This resolution should be used for authorization to enter into a contract with architect or consultant (e.g. engineer, attorney etc.) who is preparing drawings, documents or plans for a project.

  • A resolution is necessary whenever the anticipated cost of the architect/consultant will exceed $20,000 or 10% of the parish’s taxable income. (The same is applies for schools whether parochial or co-owned.)
  • To alleviate delays, please submit a draft of the resolution by email or fax two weeks before neededto the vicar general.
  • Once the vicar general approves the draft, he will direct that the resolution be signed by the pastor and trustees.
  • After the resolution is signed at the local level, it is to be forwarded to the vicar general who reviewed it who will prepare it for the Bishop’s signature and his own. It will then be returned to the pastor or principal.

Note that co-owned or separately incorporated schools, i.e. not parochial, may have a different corporate structure. Please call the vicar general for guidance if you are not sure about the corporate structure.


Excerpt of the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of insert legal name of Church corporation as appears on the corporate charterChurch, of insert name of Louisiana parishParish, held atname of City or town,Louisiana, on the ______day of ______, 20__(year).

A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the insert legal title of Church corporation was held at insert name of city or town, in civil Parish, Louisiana, at _____(o’clock) a.m./p.m., on the ______day of ______, 20__. Present were: the Reverend insert name of pastor or administrator, Secretary-Treasurer,insert name of trustee, Trustee and insert name of the other trustee, Trustee. Absent were: The Most Reverend J. Douglas Deshotel, Bishop of Lafayette and President and the Very Reverend Monsignor W. Curtis Mallet, Vicar General and Vice-President. A quorum was present.

The following resolutions were introduced, duly seconded and adopted:

WHEREAS … (in narrative form )

If the project is for a school that is not incorporated separately but is owned by a church parish, then include as the first item: ______School is owned by ______Church. (then proceed below)

1.A brief description of the construction, demolition or repair/renovation project (e.g. The Corporation wishes to renovate its administrative offices.)

2.Aclear description of the manner in which the project will serve the needs of the parish or be advantageous to the parish as discussed by the local parish council and finance council(e.g. The growth of Saint X Parish requires more office space to serve the needs of the people of the parish.) (Copies of minutes of pastoral council and finance council meetings are not attached to the resolution but should be referenced in the resolution and should already have been provided in the letter to the Bishop requesting permission mission to hire a consultant, e.g. Whereas the pastoral council met on January 1, 2013 and were in agreement that plans should be developed to expand the current office space. The finance council met on January 2, 2013 and recommended that there are sufficient savings to undertake the project.)

3.The Corporation desires to enter into a contract with name of consultant/architect(e.g. XYZ Architectural Group)for $______amount of contract or range (e.g. anticipated cost of his/her professional services is $20,000 to $50,000) to describe the work covered by the contract (e.g. design and develop renderings and drawings for renovated office space.)

4. A plan outlining the manner in which the project will be paid, including the amount and source of funding (i.e. capital campaign funds), or if a loan is required the amount to be borrowed and how the debt amortized (e.g. the Parish has $100,000 in CDLP savings). Note that a separate resolution is required for authority to borrow.

BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of legal name of corporation, that the Reverend name of pastor or administrator,Secretary-Treasurer, be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into contract withname of consultant/architect or contractorin the amount of contract amount or range to describe the project. (This paragraph should be repeated if the parish/school will be hiring another architect or consultant, e.g. an engineer.)

The said contract (or contracts) to be for such considerations, amounts, terms, and conditions as the Reverend name of pastor or administrator,Secretary-Treasurer, in his sole discretion deems most advantageous to the corporation and within the scope of his authority.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board of said Corporation that the Reverend name of pastor or administrator,Secretary-Treasurer, (if the school principal will be signing the contract ______, Principal, of ______School)be and he/she is hereby authorized to appear before a Notary Public and to sign instruments for and on behalf of the Corporation to do any and all things necessary for the purpose of carrying out this resolution.

There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned.



+Most Reverend J. Douglas DeshotelPastor’s name typed

President/BishopSecretary-Treasurer /Pastor


Very Rev. Msgr. W. Curtis MalletTrustee’s name typed



Trustee’s name typed

Church Seal