Day of Confessions
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
First Sunday of Lent
The season of Lent is a time to set aside our old ways, to be renewed, and to be reconciled with our merciful and loving God. An important part of this Lenten call to personal holiness is the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In an effort to highlight this important part of our Lenten journey, on Wednesday, March 21st every priest in every parish across our diocese will be available to hear confessions throughout the day. Please consult the Parish Bulletin for more information on this Day of Confessions event in our parish.
Second Sunday of Lent
Pope Francis said: “Do not be afraid to ask God’s forgiveness! He never tires of forgiving us, like a father who loves us.” This year, once again, we will provide the opportunity for all Catholics to ask for God’s forgiveness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. On Wednesday, March 21st, every priest in every parish across our diocese will be available to hear confessions throughout the day. Please consult the Parish Bulletin for more information on this Day of Confessions event in our parish.
Third Sunday of Lent
On Wednesday, March 21st, every priest in every parish across our diocese will be available to hear confessions throughout the day. Please consult the Parish Bulletin for more information on this Day of Confessions event in our parish. Preparing for, and then making our confession, helps each of us to be renewed in heart and spirit, and to be reconciled with our God.
Fourth Sunday of Lent
On Wednesday, March 21st, every priest in every parish across our diocese will be available to hear confessions throughout the day. This unique annual event ensure that Catholics throughout the Diocese of London will have the opportunity to share in God’s healing and forgiveness. Information about the Day of Confessions is to be found in our bulletin. Once again we will have Day of Confessions brochures on hand to help everyone who would like a little “refresher.” Please join us, if you can, on March 21st or at any of our regular confession times.