Sandy Plains Baseball Association
Official Playing Rules
Sweat Mtn. Park (Shetland)Spring 2017
1. TheShetlandLeaguesaredesignedtoaccommodateparticipantsleagueages5 & 6.
2. LeagueagewillbeconsistentwithDizzyDeanBaseballruleswithallplayersplayingatthe attainedagebyMay 1st oftheplayingyear.
3. EachleagueisunderthecoordinationandsupervisionofitsrespectiveLeagueCoordinator.
4. Theleaguesshalloperateundertheconstitutionandby-lawsofDizzyDeanBaseball,Inc.;
5. Shetland shallbedividedintotwoleagues:AmericanandNational.
ThepurposefordesignatingtheShetlandleaguesastheAmericanandNationalistopromotean environment where players,regardlessoftheirskilllevel, cancompetewithplayerswithsimilarskilllevels,andenjoy thegameof baseball.Tothatextent,theAmericanLeagueismore competitiveandexpectedtoconsistof playerswhohavelikelyplayedbeforeandwhohavedemonstratedamoreadvanced levelofproficiency. Atthesametime,theNationalLeagueisexpectedtoaccommodatethoseplayersthatarenewor relativelynewtothegame. All Shetlandplayersareeligibleto participateineitherleague.
A. AShetlandTeamwillconsistofnotmorethan12playerswithoutSPBABoardapproval.
B. LeagueplayersmaybeassignedorreassignedatthediscretionofthePlayerAgent,League
C. Ifateamlosesaplayerfromthebeginningrosterduringthecurrentseason,anotherplayermay beassigned.
1. Eachteamwillhave1adultmanagerandupto3adultcoaches.
2. Amanagermaydesignatetwocoaches prior to thescheduledplayerevaluationsandinformthe leaguecoordinator.Thiswill“freeze”thecoach’splayersforthedraft.For the American league, noothercoachescanbechosenoncetheplayerevaluationshavestartedandpriortothedraft.Oncethedrafthasbeen completed,themanagermayattheiroption,nametheirsecondandorthirdcoaches.
3. Allmanagersmusthavetheircoachesdesignatedwiththecompleteapplicationsandapprovalby thecoordinator priortotheteam’sfirstpractice.Finalapprovalforallmanagersandcoachesis reservedtotheSPBABaseballBoard.
- Theconductofmanager,coaches,playersandparentsshallbesubjecttotheSPBABylawsandSPBACodeofConduct. AlloccurrencesorproblemsshallbebroughtbeforetheSPBABoard.
- Monitorandcontrolconductofself,coaches,players,andparents.Ifanyparticipantisremovedfrom agametheymustleavethefieldarea(parkinglotacceptable) andmaynotcontinueinthegameinanyfashion.Offendermayrejointeam atgamesendformanagermeeting.
- If a manager, coach, player or parent is removed from a game by an umpire or league official for any reason, they are suspended from all baseball activities and must appear before the SPBA Board for review. All ejections must be reported to the League Coordinator who will immediately notify the park Vice President.
- ManagersandCoachesareresponsibleforinsuringthattheparentsoftheirteamproperly staffandmanagetheconcession standduringtheassignedtimes;nolessthantwiceduringa season.Duringthefallseason,failuretodosowillresultinasuspension forthenext scheduledgame.Inthespringseason,failuretodosowillresultinasuspension forthefirst playoff game for Shetland American – suspension of the next scheduled game for Shetland National. Uponfurtherreview, failuretodosocouldalsoresultin suspensionofmanagingandcoachingresponsibilitiesforthefollowingseasonatanylevelin SPBA.
4.Themanager’sresponsibilitiesincludebutarenotlimited to:
•Enlist a parent to be in charge of field preparations which include lining the field.
•Ensurethatneithermanagernorcoacheswilluseanyformoftobaccoduringgamesor practices.
•Conductselfandcoachesinappropriatemanner.Intheevent aparticipantisremovedfroma game,he/shemustleavethefieldareaandmaynotcontinuetoparticipateinthegamein anyway.Ifamanager, coach,orplayerisremoved fromagamebyanumpireorleague officialmorethanonceduringtheseasontheyaresuspendedandmustappearbeforethe board for review
• ForfieldpreparationseeaddendumaboutHelpfulReminders(included).
•Incaseofrainpriortothestartofgames,allteamsmustparticipateinthepreparation ofthe fields.Participants shouldincludemanager,coachesandparents.Itisnotlimitedtojustthe hometeamofthenextgame.
1. Everyplayeronateamrosterwillparticipateineachgamefortheminimumplayingtime.(See leaguespecificsinSectionXI).
Note: IftheviolationisdeterminedtobeintentionaltheSPBABoardmay assessa moreseverepenalty.
A. A playerdoesnotattendandparticipatein twoconsecutivepractices(excludingillnessor excusedabsence).
B.Playerdoesnotattendandparticipateintwoconsecutive gamesexcludingillnessor excusedabsenceis reviewedbyCoordinator,Vice-President,andBaseballCommissioner todeterminefurtheractionthatcouldincludedismissal.
• PENALTY:Playerdoesnothavetoplaytheminimumplayingtime. D. Playerdoesnotplayatthepositionasassignedby themanagerorcoach.
•PENALTY:Playerisaskedtoleavethefieldandwillnotparticipateinthe remainderofthegame.
E. Playerdemonstratesactionswhicharedetrimentalandabusive totheteam,includingthe useoffoullanguage.
•PENALTY:Player issuspendedfrom theteamimmediatelyand willnot participateinanygameorpracticeuntilthesuspensionisreviewed.
•SECONDOFFENSE:Playerandparentwillmeetwithmanager,Coordinator, Vice-President, andBaseballCommissionertodeterminefurtheractionthat couldincludedismissal.
1. Theassignmentofplayersforthevariousteamswithinbothleaguesshallbeacooperativeeffort ofmanagers,coaches,andLeagueCoordinator.
2. EvaluationswillbeheldforallShetlandeligibleplayers.
3. For Shetland American, allplayersareevaluated,includingmanagers’andcoaches’children,anddraftedbymanagers andcoaches.TheShetland American managers’andcoaches’childrenwillbescoredbyeachmanagerintheleague inwhichtheyplaytodeterminewhatroundthatplayerwouldbeselectedinthedraft. For Shetland National managers’ children, attendance at evaluations is optional. Shetland National managers’ and coaches’ children are not scored to be slotted in the draft
4. Allplayersmustattendtheevaluationsandparticipateinatleast50%oftheskilltesttobe eligibleforthedraft.Playersnotattendingevaluations willbeassignedtoteamsintheNational Leagueonarandombasis.
5. Allplayersage5and6willplayintheShetlandLeagues.
6. TheShetland draftwillbeconductedusingthefollowingformat:
•Shetland American only -- Theevaluationsofthecoaches’andmanagers’childrenwillbeusedtoseedtheseplayersin thedraftusingasystemtodetermine onanaverageroundtheplayerwould potentiallybedrafted.Theplayeristhenidentifiedasthatteam’sdraftpickinthatround.
•Thedraftwillproceedinalternatingorder(1sttolast/lastto1st)fillingintheslotsinevery round.
•EachmanagerwillprovidetheLeagueCoordinator(s)withacompleteddraftrosterpriorto leavingthedraftroom.
7. Tradesarenotallowed.
8. Helpmonitorandensurethatallparentworkconcessionduty.Managersandcoachesarenot exemptfromworking,unlesstheirspecificteamchoosestosupplementforthem.
(1)PENALTY:In the Fall season, the manager will be suspended for the next game.
(2)PENALTY: In the Spring season, the manager will be suspended for the first tournament game.
9. All managers and coaches will be subject to a background check and must pass this check in
order to manage or coach a team (i.e. - participate in any way on the field, cage, or dugout).
1. SPBAwill providehatsand jerseysfor allplayers.SPBAwill provide(3) hatsand (3) jerseysper teamformanagerandcoaches.
2. SPBAwillprovidethenecessarybaseballsequipmentforeachteam.
3. Parentsmustprovidepants,socks,shoes,andothernecessaryuniformitems.
4. Onlyleagueapprovedbatsarepermitted, refer to section XI rule 15.
5. Battinghelmetsmust be worn duringall gamesand practicesby batterand baserunners.
6. Players may wear shoeswithrubber-molded cleatsortennis/gym shoes. Metal cleats are prohibited.
7. Allmale playersmustweara hardcup.Catchersmustwearall catchers’equipment,to include,athroat protectorandcatcher’smittduringpracticesandgames.
8. NoJewelry(watches,earrings,necklaces,bracelets,etc.)willbewornduringpracticeorgames.
9. Allmanagerswillreturnallissuedequipment, exceptballs,afterthecompletion oftheseasonas perequipmentagreement.Managerissubjecttopartialorfullforfeitofdepositifequipmentis notreturned.
10.Anyplayerplacedinthepitcher’spositionMUSTwearabattershelmet, or a protective pitcher’s facemask.
11. If a team choses to pay to have player names put on the jerseys and/or hats, for safety reasons,
Only player LAST NAMES are allowed. NO first names on team jerseys/hats.
Team Posters – If your team chooses to do a team poster to display during games, etc., for safety reasons, you can only use the players’ last names on it.
12. Players with casts: A player CANNOT play (practice or game) with a cast on brace on. This
Is a liability issue, not only for the injured player, but for other players also.
1. Thescheduleofgamesandpracticesforthepreseasonandregularseasonshallbepreparedbythe
2. Theschedulewillprovidefornotlessthan(2)gamesperweek. (except Shetland National may play
3 games per two weeks, depending on the number of teams)
3. Allgamesmustbeplayedattheassignedtimeassetforthbytheapprovedschedule.
- MakeupgameswillbescheduledbytheMaster Scheduler (in the next available slot which may be a Friday evening or Sunday afternoon)andwilltakepriorityoveranyscheduledpracticetimetheymightreplace. Additionally, the online scheduler will be updated which will include an email to the manager of the team(s) losing their practice slot. Please pay close attention to these emails.
4. Practicescheduleswillincludetimesforfieldandbattingcage.
5. Onlyscheduledpracticesonapprovedfieldsareauthorized. TheSPBABaseballBoardmust approveanyotherlocation.
6. AteammayberemovedfromanyfieldatthediscretionofaLeagueofficial.
7. Regulationgamesareasfollows:
•ShetlandNational: 5 complete innings with 6 batters each half inning, or 1:15 hard time limit.
Note:On Weekdays where there is no following SN game, there is flexibility to go beyond the 1:15mark, however the hard stop at the 1:30 point. On Saturdays, when there are multiple games, the 1:15 time limit must be adhered to. At the 1:05mark, only ½ inning more can be played. This may create situations where only the top of an inning is played. Live game time playing experience is very valuable to the players and so stopping during the middle of an inning is allowed.
If there are 13 players on a team and all players are at the game, 7 batters will bat one inning
With 6 players batting in the following inning.Shetland National will keep score during the game, however the score will not be reported.
•ShetlandAmerican: 6innings-time limit 1:10. Inning will be completed. Home team bats only if necessary to determine the outcome of the game. An inning starts when 3rd out is made. No inning may start after 1:10 of playing time. Acompletegame isthe completion of the 4th inning, or the middle of the 4th inning if hometeamiswinning.Therewillbeafive(5)runperinninglimit.Tiescoresstand.
TieGamesandTimeLimits:intheeventthatacompletegameisachievedduringtheallotted timelimitandthescoreistied,extrainning(s) maybeplayedtodeterminethewinner,subjectto the 1:10time limitsasdefinedabove. Shouldthe gamebetiedafterthe 1:10time limitprovided,thenthegamewillendinatie. No inning shall start after 8:00 pm prevailing time.
Mathematical End of Game: If a game score reaches a point where one team cannot mathematically, win. Then for score reporting purposes, that is the score that will be reported.
- If there IS a following game, then the game must end at the “mathematical end of a game.” The teams must clear the field and allow the next game to get ready for play.
- If there is NO game that follows, and “mathematical ended” game has not reached the 1:10 time limit, then the teams should continue play, under the normal rules with the exception that they are not adding to the official score, so players can gain experience in positions that they do not normally play.
(a)Called Game: In league play, it is a regulation game if it is called by the umpire due to darkness, rain or other cause (e.g. loss of field lighting) which in the umpire’s judgment interfered with further play, provided that:
- Acompletegame isthe completion of the 4th inning, or the middle of the 4th inning if hometeamiswinning.
- In the event of a partial inning beyond the 4 inning, if the visiting team has not completed batting or the visiting team is ahead, you would revert back to the last completed inning.
- If one-half inning is completed and home team is ahead, the game is ended at that point with home team winning.
- In the event that a game is halted before completion for any cause, the game will be replayed.
8. Noinningshallstartafter8:00PMprevailingtime.
9. Allplayerswillbatincontinuousorderandplayasspecifiedby league.
- Player Bats out of Order (Shetland American):
(a)Until the batter puts the ball in fair play, you can put the proper batter back in the batter’s box, they assume the same count – no out occurs.
(b)If the batter hits the ball and the error is called before the next batter receives a pitch; then player that was skipped is out, and all other players go back to the original starting spot. The next player, after the player that was skipped, will bat. This may mean a re-bat for the batter that just hit.
(c)If the wrong batter hits the ball and the next batter comes up, and receives a pitch, then the previous batter’s at bat is now legal and no penalty occurs. Continue with the correct batting order. The batter that was skipped will have to wait until his next turn in the rotation.
10.Shetland American:Ateammusthaveaminimumofeight(8)playerstostartagame.
- Penalty:Team withlessthan8playersforfeitsgameandischargedwithaloss (scored 6-0 on the website. The reason for a 6-0 loss is because mathematically this is the most you can lose by for ranking purposes.). Teamsmaychoosetoplayascrimmagegamewiththeotherteamloaningplayers.(Umpireswillremaintoofficiate).
- 9 Players – If a team has 9 players at the start of the game, those 9 players must play the traditional 9 positions, just like any regular baseball game.
- 8 Players – If a team has 8 players at the start of the game, then the team will lose the catcher position. The team will need to instruct their pitcher to cover the catcher position after a batted ball passes the pitcher.
- Substitute Player Rule- A team may use substitutes from the same league and division provided the following;
(a)The opposing team’s manager must be informed of the substitute.
(b)Maximum 1 substitute (a team using substitutes cannot exceed 8 players for that game).
(c)Substitutes must bat last in the order.
(d)Substitutes may only play in the outfield.
(e)Substitutes will not be permitted during tournament play.
11.Eachteamwillprovide2 newgamesballpriortostartofgame.
12.Eachteamwillbe limitedtomanagerandup to three(3)coachesin thedugoutat any timeduring thegame.Managerandcoachesmustremaininthedugoutexceptwhencoachingbasesoras follows:
A.ShetlandAmerican: Oneadultcoach to pitch for histeamwhenonoffense.1 adult from offensive team at back stop. 2 adults from defensive team in the outfield.The outfield coaches must stand behind the painted outfielder line. Umpirewill positionbehindhomeplateandwillberesponsibleforallcalls.
B. Shetland National: Oneadultcoachto pitcher for histeamwhenonoffense (acts as umpire). 1 adult from offensive team at backstop.Twoadultsto assistoutfieldersondefense.The outfield coaches must stand behind the start of the outfield grass line.One adult from defense to help/teach the catcher if needed.
Both leagues when team is on defense - We will allow only one coach to stand outside of the dugout but he/she must be within arm’s reach of the dugout gate. Note – the dugout gate must be closed during game play.
Note – Baseball buckets are not allowed outside the dugout during the game.
Time-Outs – Per Dizzy Dean, each team is allowed 1 time out per half inning.
14.Onlymanagerordesignatedcoachwillbeallowedonthefieldofplayandonlyafterbeing allowedtimeoutbytheumpire.
Adultsrepresenting eachteamshouldhandletheseduties.Whileinthescore-box,theseadults maycheerandencouragetheirteams,buttheymustrefrainfromcoaching.Atgame’sendthe managerswillupdate the SPBA website with the final score. (Shetland National will keep score during the game, however the score will not be reported on the SPBA website)
- The visiting team of the last game of the day is responsible for ensuring that the score board “brains” box is returned to the equipment shed.
17.Thehometeamisresponsibleforliningthefieldandsettingupthescoreboardpriortothestart ofthegame.
- Chalking the Base lines, foul arc and pitching circle –
(a)Chalk the 1st and 3rdbase lines
- Use the rope to mark a straight line from the back point of home plate to the outside edge of first base and then repeat the process with the third base side. The bases, including home, and the chalk lines are considered fair territory, so use the rope line as the outside edge guide for the chalk line.
(b)SA will use the arc tool to chalk the 20’ pitching arc
(c)SN will use the arc tool to chalk the 20’ pitching arc and the 6’ foul arc
(d)Use the arc tool to chalk the pitching circle
- Thepitchingcirclewillhave a five (5) foot radius and ten(10)feetindiameter
(e)SA lines the batter’s box – SN does not line batter’s box
(f)Do not chalk any on-deck circles
(g)Do not line the foul lines on any grass with chalk, see the field maintenance addendum.
- Home Team - Last Game of Day Field Maintenance –
(a)Follow the field maintenance addendum instructions.
(b)Pulling bases and plugging the post.
- Shetland American - With the new 5:30 game time, it is recommended that you have a parent(s) who are responsible to help line the fields for your home games.
18.Oncethegamestarts,itisincontroloftheUmpire. It’shis/herdecisiontocontinue/haltplay foranyreason.
19.Intheeventofinclementweatherafterthestartofagame,thatresultsifthepostponementofthe game,andbeforethecompletegamemarkasdefinedabove,thegamewillreplayedinits entiretyonamakeupdatetobescheduledby theleaguecoordinator.
20. End of Game Transition – At the end of each game, the coaches need to teach their players to quickly clear out of the dugout, so the next team can occupy it as well as the field. Any post game meetings, can be held at the picnic tables. There are to be NO team meetings on the field after a game. This delays the ability of the next teams to be able to get onto the field for pregame warm-ups. Regardless if there is a game that follows, this procedure needs to be adhered to at the end of each game. We want this process to become a habit of our players; that they are respectful of the next game, and always quickly pack up their equipment and exit the field.
21. Hitting Sticks – During a game, hitting sticks, or like aids that make noise, cannot be used to warm-up a player in the on deck circle.
Shetland American: batters who receive 5 pitches or 3 strikes in any combination will be considered out. If 5th pitch or 3rd strike is hit foul, the batter will continue to swing until an out or hit is made.
Shetland National: batters will receive 4 pitches from the coach pitcher (The batter will receive one additional pitch if the 4th pitch is hit foul). After that, the ball is placed on a tee for the 5th “pitch”. When ball is hit from the tee, the batter will advance no further than 1st base, unless put out. Runners on base advance only if forced.
i)ShetlandAmerican:-An offensivecoachwill pitchtohis ownbatters.The coachmay only coachthebatteruntilhereachesfirst (1st) base orafter heleavesthird(3rd)base.The coach willbe replacedafteronewarningof aviolation.Thepitchermaypitchanywherefrominfrontof the20footfoularctothepitchingcircle,hemaynotcrossthefoullineorenterthepitching circle.Hemustkeeponefootonorastraddlethepitching-line. Hemustpitchoverhand. He must pitch from a standing position. This rule is for the safety of the coach pitcher and so he can quickly leave the field as required by rule below. See the Miscellaneous section for more guidance on pitching speeds.
- PENALTY:Fornotstandingonorastraddlethepitching-line,thedefensiveteamgetsthechoice oftheplayorre-bat.Any battedballthathits thecoach-pitcherwillbeadead ballandanopitch.
- PENALTY: If a coach pitcher’s foot touches or crosses the 20’ pitching arc then the pitch is considered a no-pitch
- Ifthecoach-pitcherintentionally(intheumpire’sjudgment)allowstheballtohithimthebatter willbeoutandadeadballcalled.Norunnermayadvance.
- Thecoach-pitcher mustattemptto leavethefieldandtrytopickupthebatter'sbat.Acoach-pitcherwhodoesnotattempttogetoff thefieldandorinterfereswiththedefensive playertokeephimfrommakingaplay(inthe umpire’s judgment)willcausethebattertobeout. Norunnersadvance.
- Bat Exception: Play at home – in the case that a runner is on 3rd and the initial play is to home, then the coach-pitcher is to not run to get the bat because the coach-pitcher will typically arrive at the same time as the runner and thus interfere with the play.
ii)ShetlandNational:-An offensivecoachwill pitchtohis ownbatters.Thepitchermaypitchanywherefrominfrontof the20footfoularctothepitchingcircle,hemaynotcrossthefoullineorenterthepitching circle.Hemustkeeponefootonorastraddlethepitching-line. Hemustpitchoverhand. See the Miscellaneous section for more guidance on pitching speeds.
- PENALTY:Fornotstandingonorastraddlethepitching-line,thedefensiveteamgetsthechoice oftheplayorre-bat.Any battedballthathits thecoach-pitcherwillbeadead ballandanopitch.
- PENALTY: If a coach pitcher’s foot touches or crosses the 20’ pitching arc then the pitch is considered a no-pitch
- TheShetland National coach-pitcher is the umpire so he will remain on the field to make calls. The offensive coach that is behind the plate will remove the bat from the field of play.
20’ Foul/Pitching arc:
Shetland American: A batted ball must pass this 20’ arc in order to be considered fair. This line is also used by the Coach Pitcher to determine his location to pitch from.
Shetland National: The 20’ arc is used by the Coach Pitcher to determine his location to pitch from. However, a batted ball only needs to make it to the 6’ arc to be considered fair in SN. This is to allow for more successful at bats with our new batters, when they make some type of forward contact.
Shetland American will play on 60’ base paths with a 20’ foul/pitching arc.
Shetland National will play on 50’ base paths with a 20’ pitching arc and a 6’ foul arc.
1)Per Dizzy Dean, thepitchingcirclewillhave a five (5) foot radius and ten(10)feetindiameter. Thepitchingrubberwillbeforty-six(46)feetfrom thebackofhomeplate.Therewillbeatwenty(20)footpaintedarcfromthefirst(1st)baselinetothe third(3rd)baselineinfrontofhomeplate.
2)Outfielder line - There will be a painted line in the outfield which shows the outfielders where to set up. The position is the ½ way distance of the outfield.
1)Anyrunnerisoutwhenrunnerdoesnotattempttoavoidcontact.Example:Ifthedefensive playerhaspossession oftheballpriortotherunner’sarrivalthentherunnermustavoidcontact. Thisruleappliestoallbases,exceptfirst(seeNOTES)andappliesevenwhentheforceisin effect.
- Penalty – one warning should be given and the play stands on the warning
- Penalty:runner is warned and play stands – second offense, runner is out.
3)Players may not bunt. If a bunt occurs, the ball is dead and the batter is charged with a strike.
4)Ifabatterslingsthe bat the play standsand the batter isgivenawarning. Second offense from the same batter, batter is out – play is dead
5)Aballthat hits the batterisconsideredanopitch.Playis dead.
7)Iftheballcomesincontactwiththecoach-pitchertheballisdeadandtheplayisdeadand consideredanopitch.Subjecttoumpiresrulingascoveredin“PitchingSection”.
- Penalty–first offense, runner is given warning and play stands. Second offense, runner is out.
9)Shetland American: Therecanbeonly one(1) overthrowperbattedball.Allsubsequentoverthrowsforthesame play areconsideredadeadball.Baserunnersmayadvanceonlyone(1)baseonanoverthrow, howeverrunnerdoessoatownrisk.