (circle one) 0123 or more

Parent or GuardianName______

Parent attending conference? Yes/no

If yes...

____ nightsX___ double occupancy@ $70=$______

____ nights X ____ single occupancy@ $125 =$______

Checking in on ______.
Checking out on ______.

Preferred Roommate (double occupancy)______.

If you don’t list a roommate we will assign one to youif you prefer double occupancy.


_____ student(s) @ $150 =$______

_____ parent(s)/coach@ $100= $______

____ days @ $25 =$ _____