School Letterhead

[insert date]

Dear [insert contact name]:

[Insert school/district/etc. name] realizes that, from a business standpoint, no resource is as important as the human resource. In an effort to ensure our students have every academic advantage necessary to excel as productive members of the [area] business community and, perhaps most importantly, society at large, we are reaching out to business leaders in [area] in hopes that they will join us in our [school name] computer donation program.

Microsoft founder, Bill Gates, is quoted as saying:

If you give people tools, and they use their natural ability and their curiosity, they will develop things in ways that will surprise you very much beyond what you might have expected.

Unfortunately, in these dire economic times, the ability of school systems such as ours to get the tools necessary to help our students surprise all of us beyond expectations is imperiled. That is why we’re asking for your help in donating your used computers and computer systems to [school name] so that our students may have access to simple, yet critical, learning advantages such as the internet, word processing, and spreadsheet creation, as well as the opportunity to gain lifelong computing skills.

I will follow up with you shortly to answer any questions you may have. If you wish, please take a moment to indicate that you will help sponsor this community effort by calling me at [insert local phone number] or by returning the enclosed response form. Let me thank you in advance for your time and support. I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Include contact phone number and name (if not yours)

A bounce-back postcard

An email address for contact

Mail to all professional offices (lawyers, accountants, doctors, etc) in your area AND all large companies in the greater surrounding area.

Send a similar letter home with kids to ask them to have their parents deliver to their employers.



Organization/Company Name


Phone Fax


Best time of day to contact: [ ] morning[ ] afternoon[ ] evening

[ ] Yes, I/my organization would like to serve as a sponsor for [Insert program name here such as “Success 101,” etc.]. We will contribute the following:

[ ] Maybe; I/my organization have(has) questions about the [Insert program name here such as “Success 101,” etc.]:

Please contact [] at [] with additional information.

[ ] No, I/my organization will not be able to participate in any way.