What is a SAN/GLN?
A SAN is a Standard Address Number. It is a unique numerical identifier which is always seven digits in length. A GLN is a Global Location Number which can be derived from the SAN. It is made up of 13 digits and is sometime referred to as an EAN location number. These numbers are recognised throughout the bookselling and publishing industries.
What is the purpose of a SAN/GLN?
SANs/GLNs are used to identify locations of organisations involved in the book trade such as wholesalers, distributors, subscription agents, printers, publishers, booksellers and libraries. They can also identify departments or specific job titles, but do not denote a named individual.
What are the benefits of having a SAN/GLN?
SANs are used by publishers and distributors to identify the bookseller and link to their order processing and launching systems. GLNs are required when using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to send and receive business data forms electronically, i.e. invoices, credit notes, orders etc. Both SANs and GLNs are required for using certain systems and services, e.g. TeleOrdering, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Internet Services.
How do I apply for a SAN/GLN?
We will need some general details from you and will ask you to complete a simple form either via the web, fax, email or post. We will require the following details: trading name of the organisation, full address including postcode, contact name, email address, telephone number, VAT number (if you have one) in order to allocate the SAN/GLN. We will also require payment prior to processing. If you apply via the web, you will still need to send payment before your SAN can be issued.
Apply for SAN/GLN
Can I order a SAN/GLN on behalf of a client?
We are able to process applications for SANs/GLNs from third parties on behalf of other organisations, but we need to be informed who will be sending payment for the service.
How long does it take to obtain a SAN/GLN?
We are able to process your information within 48 hours of receiving your payment. This excludes weekends, Bank Holidays and days when the office is officially closed.
How much does it cost?
The fee is £46.00 + VAT per SAN/GLN*. We will require payment before we can process your application.
We cannot take credit card details over the telephone as we require written authorisation in all cases. We can accept the following methods of payment: cheque (made payable to SAN Agency), MasterCard, Visa and Maestro. Prior to processing we will always verify your organisation does not already have a SAN/GLN. If we find one has already been allocated we will return your payment or make a refund as appropriate.
*Prices are correct at 2nd January 2007 but are subject to change without notice.
What if I already have a SAN but not a GLN?
For those organisations which already have an existing SAN we will be happy to process a GLN free of charge. However, we will need proof of your SAN to compare with our records and confirmation of address details. We will be happy to check if you already have a SAN if you wish.
What if I already have a GLN?
If the GLN has been allocated by the SAN Agency, then we will attempt to derive a SAN from it.
If I move address can I transfer the existing SAN/GLN?
A SAN/GLN relates to a specific address, and so if your organisation moves it will need to apply for a new SAN.
How can I update the details that are stored and displayed by the SAN Agency?
If you think that the data we are holding for your organisation is out of date (for example, the telephone number or SAN contact person has changed) you can inform us online. Simply search for your record by entering your SAN or a part of your organisation name or address on the SAN Search page. At the end of the displayed record you will be able to click on a link that will allow you to amend your details by overtyping the relevant section (the SAN/GLN fields are protected and not available for change). You will need to confirm who you are and provide contact details. We will contact you separately to confirm the required changes. The changes you submit online will not automatically update the database and will not be seen online until we have verified them with you.