Department of ….


A Mission of St Phillip Baptist Church

SATC 205 Bargas Street, San Antonio, TX 78210

Course Syllabus

Course number:

Course name: Building Spiritual Gifts Ministry

Instructor: Dr. Johnny Freemont III


Phone: cell (512) 993-6945

Class hours: TUESDAY, 7:45 – 8:45 pm AND Online course

Catalog Description: Prerequisite. Systematic Theology or Philosophy of Religion.

New Testament Scripture reveals that the church functions as the body of Christ when all of God’s people use their spiritual gifts. Ministry in many churches operates as a top-down institution rather than a people- focused organism. Employing powerful biblical and theological images, this course will explore key principles in developing strategies to empower and release ministry to all of God’s people. The following areas will be covered: (1) biblical values needed in the ministry setting; (2) the structural and systematic issues that must be addressed to transform the community; (3) transforming the identity of all believers into ministers; (4) the process of helping all of God’s people discover their spiritual gifts through a profile of gifts, passions and leadership style: and (5) building spiritual gift-based teams.

Course Description

This course is designed for lay leaders and ordained persons interested in developing spiritual gift ministries in their local setting. This course will explore and examine key biblical principles that will assist in developing strategies to empower and release ministry to all members of a faith community. Topics include the consideration of biblical images/models, theological foundations, structural and systematic barriers that mobilize the transformation of a faith community and an assessment of our self-identity and completing a profile of gifts.

Course Goals/Learning Outcomes:

  1. To enable students to have a thorough understanding of spiritual gifts from an early church perspective and one’s contemporary setting.
  2. To examine and explore biblical texts and models relating to spiritual gifts.
  3. To develop a theological framework for spiritual gifts within one’s ministry setting.
  4. To assess one’s cultural readiness for a spiritual gift based ministry.
  5. To understand how to build ministry teams around the gifts of their members.
  6. To develop a three to five year strategic plan for implementing a spiritual gift based ministry in their setting.

Text Book: The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts: In the New Testament Church and Today

Author: Turner, Max

Other Texts :

  1. Wagner, Peter. “Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow.” Revised Ed. Oxnard, CA: Regal Books, 1995
  2. Turner, Max. “The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts: In the New Testament Today.” Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1998.
  3. Wagner, Peter. “Finding Your Spiritual Gifts: Wagner-Modified Houts Questionnaire.” Oxnard, CA: Regal Books, 1995
  4. Bauknight, Brian Kelley. “Body Building: Creating a Ministry Team Through Spiritual Gifts (Leadership Insight Series).” Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1996.

Method of instructions:

  1. Class lectures
  2. Quizzes and Tests
  3. Homework: Read handouts and write 1 page treatise of your finds.

Course Grade:

  1. Class participation……...25%
  2. Homework/worksheets…25%
  3. Class quizzes……………25%
  4. Final Exam ……………..25%

Course Plan / Building Spiritual Gifts Ministry
1 / Jan 12 / What is the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit? / Lecture
2 / Jan 19 / Jesus and the Spirit in the Synoptic Tradition / Readings
3 / Jan 26 / The Gift of the Spirit in Acts: the spirit of Prophecy / Readings
4 / Feb 2 / The Spirit in the Gospel According to John 1-12 / Readings
5 / Feb 9 / The Spirit in the Gospel According to John 14-16 / Readings
6 / Feb 16 / The Gift of the Spirit in Johannine Church / Readings
7 / Feb 23 / The Spirit in Paul / Readings
8 / Mar 2 / A Biblical & Systematic Theology of the Gift of the Spirit / Test
9 / Mar 9 / Midterm / Readings
10 / Mar 16 / Trinitarian Pneumatology – Perspective from Pentecost / Readings
11 / Mar 23 / Prophecy in the New Testament / Readings
12 / Mar 30 / Tongues in the New Testament / Readings
13 / Apr 6 / Gifts of healing in the New Testament / Readings
14 / Apr 13 / Concluding Reflections / Readings
15 / Apr 20 / TBA / PROJECT
16 / Apr 27 / TBA / PROJECT
17 / May 4 / TBA / RVEIW
15 / May 11-14 / FINAL EXAM / Test