Letter of Interest
The Letter of Interest will briefly describe the funding request and the program the funds will potentially support. Funding requests must be for Performing Arts Education. The Committee puts a high emphasis on youth programs.
The mission of Santa Barbara Bowl Education Outreach is to provide resources and build partnerships that enhance performing arts exposure and education in the greater Santa Barbara community.
Organization Name
Contact Person & Title
Phone / Web-Site
Email / Additional Contact Info
Street, City, Zip
Program Name
Type of Request – Note: Check ONE Closest Match
General Support / Program Support / Seed Funding / After-School
Residency / Performance / Multi-Year / Collaborative
Fiscal Summary
Grant Request Amount / $ / Total Program Budget / $
Total Organizational Budget – Current Year / $ / Dates of Program
Demographic Summary
Age Group or Grades of youth / Location of Program (what school, club, etc.)
Performing Arts Summary
What type of Performing Arts (dance, music, drama, etc.)? / Is the primary purpose of the program Arts Education, Arts Exposure or both?
Does this program include a performance/s: / Yes No / Date of performance?
Please summarize the organization’s mission statement:
Have you applied for and/or been awarded a Community Arts Enrichment (CAE) Grant through the Santa Barbara County Arts Commission in the past year? If so, when did you last apply and receive funding through a CAE grant.

Proposal Narrative

1) Describe the proposed program. Is this a new, on-going or expanded program?
2) Briefly tell us about the organization of the program: How many students? How many teachers? How many volunteers? Is this program designed for exposure to a large number or people or to spend more time with a smaller number?
3) Please describe your program’s desired goals (i.e. exposure to the arts, behavior change, improved learning, etc.). Please state how you plan to measure those goals (anecdotal, reporting, research):
4) Please describe how your program helps achieve your organization’s mission and how your programmatic outcomes contribute to societal beneficial outcome:
Program Expense / Amount Requested / Budgeted Amount / Matching Funds or Funding Source / Status of Funding
Ex. Instructor Stipend / $1500 / $3,000 / XYZ Foundation / This request
Ex. Materials / 0 / $800 / Individual Donor / Pending
Ex. Venue Rental / 0 / $1,000 / In-Kind / Secured

Proposed Program Budget

*Please specify in your proposal if this grant would generate matching funds

If you are applying for General Support, please fill out the Operating Budget below

Operating Budget

Income / ’15 Budget / ‘15Actuals / ’16 Budget / YTD
Ex. Grants / $35,000.00 / $40,000.00 / $40,000.00 / $12,000.00
Ex. Program Income / $10,000.00 / $8500.00 / $15,000.00 / $3,000.00
Ex. Salaries
Total/Net Income: