Inscription Form
Sampling for Biological Testing in Raw Water's PT evaluated by Chlorophyll α
PT’s code: AAC-01-17
1Inscription Taxes: on request
Inscription date: ___/___/____
Business Informations
Business Name:
Made-up Name:
Add more than one phone, email and person, because the documents for this program will only be sent to the contacts filled out on this form.
Technical Contact’s Information
Techinal(s) Contact(s)’ Complete(s) Name(s):
Contact Phone(s):
Informations to Payment
Responsible’s name:
Check the chosen location for sample’s collection
( ) Porto Alegre/RS ( ) Curitiba/PR ( ) São Paulo/SP ( ) Rio de Janeiro/RJ
( ) Belo Horizonte/MG ( ) Vitoria/ES ( ) Salvador/BA
Disclosure Authorization
In the preliminary and final report of the PT there will be a list with the name of the participating companies, and for the name of your company to appear in this listing is necessary to authorize this disclosure. Regardless of the authorization or not, the relationship between the company name and its result will be codified and only Qualabor and the participating company itself will be able to identify it.
Do you authorize the disclosure of the company name? ( )Yes ( )No
How did you get to know Qualabor?
( )Facebook ( )EPTIS ( )Mail ( )Phone contact ( )Indication, who? ______
( )E-mail ( )Google ( )Qualabor’s Site Others: ______
After completing the information, please send the form to
1 Registration fee may change as more programs are contracted
By submitting the registration form by e-mail the participating company informs that it is in accordance with the Terms of Commitment, presented below.
Terms of Commitment
1. The participant laboratory will be instructed on how to pay for the PT as soon as it reachs the minimun number os participants. To verify if this PT's confirmed, access the PT’s page on, go to the tab "Schedule" and look in the table the iten "PT's Confirmation";
2. TheInscription Certificatewill be sent after the inscription taxes payment's confirmation.
3. The informations and documents about this PT will be only sent only to the informed e-mails in this Inscription Form;
4. The participants shall take along everynecessary materialsto condition, preserve and identify the samples which will be forwarded by the own participant (chain of custody) to an accredited laboratory chosen by Qualabor.
5. Thecostswith laboratory professional's displacement, sample sending to the indicated laboratory and the samples' analysis are participant's responsability;
6. The accredited laboratory chosen by Qualabor for the analysis will be theclosest to the collection point, to facilitate the logistics of the process.
7. The sugestedreference valueto comparasion will be the group consensus;
8. The sugestedstatistical methodforinterlaboratoryevaluation of the paticipants laboratories' results will beZ-Score, where the results can be classified as Satisfactory, Questionable or Unsatisfactory. To measure theintralaboratorycollection procedures' accuracy and repeatability will be used theRPD (Relative Percent Difference)between the results of field duplicates. In case of change in the statistical method, the participants will be notified via e-mail;
9. The participant laboratory shall be available for the sampling in the date and time defined by Qualabor;
10. The participating laboratory will receive a preliminary report at the end of testing schedule. If any inconsistent information is found, the participant will have adeadline for contestation, which will be evaluated by Qualabor and, if it is the case, it will be made the information’s correction;
11. In the preliminary/final report, the laboratory’s result will be codified and only Qualabor and the participant himself will have access to it;
12. This PT followsNIT DICLA 26andISO/IEC 17025’s requirements;
13. Qualabor uses as basis for this PTISO/IEC 17043and at the end of this PT the same will be registered onEPTIS(European Proficiency Testing Information System);
14. Any contact necessity, like doubts, questionings, contestations, collaboration or complaints about this program may be made via e-mail, receiving our attention, analysis and feedback.
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