CR North Team Contract
What is a team contract?
A team contract is a set of guidelines that each team member agrees to live by. It includes the commitments each team member is making to the team, practice/match ground rules, and any other guidelines the team feels would be helpful in keeping the team on track and relationships between team members strong.
What is the purpose of a team contract?
· To agree on ground rules for team members to follow.
· To determine in advance how matches, conflicts, decisions, etc., will be handled.
· To have each team member make a formal commitment to the team.
· To lay forth consequences for team infractions
A. CommitmentsAs a team we will:
1. Represent CR North and the Tennis Team with pride and dignity
2. Respect our coaches and acknowledge their decisions as final and fair
3. Be courteous and encouraging of our team members
4. Try our hardest at all practices and matches, leaving nothing but our all on the court
5. Keep our language appropriate for the tennis court
B. Team Practice Rules
As a team we will:
1. Arrive to practice with all necessary items: rackets, shoes, work-out attire, ect.
2. Arrive to practice promptly; no later than 5 minutes after the tardy bell rings
3. Stretch and warm-up together as a team
4. Practice to our fullest everyday
5. Keep the courts clean of all trash and never bring food or unapproved drinks onto the courts
6. Pick up all balls when told the first time
7. Practice the entire varsity period
C. Team Communication Rules
As a team we will:
1. Promptly notify the coaches when a conflict arises with a match (24 hour rule)
2. Courteously inform our coach if a conflict arises with practice before the practice starts
3. Practice active, effective listening skills. (No talking during instruction with focused attention)
4. Keep all communication appropriate and civil
D. Team Rules: Miscellaneous
As a team we will:
1. NOT steal, lie, cheat or tolerate those that do
2. Participate in as many team fundraising activities as possible
3. Wear our uniform to all matches
E. Consequences
The coach’s decision will be final in all consequences. The following are possible consequences:
1. Extra conditioning
2. Match Suspension
3. Team Suspension
4. Removal from class
5. Failing grades
E. Special Note
If you are granted the privilege of team membership while not in the class, the following applies:
1. You will attend every practice, either during the varsity period or directly afterschool if a class conflicts
2. An unexcused absence results in a one-match suspension.
The CR North tennis team will continue to be a fun, involved family of players who continue to grow in their skills and in life. CR North tennis has a chance to continue making history and challenge for district and state recognition. The above contract is a serious commitment to further insure the continued growth of this program. Team members will abide by this contract at all times, or face the consequences above. Any team member who wishes to opt out of this contract, also then forfeits their right to be a member of CR North tennis.
Signature Print Date
Parent Signature Print Date