San Jose PAL Board Meeting Minutes – 07/16/2014

Attendees: Juan Reyes, Jamal Newborn, Elaine Orgain, Mauricio Mejia, Richard Sexton, Eric Hickok.

Excused: Dr. KJ, Dave Cortese, Xavier Campos, Gabe Scarpelli, Joe Gagliardi, Jim Ureta, Baca.

Quorum: Yes

Guests: Roger Boor, Anthony Kennada

Juan called meeting to order at 6:45 p.m.

Approval of June 2014 Minutes: A motion made by Mejia to approve the minutes. Motion was second by Newborn . Passed unanimously.

Guest: Anthony Kennada-a guest of board Member Richard Sexton.

Anthony is VP of marketing at Gainsight. Anthony is excited about assisting Jamal and PAL in any way possible in marketing our programs and our Rebranding of PAL. Anthony has many ideas and we look forward to working with him.

Audit – Elaine from Silicon Valley Accounting Solution:

  1. The transition of accounting processes from TaxHelp to Silicon Valley Accounting is going well but we were already looking for ways to make it more efficient for both sides.
  1. Still waiting for the letter from Union Bank regarding the Hellwig Trust (by the way … are we any closer?) in order to restart the audit dialogue with ASL
  1. The Forecast will be a priority activity once Jim returns from his travels

Executive Director Update

San Jose PAL- Jim Ureta

  • Sgt. Ureta is on vacation. Both Sgt. Ureta and Officer Duran will be attending National PAL’s school in Florida.
  • PAL baseball
  • The Bronco (11-12 yr.) and Palomino (18-20yr) division are both in Los Angeles attending the Regional tournaments. They are both one tournament away from the World Series. Congrats!


Marketing – Newborn and Mejia-

Concert Flyer should be in sync with PAL’s attempt in re branding of its status for any and all events. We are using too many different PAL logos and we need to finalize on just one major branding logo.

The web site has now been updated with the new Board Members. A different look! Need to make sure we are in line with augmenting our web site with National PAL or Cal-PAL requirements, if there are any.


PAL Fundraising Concert.

I attended the meeting on July 16, along with Officer Duran and PAL office staff regarding our upcoming concert fundraiser. Present were Santa Clara County permits, Santa Clara County Parks and Rec. Rangers, San Jose Fire, San Jose Police Command Staff, Emma Prusch Director, City of San Jose Parks and Rec. field maintenance, along with Roberto Payne and Anita.

Concert is on track. Alcohol sales permit is in process. Food trucks are the best for this event at this time. Generator size and location were discussed.

New Business

Board Member Recruitment

We are still looking for several more female Board members.

Positions to fill are Secretary, Treasurer, and possibly an Attorney on the Board as well.


Motion to adjourn by Newborn, second by Sexton at 8:00pm

Next board meeting on August 20, 2014 at 6pm.
