Uppsala-StanfordCross-Cultural Rhetoric Marratech November 3 2008

Activity: Focus on the Rhetorical Situation of Political Cartoons; Texts in Conversation assignment within Curriculum Assignment sequence

  1. Welcome and introductory remarks

Time: 18.10-18.20 (Uppsala) / 9.10-9.20 am (Stanford) 10 minutes

Location: Put into marratech address bar; choose CCR Lounge.

Welcome and introductory remarks: Patrik Mehrens, Alyssa O’Brien

Analyzing Obama in two cartoons (1 US, 1 Sweden): Political Cartoons as Rhetoric

II.Small Group Discussion

Time: 18.20–19.00 / 9.20–10.00 40 minutes

Location: Using “switching instructions handout,” connect to small group room with your letter (A-F). Click on World, type in Marratech, choose room letter.

Introductions: Getting to Know Everyone the Group

Activity: Get-to-know-you questions

  • What is your name and email? Type answers on the whiteboard.
  • What kinds of visual texts do you like best? (cartoons? Film? Ads?)
  • What is a writing activity you enjoy? (blogging, remixing, poetry, research, facebook, myspace, or something else?)

Small Group Rhetorical Analysis and Discussion

Activity: Each side, pick 1 political cartoon that represents Swedish or US values.

Each “side” should take 5 minutes and choose a cartoon – pick one with strong cultural values that has rich potential for analysis. Once each “side” has picked a cartoon, rejoin as a team and discuss the following questions together.

Tech Tip: link easily through CCR Workshop Page:

Sweden: Pick a cartoon from the swedencartoon.ppt or choose a cartoon from:

Olle Johansson (freelance):

Leif Zetterling (independent liberal DN):

Riber Hansson (conservative SvD):

Choose one ELECTION CARTOON that you feel demonstrates DOXA - Swedish values as the Swedes look over at the US election.

USA: Pick a cartoon from the usacartoon.ppt or visit

Choose one cartoon from that page or scroll the left navigation bar and select the American Cartoonist of your choice. Find an ELECTION CARTOON that you feel demonstrates DOXA - US values.

Next Page: Questions 

Questions for analysis of the cartoons:

  1. What is the purpose of the cartoon? Describe the argument of the cartoon. Does it work primarily through logic, character or emotions?
  1. Discuss the audience/audiences. Who do you think is addressed by the cartoon? Are there any groups that you think will not understand it?
  1. Describe the cultural context of the cartoon. Why might it work right now (kairos)? How does the cultural context affect the appeals and arguments of the cartoon?
  1. What specific rhetorical and/or visual elements suggest cultural values? How does the cartoon reflect culture or contribute to shaping culture? Consider Doxa (or accepted cultural values – or what we believe) and Nomos (or imposed cultural values – what we are told). In what way does the cartoon reinforce or challenge cultural norms?
  1. Most importantly, what do you learn about DIFFERENCES between Swedish cultural values and American cultural values – how does visual rhetoric show this?

III. Collaborative Projects in Globally-Distributed Teams

Time: 19.00-19.15 / 10.00-10.15 15 minutes

Complete the following task as a team and post your writing/visuals on the whiteboard. Save the whiteboard to present to the teams and post on the CCR blog.

Pick 1 person from each side to present your creation to the rest of the groups.

What are the most striking cultural differences in the cartoons? What are the cultural presuppositions behind the creation of rhetorical messages?

As a team, draft your ideas for a political cartoon that might reflect these differences. How can you show doxa? What do we learn about audiences across the globe?

IV. Report on Team Projects

Time: 19.15-19.30 / 10.15-10.30 15 minutes

Switch Marratech rooms back to CCR Lounge (

Pick 1 person from each side to present your product; everyone can comment in chat

Learn effective communication (writing, speaking, visual presentation, collaboration)

V. After the Video Conference

Time: Due before Wednesday!

Activity: Write a 50-100 word reflection as a comment on the Uppsala-Stanford blog post

What did you learn about rhetoric across cultures?

What was most memorable?

What new insights do you have?

What ideas do you wish you could continue to discuss?

What improvements to the video conference process can you suggest for next time?