SMGC Junior Handbook
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Welcome to Sand Moor Golf Club. We hope you enjoy and improve your golf and that you make full use of the club facilities. There are very few restrictions on Junior members. You should regularly read the notices on the Junior and General Notice Boards. You should familiarise yourself with the annual ‘Members Handbook and Fixtures’ booklet. Junior Girls should read the information available in the girls purple file on the desk in the Ladies Locker Room.
These notes have been prepared to make you aware of the more important matters to ensure you are in harmony with the rest of the club.
Your contact at the Club is the Junior Organiser and you should approach him whenever advice is required on any matter. The current Junior Organiser is Nick Houlden, the club professional. Other Junior contacts are listed on the outside cover.
Commencement of Play: The course is usually not open for play until 7.30am. For Saturday and Sunday Competitions, you should check the latest tee-off time.
On Competition Days, special rules apply: See the ‘Members Handbook and Fixture List’ and the Time Sheet for the day.
Female junior members are governed by the arrangements for lady members, however all juniors under 16 years of age are only permitted to play after11.00am on Sundays unless playing in a permitted competition.
Ladies’ Day: Ladies have priority booking for 24 hours for ladies' tee times on Tuesdays 9.30am - 10.30 am and on Thursdays 8.30 am - 11.50
Booking Times: You may book tee times by using the online booking system or in the Professional’s shop one week in advance.
Club Competitions: You may enter most competitions and there are special junior competitions. These are displayed on the Notice Board, on the Time Sheet and in the ‘Members Handbook and Fixtures’ booklet. Juniors under the age of 18 years must play in the company of a member over 18 years of age or another Junior with a handicap of 12 or less. In major competitions (printed in bold in the ‘Members Handbook andFixtures’)Juniors under 18 playing in major competitions, must play off their current handicap or 18, whichever is the lower.
Female junior members please refer to Ladies section in the diary or the ladies notice board for competition rules.
Use of Caddies During Club Competitions:
Caddies are not allowed in any competition and no one may give advice to the players on the course, apart from that relating to interpretation of the Rules of Golf.
Spectators, other than Official Junior Organisers, must remain at least 25 metres from the players throughout the round except when circumstances demand otherwise.
Any breach of this rule could lead to the disqualification of the player concerned.
This applies to both junior and senior competitions.
Handicaps: You will require a handicap to play in club competitions.
To obtain a new handicap you are required to submit 3 cards of 18 holes or equivalent, signed by a member with a handicap, played under medal conditions (not necessarily in a competition) at Sand Moor. You are expected to report improvements in your ability, other than through Competitions, by completing a scorecard played off white tees signed by a marker and marked ‘For Handicap Purposes’. These cards must be placed in the Handicap Box at the entrance to the men’s changing room (boys) and handed to the Ladies’ Handicaps Secretary (girls). You must promptly report to the Club scores obtained in organised competitions at other Clubs and immediately reduce your handicap when you play below the Competition Standard Scratch. A book for this is on the table inside the lounge door.
Always hand in cards from Club competitions even when you have recorded a ‘no return’ or have not completed the round.
This is a necessary requirement.
The Professional Shop: The shop is not a gathering place. The Professional is always ready to help you to make use of all modern teaching aids. Take an opportunity to consult him regarding teaching and the purchase of golfing items.
Safety during Play: You must ensure people ahead are at a safe distance before making a stroke. Do not take a practice swing with players in front of or close to you or in circumstances where the course may be damaged. Do not stand directly behind or close to a player making a stroke.
On the Course: Walk quickly between shots. Do not spend undue time looking for your partner’s ball. Please refer to the Rules of Golf. When your ball is on the green, leave your bag/trolley ‘en route’ to the next tee. Do not take trolleys onto the ‘apron’ of greens or between the green and greenside bunkers. If you are holding up play and the match ahead has cleared the next green, you must call the following match through. To avoid any delay please mark cards after leaving the green or after teeing off on the next hole.
Snooker : Members under 16 years of age may only commence play on the snooker table when it is free and no other member is waiting to play.
Etiquette: Golf is a sport with high ethical values, and a strong sense of fair play. Etiquette entails a conventional code of conduct and that means avoiding abuse of equipment (throwing or breaking clubs, kicking bags, etc.), abuse of the course (failure to repair divots/pitch marks and to smooth out bunkers) and abusive language. Be sure to recognise The Captain, The President and The Lady Captain (photographs in the hall). Be especially courteous to them and address them by their official title.
The Captain must receive courtesy and priority on the first tee and on the course.
Dress Code: The club dress code is smart casual. Tailored shorts with sports socks of any colour may be worn on the course and, during the summer, in the clubhouse. At presentations and dinners, unless informal attire is specified, you are required to wear a jacket and tie. Bring a jacket and tie when you represent the Club in matches.
Female junior members please dress appropriately.
Carry and consult the Rules of Golf. If you run into problems/trouble with other members, be polite and leave the situation as soon as possible, Contact the Junior Organiser as soon as possible before he hears about the incident from another source.
Enjoy your golf and membership of Sand Moor Golf Club
Vice Captain: Mr Mark Roper 01132852195
Junior Girls contact: Mrs Kate Newstead07890021990
Child Welfare Officer: Mrs Kate Newstead 07890021990
Junior Captain: George Smith
Professional: Nick Houlden: 0113 2685180
Assistant Professional:Andy Stocks 0113 2685180
Club Manager: Alistair Cook 0113 2685180
SMGC Junior Handbook
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