(Explanations or instructions appear in small italic letters such as these.)

Graduation Date:

B.A. Spring 2016(Just an estimate.)

Proposed B.A. in Interdisciplinary StudiesNapua Linzi
2500 Olina Street
Wailuku, HI 96793
Tel # 856-7297 (C)
555-6622 (W)
UH ID# 4502-3333

Title: Human Relations in Organizations(Standard UHM major emphasis for Maui only)

During the last five years, I have worked as an office manager for a local business. My job requires me to hire and supervise temporary staff while at the same time deal with outside clients on a regular basis. I have come to realize that good leadership skills as well as clearly defined job expectations are indispensable for maximum productivity. I want to create a broad program that will help me understand the dynamics of an effective work environment from an interdisciplinary perspective.

For this purpose, I wish to study how organizations work in terms of human relations, communication, organizational conflicts,and leadership. I shall enhance this knowledgewith good writing skills and basic training in mediationin order to learn how to interact effectively. For a broader perspective, I must acquire not only an appreciation of the historical role of the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific, including theireconomic and political functions in the region, but also an understanding of current trends in economic change such as globalizationand of human interactions with the natural environment. In addition, I intend to examine recent social changes, for organizations must become increasingly sensitive to the redefinition of gender roles and multicultural environments, as illustrated by the multiethnic Hawaiian Islands. A key issue remains how culture, social realities, thought, and emotions relate to each other, for which an exposure to abnormal psychology will be beneficial.

After graduation, I plan to work for a larger organization that would allow me to make use of the skills and knowledge that I acquire through my interdisciplinary program of study.


(Underline those courses yet to be taken beginning with the next semester.)

Major Equivalent

AMST 418Hawai‘i’s Multiculturalism3

ANTH 424Culture, Identity, and Emotion3

ENG 306Argumentative Writing3

ES 320Hawai‘i & the Pacific3

GEOG 426Environment, Resources, & Society 3

PACE 447 Mediation Skills: U.H. Basic3

PSY 371 Abnormal Psychology3

SOC 313Survey of Sociology of Work3

SOC 316Survey of Social Change3

SOC 362Sociology of Gender3

SOC 413 Analysis in Economy and Society3

SOC 419Analysis in Formal Organizations3


In signing this agreement, I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to check with Interdisciplinary Studies about meeting the requirements for graduation. This includes the Preliminary Advising and Graduation Check. I also acknowledge that there is no double-dipping in double majors, minors, or certificates.

Napua Linzi Date

Kimberley K. Newhouse, Faculty Advisor, Outreach College Date

Emanuel Drechsel or Jaishree Odin, Interdisciplinary StudiesDate